Nettie Bedarde1,2
F, #12896, b. 1874, d. 1955

- Father*: Louis Bedarde3 b. c 1845
- Mother*: Adda Chainong3 b. c 1845
- Birth*: 1874; Trenton, Hastings, Ontario; Date 1874 per Memorial. Date 1872 & location Ont. per 1931 Census. Date 1873 & location Ont. per 1921 Census. Date Feb 1874 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date 1875 & location Trenton per marriage reg'n. - Nathan Henry Loveless. Date 1876 per family tree of bearbusiness on, Jul 18 2013.4,5,2,6,7,8
- Marriage*: 1 June 1894; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#005034: Groom: Nathan Henry Loveless; Age: 23; Res.: Trenton; Born: Camden Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: lab.; Parents: George Loveless & Marianne West; Bride: Nettie Bedard; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Trenton; Status: spinster; Parents: Louis Bedard & Addie Chainong?; Wit.: Maude e. Cidks & William Bedard, Trenton; Date: Jun 1 1894; Place: Trenton; Rel.: Meth. & RC; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong; Reg'r.: Geo. H. Gordon, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #005034-1894, Date Jun 1 1894 & location Trenton per family tree of bearbusiness on, Jul 18 2013.; Principal=Nathan Henry Loveless4,9
- Death*: 1955; Ontario; Date 1955 per Memorial.2
- Burial*: 1955; Wood's Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) LOVELESS; Nathan Loveless; 1870 - 1940 Nettie Bedarde; 1874 - 1955; Grandchildren; Nathan; 1942; Ross; 1946; Barbara; 1949; Caroline; 1953 (Wood's Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., July 6 2009)2
- Residence: 1 June 1894; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Residence Trenton per marriage reg'n. - Nathan Henry Loveless.7
- Married Name: 1 June 1894; Loveless
- Census: 1911; 26 S. Edward St., Trenton, Hastings West Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1911 Census: see Nathan H. Loveless6
- Census*: 7 June 1921; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 48 at 1921 Census: see Nathan Loveless5
- Census: 1931; Main St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 59 at 1931 Census: see Nathan Loveless8
- Residence: 9 March 1931; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Late Birth Reg'n. of son Harry Loveless.3
- Residence: 15 March 1932; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of her brother-in-law Rufus George Loveless.10
- Residence*: 22 January 1941; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Per Death Notice of her daughter, Mary Ethel (Loveless) Weaver.
Family: Nathan Henry Loveless b. 2 Feb 1870, d. 20 Jan 1940
- Marriage*: 1 June 1894; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#005034: Groom: Nathan Henry Loveless; Age: 23; Res.: Trenton; Born: Camden Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: lab.; Parents: George Loveless & Marianne West; Bride: Nettie Bedard; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Trenton; Status: spinster; Parents: Louis Bedard & Addie Chainong?; Wit.: Maude e. Cidks & William Bedard, Trenton; Date: Jun 1 1894; Place: Trenton; Rel.: Meth. & RC; Performed by: F. W. Armstrong; Reg'r.: Geo. H. Gordon, Trenton, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #005034-1894, Date Jun 1 1894 & location Trenton per family tree of bearbusiness on, Jul 18 2013.; Principal=Nathan Henry Loveless4,9
- Lillian Pearl Loveless+ b. 9 Jan 1895, d. 22 Oct 1965
- Ethel Mary "May" Loveless+ b. 5 Jan 1897, d. 22 Jan 1941
- Manley Loveless b. 30 Dec 1901, d. Jul 1961
- Harry Bernard Loveless b. 18 Dec 1904, d. 11 Jul 1967
- James Henry Loveless+ b. 25 Dec 1906, d. 13 May 1986
- Cecil Frederick "Fred" Loveless b. 27 Jan 1910, d. 4 Jan 1973
- George Alfred Louis Loveless+5 b. 23 May 1912, d. 7 Aug 1990
- Ida May Loveless b. 1 May 1914, d. 8 Sep 1986
- Nathan Henry Loveless b. 20 Aug 1916
- Nettie Bedarde per Memorial.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S121] Unknown author, 1921 Census.
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S222] Unknown author, 1931 Census.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #005034-1894.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
Joseph L. Allison1,2
M, #12897, b. 1851, d. 8 October 1877

- Father*: James Allison b. 1820, d. Mar 1867
- Mother*: Rachel Weese b. 1830
- Birth*: 1851; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1851 per Memorial. Date 1851 & location Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n. Date 1851 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1850 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.3,4,5,6
- Marriage*: 4 November 1874; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Joseph Allison; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: yeoman; Parents: James & Rachel; Bride: Mary Fralick; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Carlton & Delia Fralick; Witnesses: A. J. Simpson & Catharine Bettes, Brighton; Performed by: J. M. Simpson; Principal=Mary Elizabeth Fraleigh7
- Death*: 8 October 1877; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Per Burial.
- Burial*: 10 October 1877; McPhail's Cemetery, Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In; Memory of; Joseph Allison; Died; Oct. 8, 1877; Aged; 26 Years (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp.)
Cemetery Transcription: See Exhibit: In Memory of; Joseph L.; Allison; Died Oct 8 1877; Aged 26 Years (McPhail's Cemetery, June 8, 2002)
Cemetery Transcription: Joseph L. Allison; Died Oct 8 1877; Aged 26 yrs. (Ontario Archives)
CEMSearch: Name: Joseph Allison; Born: - ; Died: 1877-10-08; Age: 26y; Buried: McPhail's Cemetery; No other names.8,2,6
- Census: 1851; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 1 at 1851 Census: see James Allison9
- Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 10 at 1861 Census: see Jame Allison4
- Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 2? at 1871 Census: Allison, Joseph, 2?, b. Ont., C.E., Germ., farmer, single
Note: Joseph Allison is shown immediately under James Sutherland who was a blacksmith at Codrington. His brother William is just above as well.10 - Will*: 2 October 1877; Conc 8 Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Village Lot 4, Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (J1926 Will) show that Alfred Dempsey Richards & John A. Robinson were Grantees for the Will of Jospeh L. Allison & Exec., re "pt. being Vil. Lot 4, Codrington", Ints. Date Oct 2 1877, Reg'n. Date Oct 22 1877 (Land Registry Records, Ontario Archives, Reel 197810)11
Family: Mary Elizabeth Fraleigh b. 27 Sep 1858, d. 29 May 1941
- Marriage*: 4 November 1874; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Joseph Allison; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: yeoman; Parents: James & Rachel; Bride: Mary Fralick; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Carlton & Delia Fralick; Witnesses: A. J. Simpson & Catharine Bettes, Brighton; Performed by: J. M. Simpson; Principal=Mary Elizabeth Fraleigh7
- Frances Adelia Allison+ b. 27 Nov 1875, d. 28 Apr 1932
- Joseph Oscar (Allison) Teal12 b. 1877
- Joseph L. Allison per Cem Transc. & Will.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 007290 - 1874.
- [S25] Unknown author, Ontario Cemetery Transcriptions.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 1.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 2?
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
James Allison
M, #12898, b. 1820, d. March 1867

- Father*: Joseph Allison b. 1785, d. 28 Aug 1872
- Mother*: Rachel Peck b. 6 Oct 1796, d. c 1830
- Birth*: 1820; Sophiasburgh Twp., Big Island, Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1820 per 1861 Census. Date 1819 per 1851 Census. Date 1822 & location Big Island, Soph. per IGI Record.1,2,3
- Marriage*: 15 July 1841; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Jul 15 1841 per GEDCOM of Cheryl Kemp Taber, June 4, 2007.; Principal=Margaret Weese4
- Marriage*: after 1849; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per IGI Record.; Principal=Rachel Weese3
- Death*: March 1867; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; ITS Date of Will is Feb 19 1867, Reg'd. Date Apr 17 1867.5
- Burial*: 25 November 1867; Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh Twp., Albury, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) James Allison; Died; ... (Albury Cemetery, Albury Village, Ameliasburgh Twp., July 11 2004)
CemSearch: Name: James Allison; Born: - Died: Nov 23 1867; Age: 45; ID: PR+EAHO1150; Other names: Allison, Margaret ( - 1847); Cemetery: Albury Cemetery, County Rd 3, Albury, Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edard Co. (,7
- Residence*: 1851; Conc 8 Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Residence per 1851 Census: Conc 8, Lot 4, 100 acres. This is located on the north side of Allison Street and to the west of Hwy 30. It was the second lot west of the road; Lot 3 went from Highway 30 to the base of Cramahe Hill. When Charles Buchanan farmed on Lot 3, Pete Jamieson lived on and farmed Lot 4.2
- Census*: 1851; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 32 at 1851 Census: Allison, James, 32, b. Cda., Ep., farmer, married; Rachel, 22, b. Cda., Ep., married; William, 10; Joseph, 1 (Conc 8, Lot 4, 100 acres)8
- Residence: 27 August 1860; Conc 8 Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Lot 4, Codrington, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S B142) show that James Allison purchased property (unclear note) from Peter C. Maybee & wife. ITS Date Aug 27 1860.5
- Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 41 at 1861 Census: Allison, James, 41, b. Cda., CE, Inn Keeper, married; Rachel, 31, b. Cda., married; Wm., 19; Joseph, 10; James, 11
- Residence: 20 February 1866; Conc 8 Lot 6, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Grant C352) show that Henry Franklin Kemp & wife sold 60 acres of the south east half of Lot 6, Conc 8 to James Allison. ITS Feb 20 1866.5
- Residence: 9 February 1867; Conc 9 Lot 3, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Grant C517) show that William Trumpour sold 75 acres of the south west 3/4 of the west half of Lot 3, Conc 9 to James Allison. ITS Date Feb 9 1867.
