- [S59] Unknown author, 1881 England Census, Record Type: microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S91] Unknown author, 1901 UK Census, Record Type: microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S94] Quinte Funeral Centres, online www.quintefunderalcentres.com. Hereinafter cited as Quinte Funerals.
- [S95] Trent University Archvies, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Trent Archives.
- [S99] Sue Allan, Living In Hope (n.p.: domtom publishing ltd, 2011). Hereinafter cited as Living In Hope.
- [S104] World Connect: Post-em, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as World Connect: Post-em.
- [S106] Unknown compiler, compiler, History of Cramahe & Colborne (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as How Firm a Foundation.
- [S113] Unknown author, Crown Deed for Adolphustown Twp. (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as Adolphustown Crown Deeds.
- [S117] Unknown article title, Brighton Independent, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as Independent.
- [S122] Elizabeth Chatten & Mary Macklam, compiler, Apple Growers of Northumberland and Durham (Belleville: Epic, 2010). Hereinafter cited as Apple Growers.
- [S131] Cobourg Daily Star, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Cobourg Daily Star.
- [S133] Image: unknown subject, by unknown photographer; unknown series; unknown repository, unknown repository address. Online http://www.cobourg.library.on.ca; unknown file name.
- [S136] Family Tree on geni.com, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Tree on geni.com.
- [S139] Cobourg Star, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Cobourg Star.
- [S140] Upper Canada Gazette, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Upper Canada Gazette.
- [S141] Ontariogenealogy.com, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Ontariogenealogy.com.
- [S147] Unknown location, Landmarks of Toronto; unknown film, unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Landmarks of Toronto.
- [S148] Unknown article title, County & Quinte Living, unknown location. Hereinafter cited as County & Quinte Living.
- [S151] Unknown author, 1901 England Census, Record Type: Online image of microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1901 England Census.
- [S157] Brendan O'Brien, Speedy Justice (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S158] Unknown compiler, compiler, Belden County Atlas (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as County Atlas.
- [S162] Archives of Canada, Archives of Canada, CD-ROM (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Archives of Canada.
- [S163] William M. Pettingill, compiler, Pettingill and Relatives (n.p.: Self's Publishing). Hereinafter cited as Pettingill and Relatives.
- [S164] Unknown compiler, compiler, The Town of York 1793-1815 (n.p.: n.pub., 1962). Hereinafter cited as Edith Firth.
- [S168] Peter J. McConnell, Over My Shoulder (Brighton: Conolly Publishing Ltd., 1998). Hereinafter cited as Over My Shoulder.
- [S169] Edgar W. Pickford, compiler, Masonic Lodge 29 History (Brighton: Ensign Press, 1922). Hereinafter cited as Pickford History.
- [S170] Unknown author, 1871 England Census, Record Type: microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1871 England Census.
- [S171] Unknown author, 1881 England Census, Record Type: microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S175] Unknown author, 1911 England Census, Record Type: Online image of microfilm (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1911 England Census.
- [S176] Your Life Moments web site, online www.yourlifemoments.ca. Hereinafter cited as YourLifeMoments.
- [S178] Unknown compiler, compiler, Hamilton Twp Census Assessment (n.p.: http://www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm). Hereinafter cited as HamiltonTwp.
- [S180] Edwin C. Guillet, Early Life in Upper Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1933). Hereinafter cited as Early Life in Upper Canada.
- [S181] UEL Directory, online http://www.uelac.org/Loyalist-Info/loyalist_list.php. Hereinafter cited as UEL Directory.
- [S183] Unknown author, Pictorial Brighton 1859-1984 (n.p.: Brighton Municipality, 1984). Hereinafter cited as Pictorial Brighton.
- [S184] Basil McMaster, compiler, The History of Hops and Barley Boom 1860-1890 (Brighton: Self's Printing, August 2001). Hereinafter cited as Hops and Barley Boom.
- [S186] Unknown author, 1861 England Census (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1861 England Census.
- [S191] Unknown author, 1841 Scotland Census (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1841 Scotland Census.
- [S192] Unknown author, 1851 Scotland Census (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1851 Scotland Census.
- [S193] Unknown author, 1861 Scotland Census (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as 1861 Scotland Census.
- [S195] Randy Saylor, Pioneers of the Bay of Quinte (n.p.: Freepages on Rootsweb, Apr 2014, updated 2019). Hereinafter cited as Pioneers of the Bay of Quinte.
- [S201] Unknown compiler, Joshua Webster Marriage Register., CD-ROM (n.p.: Seventh Town Historical Society), Marriages 1836-1874. Hereinafter cited as Webster Register.
- [S206] Ralph Bangay, compiler, Bangay Home Collection (Brighton, Ontario: Brighton Digital Archives). Hereinafter cited as Bangay Home.
- [S224] Unknown compiler, compiler, Haldimand Settlers 1797 (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Haldimand Settlers 1797.
- [S225] Drouin Collection, Quebec, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as Drouin Collection, Quebec.
- [S228] Unknown compiler, compiler, Obits in Newspapers.com (n.p.: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Newspapers.com.
- [S232] Ralph Bangay, compiler, Ralph and Eugenia Bangay Collection (Brighton, Ontario: Brighton Digital Archives). Hereinafter cited as Bangay Collection.
- [S234] Unknown author, Northumberland Militia Muster Rolls and Pay Lists (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date). Hereinafter cited as Muster Rolls.
- [S241] Library and Archives Canada, online unknown url. Hereinafter cited as LAC.
- [S243] Robert Malcomson, Lords of the Lake (Toronto: Robin Bass Studio Inc., 1998). Hereinafter cited as Lords of the Lake.
- [S244] Lieut. James Richardson, compiler, Incidents in the Early History of the Settlements in the Vicinity of Lake Ontario (Ontario: The Women’s Canadian Historical Society, c 1875). Hereinafter cited as James Richardson Indidents.