Elizabeth Owen1
F, #14376, b. before 1825
- Birth*: before 1825; Scotland; Per daughter Jane's death reg'n.
- Marriage*: before 1845; Scotland; Principal=John Firth
- Married Name: before 1845; Firth
Family: John Firth b. b 1825
- Jane Firth+ b. 31 May 1846, d. 2 Jun 1915
- Surname per daughter Jane's death reg'n.
Frances Sarel "Fanny" Flaws1
F, #14377, b. 10 August 1822, d. 11 January 1877
- Birth*: 10 August 1822; Ronsay, Orkney, Scotland; Location & date per Death Reg'n. Per 1861 Census.
- Marriage*: 15 July 1846; Eday and Pharay, Orkney, Scotland; Per IGI Record.; Principal=Thomas Fotheringham
- Death*: 11 January 1877; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: Fanny F. S. Fotheringham; Died: Jan 11, 1877; Age 54 yrs 5 mo 1 dy; Born: Ronsay, Orkney, Scotland; Status: married; Cause: paralysis, 7 weeks; Inf.: Thomas Fotheringham, Norwood; Reg'd.: May 12 1877; Reg'r.: Robert Roddy2
- Name Variation: 15 July 1846; Fotheringham
- Census*: April 1861; Blanshard Twp., Perth Co., Ontario; Age 40 at 1861 Census: see Thomas Fotheringham3
- Census: April 1871; St. John's Ward, Toronto, Ontario; Age 48 at 1871 Census: see Thomas Fotheringham4
Family: Thomas Fotheringham b. 17 Jun 1818, d. 31 Jan 1880
- Rev. Thomas Francis Fotheringham+ b. 6 Apr 1847, d. 13 May 1927
- Per Whitton File, March 5, 2002. Sarel per "A portion of the Fotheringham Tree; September 1934" in possession of Tom Parkinson. Surname per IGI Record. Names per Death Reg'n. Middle name per marriage reg'n. of son Thomas Fraser Fotheringham. Tom Parkinson said Francis.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, 018143 - 1877.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 40.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 48.
Hugh Nixon
M, #14378, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840; Scotland; Per 1891 Census for his daughter, Mary Ann (Nixon) Fotheringham
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=Catherine ?
Family: Catherine ? b. b 1840
- Jane A. Nixon b. 1861, d. 1940
- Mary Ann Nixon+ b. 20 Aug 1862, d. 1935
Catherine ?
F, #14379, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=Hugh Nixon
- Married Name: before 1860; Nixon
Family: Hugh Nixon b. b 1840
- Jane A. Nixon b. 1861, d. 1940
- Mary Ann Nixon+ b. 20 Aug 1862, d. 1935
Alexander Monteith
M, #14380, b. 1826
- Birth*: 1826; Scotland; Per 1891 Cecnsus.
- Marriage*: before 1864; Ontario; Principal=Elizabeth McMordie
- Census: April 1871; Hullett Twp., Huron North Co., Ontario; Age 46 at 1871 Census: Monteith, Alexander, 46, b. Scot., Pres., Scot., Sawyer, married; Elizabeth, 35, b.Irel., Pres., Irish, married; Anna, 7, b. Ont., Pres., Scot.; Alexander, 5; Henry Campbell, 3; Elizabeth, 1; Sarah, 6 months - Oct. (Conc 13, Lot 39, owner, 25 acres)1
- Residence: April 1871; Conc 13 Lot 39, Hullett Twp., Huron North Co., Ontario; Residence per 1871 Census: Conc 13, Lot 39, owner, 25 acres
- Residence*: 1879; Conc 1-BRS Lot 19, Tuckersmith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; County Atlas: Name: A. Monteith; Post Office: Kippen; Township: Tuckersmith; Date: 1879; Conc & Lot: 1-BRS, 19; Size: 100 acres
Note: Tuckersmith is a triangular-shaped township, Monteith's were on the base of the triangle - west side - which is called Conc 1-BRS, at lot 19. William Fotheringham came to Tuckersmith in the 1880's and lived toward the north side of the township, in the middle, Conc 4, Lot 27, 150 acres. - Census: April 1881; Tuckersmith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1881 Census: Monteith, Alexander, 56, b. Scot., C. Pres., Scot., farmer, married; Elizabeth, 46, b. Irel., C Pres., Irish, married; Anny, 16, b. Ont.; Alexander, 15; Henry, 13; Elizabeth, 11; Sarah, 10; Mary, 72
- Census*: April 1891; Tuckermsith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Age 65 at 1891 Census: Monteith, Alexander, 65, b. Scot., parents b. Scot., Pres., farmer, married; Elizabeth, 57, b. Irel., parents b. Irel., Pres., married; Ann, 26, b. Ont., parents b. Scot. & Irel., single; Alexander, 24, b. Ont., parents b. Scot. & Irel., single; Elizabeth, 21; Sarah, 20; Mary, 173
Family: Elizabeth McMordie b. 1834
- Marriage*: before 1864; Ontario; Principal=Elizabeth McMordie
- Ann Monteith b. 1865, d. 1951
- Alexander Monteith b. 1867, d. 1940
- Henry Campbell Monteith b. 1868
- Elizabeth Monteith b. 1870
- Sarah Monteith b. 1871
- Mary Monteith b. 1874, d. 1958
Elizabeth McMordie
F, #14381, b. 1834
- Birth*: 1834; Ireland; Per 1891 Census.