Note: This is the part of our farm under the foot of Cramahe Hill, next to Jameison's farm. Our "Other Barn" was in the far south-east corner of this land.5 - Residence: 19 February 1867; Conc 8 Lot 6, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Will A801) show the the Will of James Allison transferred 68 acres of the South East Half of Lot 6, Conc 8 to son William ?Anson? Allison. ITS Date Feb 19 1867, Reg'd. Date Apr17 1867.5
Family 1: Margaret Weese b. 1820, d. 1847
- Marriage*: 15 July 1841; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Jul 15 1841 per GEDCOM of Cheryl Kemp Taber, June 4, 2007.; Principal=Margaret Weese4
- William A. Allison+ b. 28 Sep 1839, d. 19 Mar 1916
Family 2: Rachel Weese b. 1830
- Marriage*: after 1849; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per IGI Record.; Principal=Rachel Weese3
- Joseph L. Allison+ b. 1851, d. 8 Oct 1877
- James W. Allison1 b. 1860, d. 15 Aug 1861
- Maude Allison4 b. 1867, d. 10 Jan 1878
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 32.
Rachel Weese1,2
F, #12899, b. 1830
- Father*: William Weese2 b. 18 Aug 1801, d. 17 Apr 1856
- Mother*: Mary Nix2 b. 22 Jul 1809, d. 11 Mar 1886
- Birth*: 1830; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1830 per 1861 Census. Date 1829 per 1851 Census. Date 1830 & location Amel. per IGI Record.3,4,2
- Marriage*: after 1849; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per IGI Record.; Principal=James Allison2
- Marriage*: circa 1870; per IGI Record.; Principal=William Wright2
- Married Name: after 1849; Allison
- Census*: March 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 22 at 1851 Census: see James Allison5
- Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 31 at 1861 Census: see James Allison3
- Married Name: circa 1870; Wright2
Family 1: James Allison b. 1820, d. Mar 1867
- Marriage*: after 1849; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per IGI Record.; Principal=James Allison2
- Joseph L. Allison+ b. 1851, d. 8 Oct 1877
- James W. Allison3 b. 1860, d. 15 Aug 1861
- Maude Allison6 b. 1867, d. 10 Jan 1878
Family 2: William Wright b. c 1825
- Marriage*: circa 1870; per IGI Record.; Principal=William Wright2
- Rachel Weese per IGI Record.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 22.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
Ida Alice Ceasar1,2,3
F, #12900, b. May 1887, d. 15 December 1918
- Birth*: May 1887; Hoatherd, Ontario; Date May 1887 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Location Hoatherd, Ont. per Late Birth Reg'n. of daughter Mabel Marguerite (Weaver) Genders. Per death reg'n. of Hazel Annis Weaver, daughter???3,4
- Marriage*: circa 1908; Ontario; "My father told us that Ida Alice Ceasar was the second wife of Hiram Weaver. When I was a child, we visited Robert Weaver and Lena Weaver who were half siblings of my father. My grandfather Hiram Weaver died in 1923." per email from Priscilla Weaver, Jan 12 2010.
Second marriage per Hiram's Death Reg'n. & Birth/Death Reg'n's of children.; Principal=Hiram Wilson Weaver5,2 - Death*: 15 December 1918; "Lena Maud Weaver married my grandfather in 1925, approximately 7 years after my Grandmother died giving birth to my father on December 15, 1918." per email from Martyn Rosborough, Mar 17, 2005.2
- Married Name: circa 1908; Weaver
- Census*: 1911; Dundas St., Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 24 at 1911 Census: see Hiram Wilson Weaver4
- Residence*: 31 December 1923; Montrave Ave., Oshawa, Ontario Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of her husband Hiram Wilson Weaver.5
Family: Hiram Wilson Weaver b. 30 Aug 1853, d. 31 Dec 1923
- Hazel Annis Weaver b. 4 Mar 1913, d. 11 Mar 1913
- Hurbert Reginald Weaver2 b. 1915, d. 1987
- Ida Alice Ceaser per Late Birth Reg'n. of daughter Mabel Marguerite (Weaver) Genders. Ida Ceasar per emial from Robert Weaver, Feb 11, 2003.
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
Hazel Annis Weaver
F, #12901, b. 4 March 1913, d. 11 March 1913
- Father*: Hiram Wilson Weaver b. 30 Aug 1853, d. 31 Dec 1923
- Mother*: Ida Alice Ceasar b. May 1887, d. 15 Dec 1918
- Birth*: 4 March 1913; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Mar 4 1913 - age 1 week at Death Mar 11 1913 - per Death Reg'n.1
- Death*: 11 March 1913; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: Hazel Annis Weaver; Died: Mar 11, 1913; Age: 1 week; Died & Born: Trenton; Parents: Hiram Wilson Weaver & Ida Alice Ceasar?; Cause: acute capillary bronchitis; Dr.: McLean Caverly, M. D.; Inf.: Mother, Trenton; Reg'd.: Mar 11, 1913, Reg'r.: J. W. Ostrom (Ontario Death Registration, #016683-1913,
Eunice Fraleigh1,2,3
F, #12902, b. 17 February 1853, d. 1944

- Father*: Carlton Fraleigh b. 1825, d. 17 Oct 1895
- Mother*: Adelia Ann Austin b. 16 Aug 1831, d. 11 Jun 1922
- Birth*: 17 February 1853; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Feb 1853 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Feb 17 1854 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date per Burial. Date 1852 per marriage reg'n. Date 1853 per 1881 Census. 1854 Per 1871 Census.4,5,6,7,8
- Marriage*: 11 October 1870; Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Samuel McColl; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Hugh & Phebe McColl; Bride: Eunice Fralick; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents: Carlton & Adella Fralick; Witnesses: Munroe & Maria Gould, Colborne; Date: Oct 11, 1870; Place: Colborne; Religion: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. Peter Duncan, Colbrne; Principal=Samuel Hugh McColl9
- Marriage*: after 1896; Ontario; " ... Mrs. Eunice Oliver is a sister." per death notice of Mary (Fraleigh) Teal.
Note: Could not find this marriage in - July 6 2008????; Principal=William Oliver - Death*: 1944; Brighton Twp., Codrington, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1944 per Burial. Location Codrington per Genealogy for Margaret Lillian (Dorland) Peister, Tweedsmuir Histories, Reel 2.10
- Burial*: 1944; McPhail's Cemetery, Codrington, Ontario; Cemetery Transcription: See Exhibit: Eunice Fraleigh; Wife of; S. H. McColl; 1853 - 1944 (McPhail's Cemetery, June 8, 2002)
Cemetery Transcription: Samuel H. McColl; Died Sep 28 1895; Aged 43y 11m 19d; Wife Eunice Fraleigh 1853-1944 (Ontario Archives)
- Census: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 8 at 1861 Census: see Carlton Fraleigh11
- Married Name: 11 October 1870; McColl
- Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1871 Census: see Carlton Fraleigh12
- Residence*: 29 January 1880; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Witness at marriage of Mary Elizabeth (Allison, Fraleigh) Teal - sister.5
- Census: April 1881; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 28 at 1881 Census: see Samuel McColl4
- Residence: 7 October 1895; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of husband Samuel Hugh McColl.2
- Married Name: after 1896; Oliver
- Census: April 1901; Seymour Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 47 at 1901 Census: see William Oliver8
- Census: 1911; Seymour Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 58 at 1911 Census: see William Oliver7
- Residence: 17 March 1930; Seymour Twp., Campbellford, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of her husband William Oliver.2
Family 1: Samuel Hugh McColl b. 9 Oct 1851, d. 5 Oct 1895
- Marriage*: 11 October 1870; Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Samuel McColl; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Hugh & Phebe McColl; Bride: Eunice Fralick; Age: 18; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents: Carlton & Adella Fralick; Witnesses: Munroe & Maria Gould, Colborne; Date: Oct 11, 1870; Place: Colborne; Religion: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. Peter Duncan, Colbrne; Principal=Samuel Hugh McColl9
- Bertha McColl b. 1878
- Hugh Burton McColl b. 20 Feb 1873, d. 22 Sep 1886
- Llewellyn Carleton "Lew" McColl+ b. 13 Nov 1874, d. 1960
- Nettie May McColl+ b. 2 Jun 1876, d. 22 Dec 1904
- P. Ethel McColl+ b. 4 Apr 1883, d. 1960
- Margaret Edna "Maggie" McColl+ b. 5 Mar 1885, d. 1966
Family 2: William Oliver b. 5 Mar 1841, d. 10 Mar 1930
- Marriage*: after 1896; Ontario; " ... Mrs. Eunice Oliver is a sister." per death notice of Mary (Fraleigh) Teal.
Note: Could not find this marriage in - July 6 2008????; Principal=William Oliver
- Eunice per Memorial. E. A. per Death Reg'n. of husband Samuel Hugh McColl.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, MS 932 R4 13-263 (No Reg'n. #).
- [S52] Unknown location, Tweedsmuir Histories; unknown film.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 8.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 17.
Clara Fraleigh
F, #12903, b. 21 November 1867, d. 21 October 1872
- Father*: Carlton Fraleigh b. 1825, d. 17 Oct 1895
- Mother*: Adelia Ann Austin b. 16 Aug 1831, d. 11 Jun 1922
- Birth*: 21 November 1867; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date per Burial. Per 1871 Census.
- Death*: 21 October 1872; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Per Burial.
- Burial*: 23 October 1872; McPhail Cemetery, Codrington, Ontario; Cemetery Transcription: Cemetery Transcription: Lucy, Died Sep 11 1864, Aged 2(7?) yrs. 3 mos 14 dys.; Annie L., Died Jan 6 1865; Aged 6 yrs. 6 mos. 21 dys.; Willie, Died Oct 18 1864; Aged 5 yrs. 2 mos.; Children of Carlton and Maria Fralick; ? Fralick. died Oct 21 1872; Aged 4 yrs. 11 mos. (Ontario Archives)
CEMSearch: Name: ? Fralick; Born: - ; Died: 1872-10-21; Age: 4y 11m; Buried: McPhail's Cemetery; No other names.
Note: The ? Fralick must be Clara.
- Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1871 Census: see Carlton Fraleigh1
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 3.
Bertha Fraleigh
F, #12904, b. May 1870, d. 10 November 1878
- Father*: Carlton Fraleigh b. 1825, d. 17 Oct 1895
- Mother*: Adelia Ann Austin b. 16 Aug 1831, d. 11 Jun 1922
- Birth*: May 1870; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Per 1871 Census.
- Death*: 10 November 1878; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.: Name: Bertha Fralick; Died: Nov 10 1878; Age: 7y; Status: daughter of Carlton Fralick, Brighton Twp.; Born: Brighton Twp.; Cause: diptheria, 10 days; Dr.: Dr. Goldsmith; Inf.: Carlton Fralick, Brighton Twp.; Reg'd.: Jan 19 1878; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker
Not in 1881 Census. One of 6 children who did not survive Adelia, the mother.1
- Census*: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 11 months at 1871 Census: see Carlton Fraleigh2
Hugh McColl
M, #12905, b. 1820, d. 16 June 1857

- Father*: Samuel McColl Jr. b. 1789
- Mother*: Sarah Colquhoun b. 1791
- Birth*: 1820; Highlands, Scotland; Date 1819 & location Highlands of Scotland per 1851 Census. Date per Burial.1
- Marriage*: before 1847; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Principal=Phoebe McDonald
- Death*: 16 June 1857; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date June 16 1857 per Memorial. Transcription shows 1855.2,3
- Burial*: 18 June 1857; McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Hugh McColl; Died; June 16 1857; Aged; 37 Yrs. 9 Mos.; & 9 Dys; Native of Scotland (McPhail's Cemetery, June 8, 2002)(Stone cleaned and set up 2009)
Cemetery Transcription: Hugh McColl; Died June 16 1855; Aged 37 yrs.; Phoeba (McDonald) Wife of H. McColl; Died Feb 26 1890; Aged 62 yrs. 8 mos. 22 dys. (Ontario Archives)3,2
- Census*: 1851; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 32 at 1851 Census: see Samuel McColl1
- Residence*: 20 April 1853; Conc 5 Lot 29, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S Brighton A117) show that James D. Goslee sold 90 acres of the south part of lot 29, conc 5, Murray Twp. to Hugh McColl. ITS Date: Apr 20 1853. Reg'n. Date: Apr 23 1853. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Twp., Conc 5, Lot 29, pg 161 of 259, pg 1, copied from by Dan, Apr 12 2020)4
Family: Phoebe McDonald b. 4 Jun 1828, d. 26 Feb 1891
- Janet McColl+ b. 25 May 1847, d. 27 Feb 1932
- Mary McColl b. 24 May 1850, d. 24 Jul 1922
- Samuel Hugh McColl+ b. 9 Oct 1851, d. 5 Oct 1895
- Thomas McColl b. a 1854
- Edwin A. McColl+ b. 27 Jan 1854
- Hugh Thompson McColl b. 1857
- John McColl5 b. 1860
- Emma McColl b. 24 Jan 1861, d. 27 Sep 1943
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S25] Unknown author, Ontario Cemetery Transcriptions.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
Phoebe McDonald1,2,3
F, #12906, b. 4 June 1828, d. 26 February 1891

- Birth*: 4 June 1828; Upper Canada; Date June 4 1828 per Memorial - age 62y 8m 22d at death Feb 26 1891. Date 1828 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1831? & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1829 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1828 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Date Jun 4 1827 per Burial.4,5,6,7,2
- Marriage*: before 1847; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Principal=Hugh McColl
- Death*: 26 February 1891; Brighton Twp., Northumberladn Co., Ontario; Date Feb 26 1891 per Memorial.2
- Burial*: 28 February 1891; McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Phoeba; Wife of; Hugh McColl; Died; Feb. 26 1891; Aged; 62 Y's, 8 M's; & 22 D's (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., June 12 2016, by Dan)
Cemetery Transcription: See Exhibit: Pheoba; Wife of; Hugh McColl; Died; Feb 24 1890; Aged 62 Yrs. 8 Mos.; & 22 Dys (McPhail's Cemetery, June 8, 2002)
Cemetery Transcription: Hugh McColl; Died June 16 1855; Aged 37 yrs.; Phoeba (McDonald) Wife of H. McColl; Died Feb 26 1890; Aged 62 yrs. 8 mos. 22 dys. (Ontario Archives)2
- Married Name: before 1847; McColl
- Census: 1851; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 23 at 1851 Census: see Samuel McColl4
- Note*: 5 June 1857; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Husband Hugh Mccoll died.
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 32 at 1861 Census: McColl, Phebe, 32, b. UC, widow; J., 13; Mary, 11; Samuel, 9; E. A. (m), 6; Hugh Thompson, 4; John, 1; Dauncy, John, 21, b. UC, lab., single8
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 40? at 1871 Census: McColl, Phebe, 40?, b. Ont., Scot., farmer, widow; Samuel, 18, farmer; Alexander, 16; Hugh J., 14; Emma, 99
- Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 53 at 1881 Census: see Hugh R. McColl (son)7
Family: Hugh McColl b. 1820, d. 16 Jun 1857
- Marriage*: before 1847; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Principal=Hugh McColl
- Janet McColl+ b. 25 May 1847, d. 27 Feb 1932
- Mary McColl b. 24 May 1850, d. 24 Jul 1922
- Samuel Hugh McColl+ b. 9 Oct 1851, d. 5 Oct 1895
- Thomas McColl b. a 1854
- Edwin A. McColl+ b. 27 Jan 1854
- Hugh Thompson McColl b. 1857
- John McColl5 b. 1860
- Emma McColl b. 24 Jan 1861, d. 27 Sep 1943
- Name Phoeba wife of Hugh McColl per Memorial. Phoebe McDonald per Cemetery Transcription.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S25] Unknown author, Ontario Cemetery Transcriptions.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 32.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 40.
Annie L. Fraleigh
F, #12907, b. 15 June 1858, d. 6 January 1865
- Father*: Carlton Fraleigh b. 1825, d. 17 Oct 1895
- Mother*: Adelia Ann Austin b. 16 Aug 1831, d. 11 Jun 1922
- Birth*: 15 June 1858; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Per Burial.
- Death*: 6 January 1865; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Per Burial.
- Burial*: 8 June 1865; McPhail's Cemetery, Codrington, Canada West; Cemetery Transcription: Lucy, Died Sep 11 1864, Aged 2(7?) yrs. 3 mos 14 dys.; Annie L., Died Jan 6 1865; Aged 6 yrs. 6 mos. 21 dys.; Willie, Died Oct 18 1864; Aged 5 yrs. 2 mos.; Children of Carlton and Maria Fralick; ? Fralick. died Oct 21 1872; Aged 4 yrs. 11 mos. (Ontario Archives)
CEMSearch: Name: Annie L. Fralick; Born: - ; Died: 1865-01-06; Age: 6y 6m 21d; Notes: Daughter of Carlton and Maria Fralick; Buried: McPhail's Cemetery; Other names: Lucy Fralick ( -1864), Willie Fralick ( -1864)
Helen May Baker1
F, #12908, b. 18 September 1900, d. 20 December 1995
- Father*: James William Baker b. 17 Jun 1854, d. 16 Apr 1936
- Mother*: Charlotte Maria Taylor b. 24 Aug 1858
- Birth*: 18 September 1900; Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Russ McGillivary's GEDCOM.
- Marriage*: 28 July 1926; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Russ McGillivary's GEDCOM. Date per email from Sharon Garland, Dec. 27, 2001.; Principal=Blake Valleau2
- Death*: 20 December 1995; Niagara Falls, Welland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Kyle Richtig, March 25, 2002.
- Burial*: 23 December 1995; Rochester, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Kyle Richtig, March 25, 2002.
- Census*: April 1901; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 6 at 1901 Census: see James William Baker3
- Married Name: 28 July 1926; Valleau
- Census: 2 April 1930; Greece, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 29 at 1930 Census: see Blake Valleau4
- Note*: after 1980; "2. Helen Baker who married Blake Valleau was my great-aunt (my grandmother's sister). She died just a few years ago." per email from Russ McGillivray, Caledon, Ontario, March 19, 2002
- Note: before 1995; "Helen graduated from the Peterborough Normal School in June, 1919 with her sister Annie. She taught at the White Chapel school, Picton. After her marriage, Helen and Blake moved to Rochester, NY where she worked for Kodak. After Blake's death, she moved to Niagara Falls ON to live with Annie.
Helen did not have any children" per GEDCOM of Kyle Richtig, March 25, 2002.
Family: Blake Valleau b. 17 Aug 1896, d. c 1970
- Marriage*: 28 July 1926; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Russ McGillivary's GEDCOM. Date per email from Sharon Garland, Dec. 27, 2001.; Principal=Blake Valleau2
Mary Gould1,2
F, #12911, b. 9 July 1910
- Father*: Robert Burr Gould b. 23 Apr 1870, d. 9 Feb 1940
- Mother*: Alice Butler b. 1868
- Birth*: 9 July 1910; Northumberland Co., Ontario; "Births: Gould - A daughter born July 9, 1910, to Mrs. R. B. - July 29, 1910" from The Brighton Ensign, July 29, 1910, index item seen at Trenton Public Library, Dec. 28, 2001.
Date 1910 & location Ont. per 1916 Western Census. Per Death Notice of her father, Robert Burr Gould.2,3 - Marriage*: 8 November 1933; Dryden, Kenora Dist., Ontario; Date Nov 8 1933 & location Dryden, Ont. per family tree of GladysEngebretson on, Dec 10 2022.; Principal=Julian A. Hassel4
- Census*: 1 June 1916; 50 Fairford St., Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; Age 6 at 1916 Wester Census: see Robert Burr Gould2
- Married Name: 8 November 1933; Hassel
- Residence*: 9 February 1940; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Per Death Notice of her father.
Family: Julian A. Hassel b. c 1900
Julian A. Hassel
M, #12912, b. circa 1900
- Birth*: circa 1900; Per Death Notice of Robert Burr Gould.
- Marriage*: 8 November 1933; Dryden, Kenora Dist., Ontario; Date Nov 8 1933 & location Dryden, Ont. per family tree of GladysEngebretson on, Dec 10 2022.; Principal=Mary Gould1
Family: Mary Gould b. 9 Jul 1910
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
Robert Butler Gould1,2
M, #12913, b. 1907
- Father*: Robert Burr Gould b. 23 Apr 1870, d. 9 Feb 1940
- Mother*: Alice Butler b. 1868
- Birth*: 1907; Ontario; Date 1907 & location Ont. per 1916 Western Census. Per Death Notice of his father.2
- Occupation*: 9 February 1940; Central Collegiate, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; Teacher - per Death Notice of his father.
- Residence*: 9 February 1940; Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; Per Death Notice of his father.
- Robert Gould per 1916 Western Census.
- [S80] 1916 Census Western Canada, online unknown url.
William Milbourne Fox1,2
M, #12916, b. March 1802, d. 20 October 1883
- Birth*: March 1802; England; Date Mar 1802 & location England per IGI Record.2
- Marriage*: 24 June 1824; Cuddesdon, Oxford, England; per IGI Record. Per Burial of son Sylvester.; Principal=Winnifred Day2
- Death*: 20 October 1883; Madoc Twp., Eldorado, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Oct 20 1883 per IGI Record.2
- Burial*: 24 October 1883; Eldorado Cemetery, Eldorado, Hastings Co., Ontario; Eldorado per IGI Record.2
Family: Winnifred Day b. Jul 1805, d. 19 Sep 1882
- Sylvester Fox+ b. 29 Mar 1847, d. 7 Feb 1924
- William Milbourne per IGI Record.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
Winnifred Day1,2
F, #12917, b. July 1805, d. 19 September 1882
- Birth*: July 1805; England; Date Jul 1805 & location England per IGI Record.2
- Marriage*: 24 June 1824; Cuddesdon, Oxford, England; per IGI Record. Per Burial of son Sylvester.; Principal=William Milbourne Fox2
- Death*: 19 September 1882; Madoc Twp., Eldorado, Hastings Co., Ontario; Sep 19 1882 & location Eldorado per IGI Record.2
- Burial*: 21 September 1882; Eldorado Cemetery, Eldorado, Hastings Co., Ontario; per IGI Record.2
- Married Name: 24 June 1824; Fox
Family: William Milbourne Fox b. Mar 1802, d. 20 Oct 1883
- Sylvester Fox+ b. 29 Mar 1847, d. 7 Feb 1924
- Surname Terry per IGI Record. Surname Day per IGI Record.
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
Alvin Fox
M, #12918, b. 1 May 1881, d. 28 July 1965
- Father*: Sylvester Fox b. 29 Mar 1847, d. 7 Feb 1924
- Mother*: Susan Richards b. 14 Jul 1845, d. 1924
- Birth*: 1 May 1881; Madoc Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Date May 1 1881 per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004.1
- Marriage*: after 1905; per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004.; Principal=Alice Chambers1
- Marriage*: 6 April 1940; Ontario; Date Apr 6 1940 per family tree of Patricia McCaw on, Dec 15 2021.; Principal=Myrtle Alice Fraser2
- Death*: 28 July 1965; per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004. per family tree of Patricia McCaw on, Dec 15 2021.1
- Burial*: 30 July 1965; Carrying Place Cemetery, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004.1
Family 1: Alice Chambers b. 1882, d. 1936
- Douglas Raymond Fox+1 b. 25 May 1910, d. 1992
Family 2: Myrtle Alice Fraser b. 15 Jun 1890, d. 8 Aug 1958
Ethel Ann Fox
F, #12919, b. 1 October 1879, d. 5 September 1961
- Father*: Sylvester Fox b. 29 Mar 1847, d. 7 Feb 1924
- Mother*: Susan Richards b. 14 Jul 1845, d. 1924
- Birth*: 1 October 1879; Madoc Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Oct 1 1879 per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004.
Date 1878 per Burial of her father, Sylvester Fox.1 - Death*: 5 September 1961; Ontario; Date Sep 5 1961 per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004.
Per Burial of her father, Sylvester Fox.1 - Burial*: 7 September 1961; Stockdale Cemetery, Stockdale, Ontario; per "Descendants of William Richards" sent to by Linda Smith me via email Dec. 28, 2004. Per Burial of her father Sylvester Fox.1
- Census*: April 1881; Madoc Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 2 at 1881 Census: see Sylvester Fox2