Wilmot German1,2,3

M, #104748, b. 1855, d. 21 May 1879

  • Birth*: 1855; Canada West; Date 1855 per CemSearch. Date 1853 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1855 & location Cda. per 1861 Census.2,4,3
  • Marriage*: circa 1876; Belle German per Rochester Directory, 1880.; Principal=Belle ?5
  • Death*: 21 May 1879; East Palmyra, New York, U.S.A.; "Colborne. From the Express. .... We are sorry to have to annouce the death of Mr. Wilmot German, aged 25, eldest son of Mr. J. S. German, proprietor of the Windsor House, Colborne. Deceased fell off a train proceeding west on the Central fromn Syracuse on the 21st inst., his body being literally cut in two. He remained on the track some twenty minutes, when he was discovered by a farmer, to whom he was just able to speak before breaking his last. The remains reached Colborne on Saturday morning and were conveyed toHilton burying ground in Sunday. He leaves a young wife, for whom and the famiily much sympathy is felt in their very great affliction." from the Campbellford Herald, Jun 5 1879, copy sent to me Aug 24 2020 by Pete German of Vancouver.
    "German - Wilmot German of DeWitt, NY died near East Palmyra May 22nd aged about 30 years. Palmyra Journal 22d. (May 29 1879)" from ancestry.ca "The items of genealogical interest contained herein were abstracted from the Lake shore news of Wolcott, New York from October 1874 through June 1880, Sherrill, NY, 1966. (ancestry.ca)
    Note: Google Maps shows that DeWitt is very close to Syracuse, south east a bit and East Palymra is west of Syracuse, almost to Rochester, north of I 90 and the finger lakes.
    Date May 22 1879 per Memorial & CemSearch.3,5
  • Burial*: 25 May 1879; Hilton Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Hilton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhibit) Wilmot German; Died; May 22, 1879; Aged; 24 Y'rs & 4 Mo's. Eliza German; Died: Aug. 11, 1856; Aged; 1 mo. & 11 D'ys (Hilton Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Sep 26 2004, by Dan - J. S. German is on other side)
    Note: Burial on Sunday, the 25th per death notice in Campbellford Herald "The remains reached Colborne on Saturday morning and were conveyed to Hilton burying ground on Sunday".
    CemSearch: Name: Wilmot German; Born: 1855; Died: May 22 1879; Age: 24; ID: HILTON47; Other names: German, Eliza (1856-1856), German, J. S. (1826-1884); Cemetery: Hilton Cemetery, Conc 2, Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co.; Note: With Eliza and J. S. son of Jacob and Mary German (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pID=HILTON47%5E0)3,6
  • Census: April 1861; Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada West; Age 6 at 1861 Census: see Jacob S. German4
  • Census*: April 1871; Port Hope, Durham East Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1871 Census: see Jacob German2
  • Note: 30 June 1873; Kingston, Frontenac Co., Ontario; Militial Annual Drill, 1872, Acquittance Roll of the Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and men of No. 2 Company 46th Battalion of Active Militia at Peterborough for their Drill Pay, for the financial year ending on the 30th June 1874. ..l Major F. A. Benson ... No. 25, Wilmot Germain, ... signed Wilmot German .. "
    Note: In text record says "46th Regiment, Durham.5
  • Note: 30 June 1874; Peterborough, Ontario; Militial Annual Drill, 1873-1874, Acquittance Roll of the Officers, Non-commissioned Officers and men of No. 2 Company 46th Battalion of Active Militia at Peterborough for their Drill Pay, for the financial year ending on the 30th June 1874. ..l Major F. A. Benson ... No. 22, Wilmot Germain, witness to mark .. "
    Note: In text record says "46th Regiment, Durham.5
  • Note*: 1879; Rochester, New York, U.S.A.; "German, Wilment, removed to Syracuse" & "German, Wilmot, removed to Canada" US City Directories, 1879, Rochester, pg. 149 of 670, ancestry.ca,5
  • Residence*: before 21 May 1879; DeWitt, New York, U.S.A.; "German - Wilmot German of DeWitt, NY died near East Palmyra May 22nd aged about 30 years." per Death geneaological records.

Family: Belle ? b. c 1856

  • Marriage*: circa 1876; Belle German per Rochester Directory, 1880.; Principal=Belle ?5


  1. Wilmott German per 1871 Census. Wilmot German per CemSearch.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S83] Ancestry.ca, online unknown url.
  6. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Thomas A. German1,2,3,4

M, #104749, b. 1859, d. 24 January 1887
  • Birth*: 1859; Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada West; Date 1858 & location Trenton per Death Reg'n. Date 1859 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1859 & location Cda. per 1861 Census.2,3,4
  • Death*: 24 January 1887; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#019730: Name: Thomas A. German; Date: Jan 24 1887; Age: 29y; Occ.: Hotel Keeper; Born: Trenton; Cause: consumption, 7 mo.; Phys. & Inf.: Dr. John C. Clapp, Toronto; Reg;d.: Feb 12 1887; Rel.: Meth.; Reg'r.: Jno Blevins (Ontario Death Registration, #019730-1887, ancestry.ca)5
  • Census: April 1861; Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada West; Age 2 at 1861 Census: see Jacob German3
  • Census*: April 1871; Port Hope, Durham East Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1871 Census: see Jacob German2
  • Residence*: 1885; Windsor Hotel, Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "German, Thomas A., Proprietor Windsor Hotel,Church, opp. Victoria Park. (see adv. p 199)" Canada, City and Area Directories, 1885, Ontario Business Directory and Gazetter, pg. 141 of 953, pg. 200 (left side), top right column, ancestry.ca.6


  1. Thomas A. German per Death Reg'n. Thomas German per 1871 Census. Thomas A. German per 1861 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  5. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #019730-1887.
  6. [S83] Ancestry.ca, online unknown url.

Harvey Spafford German1,2,3,4,5

M, #104750, b. 29 July 1846
  • Birth*: 29 July 1846; Athol Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date July 29 1846 & location Athol Twp. per Baptismal Record. Date 1846 per 1885 Kansas State Census. Date 1846 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1846 & location Prince Edward Co. per marr. reg'n.2,3,4,5
  • Baptism: 27 January 1847; Athol Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Baptismal Record: Name: Harvey Spafford German; Birth Date: Jul 29 1846; Birth Place: Athol; Baptism Date: Jan 27 1847; Baptism Place: Athol, Prince Edward; Father: Jacob German; Mother: Sarah; Res.: Athol (Canada, Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register, ancestry.ca)4
  • Marriage*: 29 December 1869; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: H??y? Spafford German; Age: 23; Res.: Hamilton Twp.; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: School Teacher; Pare4nts: Jacob & Sarah German; Bride: Mary Sutherland; Age: 17; Res.: Hamilton Twp.; Born: ?Lambton?' Status: spinster; Parents: George & Mary Sutherland; Wit.: EDward Cole & Mary Jane Gibbs, Hamilton Twp.; Date: Dec 29 1869; Rel.: Protestant; Performed by: Rev. James Graham, Hope Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.ca); Principal=Mary Sutherland3
  • Census*: April 1861; Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada West; Age 15 at 1861 Census: see Jacob S. German2
  • Residence*: 29 December 1869; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Hamilton Twp. per marr. reg'n.3
  • Census: 1 March 1885; Rockville Twp., Rice Co., Kansas, U.S.A.; Age 38 at 1885 Kansas State Census: German, H.S.(m), 38, combination, married; Mary, 32, married; Arthur, 14; Grace, 11; George, 8; Herbert, 4; Jessie, 1 (1885 Kansas State Census: Rockville Twp., Rice Co., Kansas, pg. 25 of 48, line 15 - ancestry.ca)
    Note: Harvey S. German and brother Peter V. German are together in Kansas for the 1885 State Census.5

Family: Mary Sutherland b. 1852


  1. Harvey Spafford German per Baptismal Register. H. S.(m) German per 1885 Kansas State Census. Harvey Spafford German per marr. reg'n. Harvey German per 1861 Census.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  4. [S83] Ancestry.ca, online unknown url.
  5. [S88] US State Census, online unknown url.

Eliza German1,2,3

F, #104752, b. 30 June 1856, d. 11 August 1856

  • Birth*: 30 June 1856; Canada West; Date June 30 1856 per Memorial - age 1m 11d at death Aug 11 1856. Date Jun 30 1856 per CemSearch.2,3
  • Death*: 11 August 1856; Canada West; Date Aug 11 1856 per Memorial & CemSearch.2,3
  • Burial*: 13 August 1856; Hilton Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Hilton, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (see Exhibit) Wilmot German; Died; May 22, 1879; Aged; 24 Y'rs & 4 Mo's. Eliza German; Died: Aug. 11, 1856; Aged; 1 mo. & 11 D'ys (Hilton Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Sep 26 2004, by Dan - J. S. German is on other side)
    CemSearch: Name: Eliza German; Born: Jun 30 1856; Died: Aug 11 1856; ID: HILTON47; Other names: German, J. S. (1826-1884), German, Wilmot (1855-1879); Cemetery: Hilton Cemetery, Conc 2 Lot 4, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co. (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pID=HILTON47%5E1)2,3


  1. Eliza German per Memorial & CemSearch.
  2. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Belle ?1

F, #104753, b. circa 1856
  • Birth*: circa 1856; Belle German per Rochester Directory, 1880.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1876; Belle German per Rochester Directory, 1880.; Principal=Wilmot German1
  • Married Name: circa 1876; German1
  • Note*: 21 May 1879; 22 Fulton Ave., Rochester, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Her husband, Wilmot German, was killed when he fell off a train west out of Syracuse. Date in death announcement says 21st, this directory says 22nd. (US City Directories, 1880, Rochester, NY, pg. 155 of 702, ancestry.ca)1
  • Residence*: 3 June 1879; Rochester, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; "The People of the State of New York ... To Belle German of Rochester, Monroe County, NY, widow of Wilmot german, late of the said City, deceased .... Whereas, the said Wilmot German as is alleged, died intestate on or about the 21st day of May 1879, .... do grant onto you, the said Belle German full power by these presents ... 3rd day of June 1879 ... " Probate records for NY state - ancestry.ca.1

Family: Wilmot German b. 1855, d. 21 May 1879


  1. [S83] Ancestry.ca, online unknown url.

Mary Sutherland1,2

F, #104754, b. 1852
  • Birth*: 1852; Lambton Co., Canada West; Date 1853 per 1885 Kansas State Census. Date 1852 & location ?Lambton? per marriage reg'n.2,3
  • Marriage*: 29 December 1869; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: H??y? Spafford German; Age: 23; Res.: Hamilton Twp.; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: School Teacher; Pare4nts: Jacob & Sarah German; Bride: Mary Sutherland; Age: 17; Res.: Hamilton Twp.; Born: ?Lambton?' Status: spinster; Parents: George & Mary Sutherland; Wit.: EDward Cole & Mary Jane Gibbs, Hamilton Twp.; Date: Dec 29 1869; Rel.: Protestant; Performed by: Rev. James Graham, Hope Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.ca); Principal=Harvey Spafford German2
  • Residence*: 29 December 1869; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Hamilton Twp. per marriage reg'n.2
  • Married Name: 29 December 1869; German2
  • Census*: 1 March 1885; Rockville Twp., Rice Co., Kansas, U.S.A.; Age 32 at 1885 Kansas State Census: see Harvey S. German3

Family: Harvey Spafford German b. 29 Jul 1846


  1. Mary Sutherland per marriage reg'n.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S88] US State Census, online unknown url.

George Sutherland1

M, #104755, b. circa 1820
  • Birth*: circa 1820; per marriage reg'n. of Harvey Spafford German & Mary Sutherland.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1848; per marriage reg'n. of Harvey Spafford German & Mary Sutherland.; Principal=Mary ?1

Family: Mary ? b. c 1820


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Mary ?1

F, #104756, b. circa 1820
  • Birth*: circa 1820; per marriage reg'n. of Harvey Spafford German & Mary Sutherland.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1848; per marriage reg'n. of Harvey Spafford German & Mary Sutherland.; Principal=George Sutherland1
  • Married Name: circa 1848; Sutherland1

Family: George Sutherland b. c 1820


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Susan Amelia German1,2

F, #104757, b. 2 December 1845, d. 8 October 1853

  • Birth*: 2 December 1845; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Dec 2 1845 per Memorial - age 7y 10m 6d at death Oct 8 1853.2
  • Death*: 8 October 1853; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Oct 8 1853 per Memorial.2
  • Burial*: 10 October 1853; Chadsey Pioneer Cemetery, Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Memorial: (see Exhibit) In Memory of; Susan Amelia; Eldest daughter of; Jothiam & Hester; German; who died; Oct. 8, 1853; E 7 y. 10 m. & 6d. (Chadsey Pioneer Cemetery, Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., May 28 2006, by Dan)2


  1. Susan Amelia German per Memorial.
  2. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

John German1

M, #104758, b. 1798, d. 1875
  • Birth*: 1798; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1797 & location Cda. per 1851 Cednsus. Date 1798 & location Prince Edward Co. per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1829; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Phebe Ann Raynor1
  • Death*: 1875; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date 1875 er FindaGrave. per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1,3
  • Burial*: 1875; Glenwood Cemetery, Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; FindaGrave: Name: John German; BIRTH: unknown; DEATH: 1875; BURIAL: Glenwood Cemetery, Picton, Prince Edward County Municipality, Ontario, Canada; PLOT: Section A Block 16 Grave 14; MEMORIAL ID: 190932076 (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/190932076/john-german)3
  • Census*: April 1851; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 54 at 1851 Census: German, John, 54, b. Cda., WM, farmer, married; Phebe A., 47, b. US, WM, married; William, 18, b. Cda., WM; Peter, 16 (1851 Census: Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., pg. 104 of 122, line 27 - ancestry.ca)2

Family: Phebe Ann Raynor b. 1804, d. 1873


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.

Phebe Ann Raynor1

F, #104759, b. 1804, d. 1873
  • Birth*: 1804; U.S.A.; Date 1804 & location US per 1851 Census. per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1829; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=John German1
  • Death*: 1873; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Married Name: circa 1829; German1
  • Census*: 1851; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 47 at 1851 Census: see John German2

Family: John German b. 1798, d. 1875


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Lucinda Susan German1

F, #104760, b. 1816, d. before 1871
  • Birth*: 1816; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: 12 October 1835; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Charles Bennett Clarke1
  • Death*: before 1871; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Married Name: 12 October 1835; Clarke1

Family: Charles Bennett Clarke b. 7 Jun 1812, d. 26 Apr 1880


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Charles Bennett Clarke1

M, #104761, b. 7 June 1812, d. 26 April 1880
  • Birth*: 7 June 1812; Fredericksburgh Twp., Lennox & Addngton Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: 12 October 1835; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Lucinda Susan German1
  • Death*: 26 April 1880; Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1

Family: Lucinda Susan German b. 1816, d. b 1871


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Jane German1

F, #104762, b. 1811, d. 1845
  • Birth*: 1811; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Chester Potter1
  • Death*: 1845; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Married Name: 1832; Potter1

Family: Chester Potter b. 1807


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Henrietta Aylmer MacDonell1

F, #104763, b. circa 1859
  • Birth*: circa 1859; Toronto, York Co., Canada West; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: 22 July 1885; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=William Manley German1
  • Married Name: 22 July 1885; German1

Family: William Manley German b. 27 May 1851, d. 31 Mar 1933


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Johannes Jacob "John" German1

M, #104764, b. 1740, d. 1792
  • Birth*: 1740; Ratingen, Rheinland, Prussia; Date 1730 & location Germany per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1740 & location Tatingen, Rheinland, Prussia per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: 1763; Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1763 for marriage to Maria Mary Ryckman per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1873 & locaiton Schenectady per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Grace ?1
  • Marriage*: 1784; Addington Twp., Quebec; per family tree of Karoleana Gay on ancestry.ca, June 1 2021.; Principal=Maria Mary Ryckman1
  • Death*: 1792; Sidney Twp., Hastings Co., Upper Canada; Date 1802 & location Sidney Twp. per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1792 & location Sidney Twp. per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Residence*: 1746; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.1
  • Note*: 1768; New York; "Family name was originally St. Germain> Germain>German. French Huguenots (Protestants) who were persecuted in France and forced to flee to other parts of Europe; eventually to New York area." per family of mary schaede on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.1
  • Residence: 2 January 1778; Lachine, Quebec; "A Provision List of Loyalists gives the names of three females as well as the three boys in John German's family. His wife Grace (maiden name unknown) a daughter Rebeckah over 10 and Mary under 10." per family of mary schaede on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.1

Family 1: Grace ? b. 1741, d. 1805

  • Marriage*: 1763; Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1763 for marriage to Maria Mary Ryckman per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1873 & locaiton Schenectady per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Grace ?1

Family 2: Maria Mary Ryckman b. 6 Aug 1765

  • Marriage*: 1784; Addington Twp., Quebec; per family tree of Karoleana Gay on ancestry.ca, June 1 2021.; Principal=Maria Mary Ryckman1


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Grace ?1,2

F, #104765, b. 1741, d. 1805
  • Birth*: 1741; