Audrey Jackson

F, #16869, b. 1773
  • Birth*: 1773; Per IGI Record. per Pioneer Life, pg. 454. (IGI Record shows born Hallowell but that is unlikely - before U.E.L.'s.
  • Marriage*: before 1794; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Principal=Harry Leet

Family: Harry Leet b. c 1769

Johannah Leet

F, #16870, b. circa 1795
  • Birth*: circa 1795; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Mary Leet

F, #16871, b. circa 1801
  • Birth*: circa 1801; Upper Canada1


  1. [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.

Parnell "Parney" Leat1

F, #16872, b. 1804, d. 1855

  • Birth*: 1804; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1804 per Memorial. Date 1802 & location Connecticut per 1851 Census. IGI Record2
  • Marriage*: after 1824; Ontario; Principal=Jonathan Campbell Miller
  • Death*: 1855; Ontario; Per Burial.
  • Burial*: 1855; Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: See Exhibit: Jonathan Miller; 1800 - 1886; Parnell Leat,; His Wife; 1804 1855 (Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Aug 11, 2002)
  • Married Name: after 1824; Miller
  • Census*: 1851; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 49 at 1851 Census: see Jonathan Miller2

Family: Jonathan Campbell Miller b. 23 Feb 1800, d. 30 Oct 1886


  1. Surname spelling Leat per Burial. Parnell per Burial.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Fannie Leet

F, #16874, b. circa 1803
  • Birth*: circa 1803; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Abigail Leet

F, #16875, b. circa 1805
  • Birth*: circa 1805; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Henry Leet

M, #16876, b. circa 1809
  • Birth*: circa 1809; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Solomon Leet

M, #16877, b. circa 1811
  • Birth*: circa 1811; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Jacob S. Jackson

M, #16878, b. circa 1747
  • Birth*: circa 1747; New York, U.S.A.; "of Oyster Bay, New York" IGI REcord.
  • Marriage*: before 1770; Principal=Mariam Searing

Family: Mariam Searing b. c 1751

Mariam Searing

F, #16879, b. circa 1751
  • Birth*: circa 1751; U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: before 1770; Principal=Jacob S. Jackson

Family: Jacob S. Jackson b. c 1747

Rowland Jackson

M, #16880, b. 1784, d. 18 June 1869

  • Birth*: 1784; U.S.A.; Date per Burial. Date 1786 & Location per 1861 Census. IGI Record.
  • Marriage*: before 1802; Principal=Polly ?
  • Marriage*: after 1805; Principal=Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Ferguson
  • Death*: 18 June 1869; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date per Burial. IGI Record.
  • Burial*: 20 June 1869; Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: See Exhibit: Rowland Jackson; Died June 18 1869; Aged 85 Years; Also His Wife; Mary Ferguson; Died Nov 1 1867; Aged 77 Years (Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Aug 11, 2002)
  • Residence*: April 1861; NBR 18, South Marysburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Residence per 1861 Census: NBR, Lot 18, South Marysburgh Twp., 210 acres (NBR means North Black River, referring to the concession on the north side of the Black River)
  • Census*: April 1861; South Marysburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 75 at 1861 Census: Jackson, Rowland, 75, b. US, Univ., farmer, married; Mary, 70, b. US, Univ., married; Jacob, 43, b. UC, single; Lucy, 35, b. UC, single; Robert, 33, single; Mary, 31, single; Jane, 28, single; G. S.?, 7? (Location: NBR 18 - 210 acres)1

Family 1: Polly ? b. c 1784

  • Marriage*: before 1802; Principal=Polly ?

Family 2: Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Ferguson b. 1791, d. 1 Nov 1867


  1. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 75.

Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Ferguson1

F, #16881, b. 1791, d. 1 November 1867

  • Birth*: 1791; U.S.A.; Date per Burial. Date 1791 & location per 1861 Census. IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1805; Principal=Rowland Jackson
  • Death*: 1 November 1867; Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Per Burial.
  • Burial*: 3 November 1867; Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: See Exhibit: Rowland Jackson; Died June 18 1869; Aged 85 Years; Also His Wife; Mary Ferguson; Died Nov 1 1867; Aged 77 Years (Cherry Valley Cemetery, Cherry Valley, Aug 11, 2002)
  • Census*: April 1861; South Marysburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 70 at 1861 Census: see Rowland Jackson2

Family: Rowland Jackson b. 1784, d. 18 Jun 1869


  1. Memorial of son Henry shows Polly as mother?? Elizabeth per Death Reg'n. of daughter Irene (Jackson) Austin.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 70.

Abigail Jackson

F, #16882, b. 1776
  • Birth*: 1776; IGI Record

James Jackson

M, #16883, b. 1778
  • Birth*: 1778; New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record

Johannah Jackson

F, #16884, b. 1781
  • Birth*: 1781; New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record

Willet Jackson

M, #16885, b. 1790
  • Birth*: 1790; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1810; Principal=Betsey Cole

Family: Betsey Cole b. c 1790

Mary Jackson

F, #16886, b. 1795
  • Birth*: 1795; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Betsey Cole

F, #16887, b. circa 1790
  • Birth*: circa 1790; IGI Record.
  • Marriage*: after 1810; Principal=Willet Jackson

Family: Willet Jackson b. 1790

Rebecca Jackson

F, #16888, b. 1793
  • Birth*: 1793; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1810; Principal=Aaron Cunningham
  • Marriage*: circa 1820; per IGI Record.; Principal=Bela Johnson1
  • Married Name: circa 1820; Johnson1

Family 1: Aaron Cunningham b. c 1793

Family 2: Bela Johnson b. c 1789


  1. [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.

Aaron Cunningham

M, #16889, b. circa 1793
  • Birth*: circa 1793; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1810; Principal=Rebecca Jackson

Family: Rebecca Jackson b. 1793