Jennie Paisley1
F, #115093, b. 11 March 1869
- Father*: John Paisley2 b. c 1840
- Mother*: Ann McGrath2 b. c 1840
- Birth*: 11 March 1869; Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1866 & location Colborne per marriage reg'n. - George Frederick Corby. Date Mar 11 1869 & location Colborne per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.1,2
- Marriage*: 21 December 1887; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008693: Groom: George Frederick Corby; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Railway Switchman; Parents: Thomas R. Corby & Agnes Slater; Bride: Jennie Paisley; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Born: Colborne; Status: spinster; Parents: John Paisley & Ann McGrath; Wit.: Herbert Stoneburgh & Agnes Corby, Brighton; Date: Dec 21 1887; Place: Brighton; Rel.: Episc.; Performed by: John J. Leach; Reg'r.: M.K. Lockwood, Brighton Village (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008693-1887, Date Dec 21 1887 & location Northumberland Co. per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=George Frederick Corby1,3
- Residence*: 21 December 1887; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton per marriage reg'n. - George Frederick Corby.2
- Married Name: 21 December 1887; Corby1
Family: George Frederick Corby b. 29 Jun 1867, d. 20 Oct 1928
Agnes Mary Corby1,2,3,4
F, #115094, b. 1870, d. 9 April 1893
- Father*: Thomas Richard Corby2 b. 29 Sep 1841, d. 12 Apr 1917
- Mother*: Agnes Sarah Slicer2 b. 1841, d. 30 Sep 1889
- Birth*: 1870; Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date 1870 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1870 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1870 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1870 & location Belleville per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,5,3,4
- Death*: 9 April 1893; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1871 Census: see Thomas Richard Corby3
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 11 at 1881 Census: see Thomas R. Corby5
- Residence*: 21 December 1887; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "Witness at marriage of George Frederick Corby & Jennie Paisley.6
- Census: 16 April 1891; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 21 at 1891 Census: see Thomas Richard Corby4
- Agnes M. Corby per 1891 Census. Mary A. Corby per 1871 Census.
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Harriet Corby1,2,3,4,5
F, #115095, b. 4 September 1871
- Father*: Thomas Richard Corby2 b. 29 Sep 1841, d. 12 Apr 1917
- Mother*: Agnes Sarah Slicer2 b. 1841, d. 30 Sep 1889
- Birth*: 4 September 1871; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n.#024667: Name: Harriet Corby; Date: Sep 4 1871; Parents: Thomas Richard Corby & Agnes Sarah Slicer; Inf.: Thomas Richard Corby, father, marble cutter; Reg'd.: Oct 7 1871; Phys.: none; Reg'r.: M.K. Lockwood, Brighton Village (Ontario Birth Registration, #024667-1871,
Date 1872 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date Sep 4 1871 & location Brighton per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,4,6
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1881 Census: see Thomas R. Cobry4
- Census: 16 April 1891; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1891 Census: see Thomas R. Corby5
- Harriet Corby per Birth Reg'n. Harriet Corby per 1881 & 1891 Census.
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #024667-1871.