- Marriage*: before 1864; Ontario; Principal=Alexander Monteith
- Married Name: before 1864; Monteith
- Census: April 1871; Hullett Twp., Huron North Co., Ontario; Age 35 at 1871 Census: see Alexander Monteith1
- Census: April 1881; Tuckermsmith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Age 46 at 1881 Census: see Alexander Monteith2
- Census*: April 1891; Tuckersmith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1891 Census: see Alexander Monteith3
Family: Alexander Monteith b. 1826
- Ann Monteith b. 1865, d. 1951
- Alexander Monteith b. 1867, d. 1940
- Henry Campbell Monteith b. 1868
- Elizabeth Monteith b. 1870
- Sarah Monteith b. 1871
- Mary Monteith b. 1874, d. 1958
Sarah Ann Cameron
F, #14382, b. 1876, d. 1941

- Father*: John Cameron b. b 1855
- Mother*: Nancy Walker b. b 1855
- Birth*: 1876; West Williams Twp., Parkhill, Middlesex Co., Ontario; Date per Burial. Per marriage reg'n.
- Marriage*: 27 April 1904; Aldorough Twp., Kintyre, Essex Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: John Fotheringham; Age: 41; Res. & Born: Blanshard; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Thomas Fotheringham & Cartherine Buchan; Bride: Sarah Ann Cameron; Age: 27; Res. & Born: Parkhill; Status: spinster; Parents: John Cameron & Nancy Walker; Witnesses: J?? Cameron & Lexic O. Walker, Kintyre; Date: Apr 27 1904; Place: Kintyre, Adlorough Twp., Essex Co.;; Principal=John Fotheringham1
- Death*: 1941; Ontario; Per Burial.
- Burial*: 1941; Kirkton Union Cemetery, Usborne Twp., Kirkton, Huron Co., Ontario; Memorial: See Exhibit: Fotheringham; John Fotheringham; 1856 - 1928; His Beloved Wife; Sarah A. Cameron; 1876 - 1941 (Kirkton Union Cemetery, Kirkton, Aug 4, 2002)
Cemetery Transcription: John Fotheringham; 1856-1928; His Wife; Sarah A. Cameron; 1876-1941 (Row 17, Plot 2, Kirkton Cemetery, Usborne Twp., Huron Co., seen at Ontario Archives, Feb 23, 2002)
- Residence*: 27 April 1904; West Williams Twp., Parkhill, Middlesex Co., Ontario; Residence per marriage to John Fotheringham
- Married Name: 27 April 1904; Fotheringham1
Family: John Fotheringham b. 7 May 1856, d. 15 Aug 1928
- John "Cameron" Fotheringham+ b. 1905, d. 1978
- Bruce Fotheringham b. a 1906
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 005989 - 1904.
Hugh McKay
M, #14383, b. 1820, d. 1896
- Birth*: 1820; Scotland; Location per County Atlas. Per Burial.
- Marriage*: before 1854; Ontario; Principal=Flora Anne Campbell
- Death*: 1896; Per Burial
- Burial*: 1896; Bairds Cemetery, Stanley Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Cemetery Transcription: Hugh McKay; 1820-1896; His Wife; Flora Ann Campbell; 1833-1900; Margaret McKay; 1867-1958 (Plot 24E, Bairds Cemetery, Conc 4, Lot 21, Stanley Twp., Huron Co., seen at Ontario Archives, Feb 23, 2002)
- Immigration*: 1848; Ontario; Per County Atlas.
- Residence*: April 1871; Conc 4 Lot 24, Tuckersmith Twp., Huron South Co., Ontario; Residence per 1871 Census: Conc 4, Lot 24, 100 acres
- Census*: April 1871; Tuckersmith Twp., Huron South Co., Ontario; Age 53 at 1871 Census: McKay, Hugh, 53, b. Scot., C. Pres., Scot., farmer, married; Flora Ann, 37, b. at sea, C. Pres., Scot., married; Jessie, 16, b. Ont.; Annie, 15; Johannah, 13; Robert, 11; Malcolm, 9; James, 7; Christina, 5; Margaret, 3; William, 1 (Conc 4, Lot 24, 100 acres)1
- Residence: 1879; Conc 4 Lot 24, Tuckersmith Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; County Atlas: Patron Directory: Name: Mckay, Hugh; Location: Conc 4, Lot 24; Post Office: Egmondville; Occ.: farmer; Origin: Scotland; Immigration: 1848 (from Huron County Atlas, Ontario Archives, March 9, 2002)
Family: Flora Anne Campbell b. 1834, d. 1900
- Marriage*: before 1854; Ontario; Principal=Flora Anne Campbell
- Jessie McKay b. 1855
- Annie McKay b. 1856
- Johannah McKay b. 1858
- Robert McKay b. 1860
- Malcolm McKay b. 1861, d. 1951
- James McKay b. 1864
- Christina McKay b. 1866
- Margaret McKay b. 1867, d. 1958
- William McKay b. 1870
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 53.
Flora Anne Campbell
F, #14384, b. 1834, d. 1900
- Birth*: 1834; At Sea; Per 1871 Census.
- Marriage*: before 1854; Ontario; Principal=Hugh McKay
- Death*: 1900; Per Burial.
- Burial*: 1900; Bairds Cemetery, Stanley Twp., Huron Co., Ontario; Cemetery Transcription: Hugh McKay; 1820-1896; His Wife; Flora Ann Campbell; 1833-1900; Margaret McKay; 1867-1958 (Plot 24E, Bairds Cemetery, Conc 4, Lot 21, Stanley Twp., Huron Co., seen at Ontario Archives, Feb 23, 2002)
- Married Name: after 1840; McKay
- Census*: April 1871; Tuckersmith Twp., Huron South Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1871 Census: see Hugh McKay1
Family: Hugh McKay b. 1820, d. 1896
- Jessie McKay b. 1855
- Annie McKay b. 1856
- Johannah McKay b. 1858
- Robert McKay b. 1860
- Malcolm McKay b. 1861, d. 1951
- James McKay b. 1864
- Christina McKay b. 1866
- Margaret McKay b. 1867, d. 1958
- William McKay b. 1870
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 37.
John Doherty
M, #14385, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=Jane ?
Family: Jane ? b. b 1840
- John Doherty+ b. 1862
Jane ?
F, #14386, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=John Doherty
- Married Name: before 1860; Doherty
Family: John Doherty b. b 1840
- John Doherty+ b. 1862
George Hutchison
M, #14387, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=Maggie Black
Family: Maggie Black b. b 1840
- George B. Hutchison b. 1862
Maggie Black
F, #14388, b. before 1840
- Birth*: before 1840
- Marriage*: before 1860; Principal=George Hutchison
- Married Name: before 1860; Hutchison
Family: George Hutchison b. b 1840
- George B. Hutchison b. 1862
Annie Raitt Cruikshank1
F, #14389, b. 1847, d. 28 July 1882
- Father*: David Cruikshank b. b 1825
- Mother*: Mary ? b. b 1825
- Birth*: 1847; Arbeatha, Scotland; Location per Cemetery Record and Marriage Reg'n: Cemetery Record says Scotland and Marriage Reg'n. says Abreatha. Per marriage reg.
- Marriage*: 9 September 1875; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Thomas Fraser Fotheringham; Age: 28; Res.: Norwood; Born: Hamilton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Minister of the Gospel; Parents: Thomas & Fanny Serle? Fotheringham; Bride: Annie Raitt Cruikshank; Age: 28; Res.: Toronto; Born: Arbreatha; Status: spinster; Parents: David & Mary Cruikshank; Witnesses: Goodwin Gibson, Cobourg & Hillman Cruikshank, Toronto; Date: Sept 9, 1875; Place: Toronto; Rel.: Pres.; Performed by: John M. King (Bride's born location may be Arbreatha Park, Nepean Twp., Carleton Co. - near Ottawa); Principal=Rev. Thomas Francis Fotheringham2
- Death*: 28 July 1882; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: Annie Raitt Fotheringham; Died: July 28, 1882; Age 35 yr; Status: wife; Born: Arbroath, Scotland; Inf.: Dr. William Oldright, Toronto; Reg'd.: Aug 1 1882; Rel.: Pres.; Reg'r.: Robert Roddy3
- Burial*: 31 July 1882; Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Ontario; Cemetery Record: Name: Annie R.(L?) Fotheringham; Age: 35; Born: Scotland; Died: Toronto, July 29, 1882; Int.: July 31, 1882; Cause: consumption; Location: Plot M, Sect. 6, Lot 7; Prop.: J, T. Fotheringham; Dr. Oldwright (Mount Pleasant Group Head Office, Toronto, database record, jacket 4, #1288, Feb 28, 2002)
- Residence*: 9 September 1875; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Residence per marriage reg'n.
- Married Name: 9 September 1875; Fotheringham2
Family: Rev. Thomas Francis Fotheringham b. 6 Apr 1847, d. 13 May 1927
David Cruikshank
M, #14390, b. before 1825
- Birth*: before 1825
- Marriage*: before 1845; Principal=Mary ?
Family: Mary ? b. b 1825
- Annie Raitt Cruikshank b. 1847, d. 28 Jul 1882
Mary ?
F, #14391, b. before 1825
- Birth*: before 1825
- Marriage*: before 1845; Principal=David Cruikshank
- Married Name: before 1845; Cruikshank
Family: David Cruikshank b. b 1825
- Annie Raitt Cruikshank b. 1847, d. 28 Jul 1882
George "Norman" Terry
M, #14392, b. 24 June 1914, d. 28 February 1995
- Father*: George Wesley Terry b. 19 Jun 1880, d. 30 Jul 1960
- Mother*: Mary Ellen Terry b. c 1880, d. 27 Jun 1914
- Birth*: 24 June 1914; Ontario; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
- Marriage*: before 1935; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002; Principal=Eileen Mildred Attersley
- Death*: 28 February 1995; Oshawa General Hospital, Oshawa, Ontario; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
Family: Eileen Mildred Attersley b. 31 Jul 1913, d. 6 Apr 1996
- Patricia "Gail" Terry b. 19 Jan 1940, d. 27 Sep 1998
Eileen Mildred Attersley
F, #14393, b. 31 July 1913, d. 6 April 1996
- Birth*: 31 July 1913; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
- Marriage*: before 1935; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002; Principal=George "Norman" Terry
- Death*: 6 April 1996; Ontario; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
- Married Name: before 1935; Terry
Family: George "Norman" Terry b. 24 Jun 1914, d. 28 Feb 1995
- Patricia "Gail" Terry b. 19 Jan 1940, d. 27 Sep 1998
Patricia "Gail" Terry
F, #14396, b. 19 January 1940, d. 27 September 1998
- Father*: George "Norman" Terry b. 24 Jun 1914, d. 28 Feb 1995
- Mother*: Eileen Mildred Attersley b. 31 Jul 1913, d. 6 Apr 1996
- Birth*: 19 January 1940; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
- Death*: 27 September 1998; Marmora, Ontario; Per Linda Smith's email, Feb 8, 2002
James Lane
M, #14400, b. before 1818
- Birth*: before 1818
- Marriage*: before 1838; Principal=Susana Leicester
Family: Susana Leicester b. b 1820
- Susan Maria Lane+ b. 1840, d. 22 Jan 1914