Alfred Charles Corby1,2,3,4
M, #115096, b. 12 July 1874, d. 1965

- Father*: Thomas Richard Corby2 b. 29 Sep 1841, d. 12 Apr 1917
- Mother*: Agnes Sarah Slicer2 b. 1841, d. 30 Sep 1889
- Birth*: 12 July 1874; Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date 1874 per Memorial. Date Jul 12 1877 per CemSearch. Date 1875 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1874 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1874 & location Belleville per marriage reg'n. - Sadie Celeste Russell. Date 1874 per marriage reg'n. - Edith May Morden. Date Jul 12 1873 & location Ont. per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,3,5,4,6,7
- Marriage*: 30 January 1896; Peterborough, Peterborough Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010646: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Born: Belleville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: granite cutter; Parents: Thomas R. & Agnes Corby; Bride: Sadie Celeste Russell; Age: 21; Res.: Toront; Born: London, England; Status; spinster; Parents: Shadrack & Matilda S. Russell; Wit.: Mrs. Lillian Willis, Peterborough; Date: Jan 30 1896; Place: Peterborough; Rel.: CE; Peformed by: Rev. J.C. Davidson; Reg'd.: Oct 16 1896 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010646-1896, Date Jan 30 1896 & location Peterborough per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Sadie Celeste Russell2,8
- Marriage*: 6 March 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009489: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 37; Res.: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: marble cutter; Rel.: CE; Parents: Thomas Richard Corby & Agnes Slicer; Bride: Edith May Morden; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: ?Erastus? Morden & Marreth Kimerly; Wit.: A. E. Armstrong, Trenton & Kathleen Brown, Trenton; Date: Mar 6 1912; Place: Trenton; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong, CE, Trenton; Sworn: Trenton, Mar 6 1912; Reg'r.: Mrs. ? Blakley, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009489-1912,
per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Edith May Morden2,9 - Death*: 1965; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1965 per Memorial & CemSearch. Date 1965 per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,6,7
- Burial*: 1965; Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., Salem, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhibit) CORBY; (Masonic Symbol) Alfred C. Corby; 1874 - 1965; His Wife; Edith May Morden; 1891 - 1978; Elinor e. Morden; 1897 - 1963; Buried Westerly, R.I. (Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., image by Dan Buchanan, Jul 6 2009)
CemSearch: Name: Alfred Charles Corby; Born: Jul 12 1877; Died: 1965; ID: SALEM0566; Other names: Corby, Edith May [Morden] (1891-1978), Morden, Elinor E. (1895-1963); Cemetery: Salem Cemetery, Conc 1, Lot 21, Cramahe Twp., Village of Salem, Northumberland Co., Sec 1 Row 7 Plot 2; Note: Son of Thomas Richard Corby and Agnus Sarah Slicer. Husband of Edith May Morden. (,7
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 7 at 1881 Census: see Thomas R. Corby5
- Census: 16 April 1891; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 16 at 1891 Census: see Thomas R. Corby4
- Occupation*: September 1891; 36 Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "At the age of 17, his son, Alfred Corby, started to learn the trade and eventually succeeded his father in the business. During its long history, the business was burned out three times and at different periods was located on Main Street, near Wright's Service Station (40 Main), on Young Street near Haig's Plumbing (7 Young) near the site of Spencer's Dairy (36 Prince Edward)." from page 360 of The History of Brighton Businesses by Susan Brose, 2010.10
- Residence*: 30 January 1896; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton per marriage reg'n. - Sadie Celeste Russell.3
- Occupation: 1912; 36 Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "In 1912 Mr. A. Corby erected the building on Main Street (36 Main) now owned and occupied by the Public Library. There he carried on until 1947 when he retired. Mr. Corby recalls that he set monuments in more than 60 cemeteries, including such widely separated points as Red Deer, Sask.; Detroit, Mich.; and Kirkland Lake. There are few cemeteries between Toronto and Kingston and north to Perth in which a gravestone cannot be found bearing the Corby name plate. Mr. Corby erected the First World War Memorial which stands in the village park at Colborne, importing the statue from Italy. Before the advent of the automobile, he travelled many miles with horse and buggy, train and stage soliciting business and the monuments were transported long distances by horses and wagon to the various cemeteries where they were to be erected. Granite, marble and other materials were imported from Scotland, Vermont, Quebec and other points and were dressed, polished and the inscriptions added by hand labor in his workshop." from page 360 of The History of Brighton Businesses by Susan Brose, 2010.10
- Residence: 6 March 1912; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton per marriage reg'n. - Edith May Morden.3
- Residence: 9 November 1912; Village Lot 24, Main St. North (82), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant 4755) show that Thomas R. Corby sold "said lot - 20-foot frontage", part of Village Lot 24, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. to Alfred Corby for $1. ITS Date: Nov 9 1912. Reg'n. Date: Nov 9 1912. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 004, pg. 369 of 399, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Apr 13 2023)11
- Residence: 28 February 1927; Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West (72), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant 6208) show that Thomas W. Dale & wife & Nettie A. Dale who signs by power of atty. sold "part said lot, see as to well", Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. to Alfred C. Corby for $1,050. ITS Date: Feb 28 1927. Reg'n. Date: Mar 22 1927. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 006, Pg 235 of 282, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Feb 8 2022.)11
- Census: 16 June 1931; Prince Edward St. (Ward 2), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1931 Census: Corby, Alfred, 56, b. Ont., p.b. England & Ont., Eng., CE, monument manufacturer, married; Edith, 39, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Eng., UC, married (1931 Census: Brighton Village, Northumberland Co., dist. 133, sub-dist. 58, pg. 16, line 39 - Ward 2 - Prince Edward St. -
- Residence: 15 May 1933; Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West (72), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant Right of Way 6620) show that William W. Porte "Granted Right of Way" for "part lot, as see deed", Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. to Alfred C. Corby for $50. ITS Date: May 15 1933. Reg'n. Date: May 30 1933. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 006, Pg 236 of 282, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Feb 8 2022.)11
- Note: 1938; 36 Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; In 1938 a new post office was erected by the Dominion Government on North Main Street between Butlers Service Station and Corby's Monument Works." page 741 of The Tobey Book.13
- Residence: 8 March 1946; Village Lot 24, Main St. North (82), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Grant 7597) show that Alfred C. Corby & wife sold "said lot", part of Village Lot 24, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. to Margaret R. Lapp for $1,000. ITS Date: Mar 8 1946. Reg'n. Date: Mar 20 1946. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 004, pg. 369 of 399, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Apr 13 2023)11
- Note: 1948; 36 Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "The old Corby building is twenty feet wide and sixty feet deep with parking and room for future expansion. (41 Main Street - Corby 36 Main Street)" from page 337 of The History of Brighton Businesses by Susan Brose, 2010.10
- Note*: 1 April 1948; 36 Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "After 79 years in business Alf Corby Monument Works is to officially close April 1, 1948. With the retirement of Mr. Corby, Brighton is now without a monument works for the first time in almost eighty years. Two years ago Mr. Corby sold this property, retaining possession for that period in order in wind up his business. The publisher of the paper is the present owner of the premises, having acquired the located with the hope of building a modern newspaper plant there at some future date. (36 Main Street)" from page 333 of The History of Brighton Businesses by Susan Brose, 2010.10
- Residence: 9 June 1965; Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West (72), Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Treasurers Consent 38379) show that the Treasurer of Ontario registered a Treasurers Consent on "part lot, as in 6208", Village Lot 10, Prince Edward St. West, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. ITS Date: Jun 9 1965. Reg'n. Date: Jun 15 1965. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 006, Pg 236 of 282, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Feb 8 2022.)
Note: This would be related to the death of Alfred
Charles Corby.11
Family 1: Sadie Celeste Russell b. 1875
- Marriage*: 30 January 1896; Peterborough, Peterborough Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010646: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Born: Belleville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: granite cutter; Parents: Thomas R. & Agnes Corby; Bride: Sadie Celeste Russell; Age: 21; Res.: Toront; Born: London, England; Status; spinster; Parents: Shadrack & Matilda S. Russell; Wit.: Mrs. Lillian Willis, Peterborough; Date: Jan 30 1896; Place: Peterborough; Rel.: CE; Peformed by: Rev. J.C. Davidson; Reg'd.: Oct 16 1896 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010646-1896, Date Jan 30 1896 & location Peterborough per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Sadie Celeste Russell2,8
Family 2: Edith May Morden b. 16 Dec 1891, d. 1978
- Marriage*: 6 March 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009489: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 37; Res.: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: marble cutter; Rel.: CE; Parents: Thomas Richard Corby & Agnes Slicer; Bride: Edith May Morden; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: ?Erastus? Morden & Marreth Kimerly; Wit.: A. E. Armstrong, Trenton & Kathleen Brown, Trenton; Date: Mar 6 1912; Place: Trenton; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong, CE, Trenton; Sworn: Trenton, Mar 6 1912; Reg'r.: Mrs. ? Blakley, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009489-1912,
per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Edith May Morden2,9
- Alfred Charles Corby per marriage reg'n. - Sadie Celeste Russell. Alfred C. Corby per 1891 Census.
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #010646-1896.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #009489-1912.
- [S97] Susan Brose, Brighton Business.
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
- [S222] Unknown author, 1931 Census.
- [S54] Wilfred M. Sprung & Barbara Nyland, Tobey Book.
Edith May Morden1,2,3,4
F, #115097, b. 16 December 1891, d. 1978

- Father*: Erastus Burns Morden b. 1858, d. 1934
- Mother*: Marietta Kimmerly b. 1864, d. 1947
- Birth*: 16 December 1891; Tyendinaga Twp., Deseronto, Hastings Co., Ontario; Late Birth Reg'n.#502831: Name: Edith May Morden; Date: Dec 16 1891; Place: Deseronto, Tyendinaga Twp., Hastings Co.; Parents: Erastus Burns Morden & Mary Etta Kimmerly, both born Tyendinaga Twp.; Inf.: Edith Morden Corby, Jan 25 1962; Reg'd.: Jan 31 1962; Reg'r.: J.M. ?Julius?, Toronto (Ontario Late Birth Registration, #502831-1891,
Date 1891 per Memorial. Date Dec 16 1891 per CemSearch. Date 1890 per marriage reg'n. - Alfred Charles Corby. Date Dec 16 1891 & location Hastings Co. per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,3,5,6,7 - Marriage*: 6 March 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009489: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 37; Res.: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: marble cutter; Rel.: CE; Parents: Thomas Richard Corby & Agnes Slicer; Bride: Edith May Morden; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: ?Erastus? Morden & Marreth Kimerly; Wit.: A. E. Armstrong, Trenton & Kathleen Brown, Trenton; Date: Mar 6 1912; Place: Trenton; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong, CE, Trenton; Sworn: Trenton, Mar 6 1912; Reg'r.: Mrs. ? Blakley, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009489-1912,
per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Alfred Charles Corby2,8 - Death*: 1978; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1978 per Memorial & CemSearch. Date 1978 & location Northumberland Co. per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.2,3,5
- Burial*: 1978; Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., Salem, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhibit) CORBY; (Masonic Symbol) Alfred C. Corby; 1874 - 1965; His Wife; Edith May Morden; 1891 - 1978; Elinor e. Morden; 1897 - 1963; Buried Westerly, R.I. (Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., image by Dan Buchanan, Jul 6 2009)
CemSearch: Name: Edith May Corby; Maiden: Morden; Born: Dec 16 1891; Died: 1978; ID: SALEM0566; Other names: Corby, Alfred Charles (1877-1965), Morden, Elinor E. (1895-1963); Cemetery: Salem Cemetery, Conc 1, Lot 21, Cramahe Twp., Village of Salem, Northumberland Co., Sec 1 Row 7 Plot 2; Note: Daughter of Erastus Burns Morden and Mary Etta Kimmerley. Married Alfred C. Corby March 6 1912 in Trenton. Siblings Elinor E. Morden & Louise Blanche . (,5
- Residence: 6 March 1912; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton per marriage reg'n. - Alfred Charles Corby.6
- Married Name: 6 March 1912; Corby2
- Residence*: 1965; 72 Prince Edward St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1965 Voters Lists: Corby, Mrs. Edith, widow, 72 Prince Edward St. (Canada Voters Lists, 1965, Brighton, Prince Edward West, north track, south Main....)9
Family: Alfred Charles Corby b. 12 Jul 1874, d. 1965
- Marriage*: 6 March 1912; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009489: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 37; Res.: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: marble cutter; Rel.: CE; Parents: Thomas Richard Corby & Agnes Slicer; Bride: Edith May Morden; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: ?Erastus? Morden & Marreth Kimerly; Wit.: A. E. Armstrong, Trenton & Kathleen Brown, Trenton; Date: Mar 6 1912; Place: Trenton; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong, CE, Trenton; Sworn: Trenton, Mar 6 1912; Reg'r.: Mrs. ? Blakley, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009489-1912,
per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Alfred Charles Corby2,8
- Edith May Morden per Birth Reg'n. Edith May (Morden) Corby per CemSearch.
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #502831-1891.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #009489-1912.
- [S223] Unknown author, Voter Lists.
Sadie Celeste Russell1
F, #115098, b. 1875
- Father*: Shadrack Russell2 b. c 1845
- Mother*: Marilda S. ?2 b. c 1845
- Birth*: 1875; London, England; Date 1875 & location London, England per marriage reg'n. - Alfred Charles Corby. per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.1,2
- Marriage*: 30 January 1896; Peterborough, Peterborough Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010646: Groom: Alfred Charles Corby; Age: 21; Res.: Brighton; Born: Belleville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: granite cutter; Parents: Thomas R. & Agnes Corby; Bride: Sadie Celeste Russell; Age: 21; Res.: Toront; Born: London, England; Status; spinster; Parents: Shadrack & Matilda S. Russell; Wit.: Mrs. Lillian Willis, Peterborough; Date: Jan 30 1896; Place: Peterborough; Rel.: CE; Peformed by: Rev. J.C. Davidson; Reg'd.: Oct 16 1896 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010646-1896, Date Jan 30 1896 & location Peterborough per family tree of stimersgenealogy on, Feb 10 2023.; Principal=Alfred Charles Corby1,3
- Residence*: 30 January 1896; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Residence Toronto per marriage reg'n. - Alfred Charles Corby.2
- Married Name: 30 January 1896; Corby1
Family: Alfred Charles Corby b. 12 Jul 1874, d. 1965
Shadrack Russell1
M, #115099, b. circa 1845
- Birth*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Sadie Celeste Russel & Alfred Charles Corby.1
- Marriage*: circa 1870; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Sadie Celeste Russel & Alfred Charles Corby.; Principal=Marilda S. ?1
Family: Marilda S. ? b. c 1845
- Sadie Celeste Russell1 b. 1875
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Marilda S. ?1
F, #115100, b. circa 1845
- Birth*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Sadie Celeste Russel & Alfred Charles Corby.1
- Marriage*: circa 1870; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Sadie Celeste Russel & Alfred Charles Corby.; Principal=Shadrack Russell1
- Married Name: circa 1870; Russell1
Family: Shadrack Russell b. c 1845
- Sadie Celeste Russell1 b. 1875
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Nettie Maud French1
F, #115101, b. 1883, d. 1975
- Father*: Peter D. French1 b. c 1850
- Mother*: Sarah Catherine Fox1 b. c 1850
- Birth*: 1883; Date 1883 per marriage reg'n. - David John White.1
- Marriage*: 15 March 1911; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010804: Groom: David John White; Age: 31; Res.: Smithfield; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Wm. A. White & Sarah Jane Green; Bride: Nettie Maud French; Age: 28; Res.: Trenton; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Peter D. French & Sarah Catherine Fox; Wit.: Mr. H. Carr & Mrs. A.K. McLeod, Brighton; Date: Mar 15 1911; Place: Village of Brighton; Performed by: A.K. McLeod, Brighton; Sworn: Trenton, Mar 14 1911; Reg'r.: T.f. Rixon, Trenton (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010804-1911,; Principal=David John White2
- Death*: 1975; Ontario; Date 1975 per CemSearch.3
- Burial*: 1975; Greenwood Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Smithfield, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: Nettie White; Maiden: French; Born: 1883; Died: 1975; Age: 92y; ID: GRENWD232; Other names: White, Darwin Iona (1891-1972), White, David John (1879-1956), White, Vera K. [Fritz] (1895-1983); Cemetery: Greenwood Cemetery, Conc A, Lot 24, Brighton Twp., Village of Smithfield, Northumberland Co.; Note: Wife of David John White. Also with Darwin Iona White and Vera K. Fritz. (
- Residence*: 15 March 1911; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Residence Trenton per marriage reg'n. - David John White.1
- Married Name: 15 March 1911; White1
Family: David John White b. 1879, d. 1956
Peter D. French1
M, #115102, b. circa 1850
- Birth*: circa 1850; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Nettie Maud French & David John Whtie.1
- Marriage*: circa 1878; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Nettie Maud French & David John Whtie.; Principal=Sarah Catherine Fox1
Family: Sarah Catherine Fox b. c 1850
- Nettie Maud French1 b. 1883, d. 1975
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Sarah Catherine Fox1
F, #115103, b. circa 1850
- Birth*: circa 1850; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Nettie Maud French & David John Whtie.1
- Marriage*: circa 1878; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Nettie Maud French & David John Whtie.; Principal=Peter D. French1
- Married Name: circa 1878; French1
Family: Peter D. French b. c 1850
- Nettie Maud French1 b. 1883, d. 1975
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
James Leslie Finlay1
M, #115104, b. circa 1880
- Birth*: circa 1880; per birth reg'n. of son Owen Leslie Finlay.1
- Marriage*: 15 February 1911; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 15 1911 & location Warkworth per birth reg'n. of son Owen Leslie Finlay.; Principal=Lilly May Williams1
Family: Lilly May Williams b. c 1880
- Owen Leslie Finlay1 b. 13 Feb 1912, d. 1961
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
Lilly May Williams1
F, #115105, b. circa 1880
- Birth*: circa 1880; per birth reg'n. of son Owen Leslie Finlay.1
- Marriage*: 15 February 1911; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 15 1911 & location Warkworth per birth reg'n. of son Owen Leslie Finlay.; Principal=James Leslie Finlay1
- Married Name: 15 February 1911; Finlay1
Family: James Leslie Finlay b. c 1880
- Owen Leslie Finlay1 b. 13 Feb 1912, d. 1961
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
Gladys Rebbeca Walker1,2
F, #115106, b. 1893, d. 1988
- Father*: Clarence G. Walker2 b. 1867, d. 1944
- Mother*: Hermenia M. Clark2 b. 1870, d. 1940
- Birth*: 1893; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1893 & location Cramahe Twp. per marriage reg'n. - William Jay Langdon.2
- Marriage*: 10 December 1918; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#013970: Groom: William Jay Langdon; Age: 37; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Hannibal Langdon & Elizabeth Flindall; Bride: Gladys Rebecca Walker; Age: 25; Res. & Born: Cramahe Twp.; Status: spinster; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Clarence Walker & H. Clark; Wit.: Eva A. Walker, Cramahe Twp. & Charles Langdon, Brighton; Date: Dec 10 1918; Place: Walter home, Cramahe Twp.; Performed by: Rev. G. Horton, Belleville, Meth.; Sworn: Brighton Twp., Dec 9 1918; Reg'r.: A. W. Thorne, Brighton (Ontario Marriage Registration, #013970-1918,; Principal=William "Jay" Langdon3
- Death*: 1988; Ontario; Date 1988 per CemSearch.4
- Burial*: 1988; Hilton Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Hilton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: Gladys Rebecca Langdon; Maiden: Walker; Born: Dec 13 1893; Died: 1988; Age: 95y; ID: HILTON76; Other names: Langdon (1923-1923), Langdon, William Jay (1880-1936); Cemetery: Hilton Cemetery, Conc 2, Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Village of Hilton, Northumberland Co.; Note: Wife of William Jay Langdon, married Dec. 10th, 1918, Mother of Stillborn baby born 1923, Info from Ontario Birth and Marriage Registry, (
- Residence*: 10 December 1918; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Cramahe Twp. per marriage reg'n. - William Jay Langdon.2
- Married Name: 10 December 1918; Langdon3
Family: William "Jay" Langdon b. 4 Mar 1881, d. 13 Dec 1936
- Gladys Rebecca Walker per marriage reg'n. - William Jay Langdon.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #013970-1918.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
Mary I. Craig1
F, #115107, b. 1881
- Father*: Johnson Craig1 b. c 1850
- Mother*: Emma Pillar1 b. c 1850
- Birth*: 1881; Russell Twp., Russell Co., Ontario; Date 1881 & location Russell per marriage reg'n. - George Fletcher Turney.1
- Marriage*: 18 March 1908; Russell Twp., Russell Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016719: Groom: Geo. F. Turney; Age: 39; Res.: - ; Born: Colborne; Status: widower; Occ.: "?contractor?; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Levi Turney & Mary Easton; Bride: Mary I. Craig; Age: 27; Res. & Born: Russell; Status: spinster; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Johnson Craig & Emma Pillar; Wit.: H.L. York, Russell & Laura E. Long, Russell; Date: Mar 18 1908; Place: Russell Twp., Russell Co., Ont.; Performed by: J.M. ?Tredna?; Reg'r.: P.E. Geurin, Russell (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016719-1908,; Principal=George Fletcher Turney2
- Residence*: 18 March 1908; Russell Twp., Russell Co., Ontario; Residence Russell per marriage reg'n. - George Fletcher Turney.1
- Married Name: 18 March 1908; Turney1
Family: George Fletcher Turney b. 1 May 1867
Johnson Craig1
M, #115108, b. circa 1850
- Birth*: circa 1850; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Mary I. Craig & George Fletcher Turney.1
- Marriage*: circa 1878; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Mary I. Craig & George Fletcher Turney.; Principal=Emma Pillar1
Family: Emma Pillar b. c 1850
- Mary I. Craig1 b. 1881
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Emma Pillar1
F, #115109, b. circa 1850
- Birth*: circa 1850; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Mary I. Craig & George Fletcher Turney.1
- Marriage*: circa 1878; per marriage reg'n. of dau. Mary I. Craig & George Fletcher Turney.; Principal=Johnson Craig1
- Married Name: circa 1878; Craig1
Family: Johnson Craig b. c 1850
- Mary I. Craig1 b. 1881
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Caroline Adams1
F, #115110, b. 1861
- Father*: William Adams1 b. c 1830
- Mother*: Louisa Finch1 b. c 1830
- Birth*: 1861; Belleville, Hastings Co., Canada West; Date 1861 & location Belleville per marriage reg'n. - George Stephen Potts.1
- Marriage*: 13 April 1905; Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009869: Groom: George Stephen Potts; Age: 38; Res.: Campbellford; Born: Seymour Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Stephen Potts & Harriet Stollary; Bride: Caroline Adams; Age: 44; Res. & Born: Belleville; Status: spinster; Occ.: tailoress; Parents: William Adams & Louisa Finch; Wit.: James Adams, Campbellford & Eva Marjorie Heeney, Belleville; Date: Apr 13 1905; Place: Belleville; Rel.: Meth. & Anglican; Performed by: REv. R.W.B. Heeney; Reg'd.: Apr 14 1905; Reg'r.: W.c. Mikel, Belleville (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009869-1905,; Principal=George Stephen Potts2
- Residence*: 13 April 1905; Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Residence Belleville per marriage reg'n. - George Stephen Potts.1
- Married Name: 13 April 1905; Potts1
Family: George Stephen Potts b. 1866
William Adams1
M, #115111, b. circa 1830
- Birth*: circa 1830; per marriage of dau. Caroline Adams & George Stephen Potts.1
- Marriage*: circa 1858; per marriage of dau. Caroline Adams & George Stephen Potts.; Principal=Louisa Finch1
Family: Louisa Finch b. c 1830
- Caroline Adams1 b. 1861
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Louisa Finch1
F, #115112, b. circa 1830
- Birth*: circa 1830; per marriage of dau. Caroline Adams & George Stephen Potts.1
- Marriage*: circa 1858; per marriage of dau. Caroline Adams & George Stephen Potts.; Principal=William Adams1
- Married Name: circa 1858; Adams1
Family: William Adams b. c 1830
- Caroline Adams1 b. 1861
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.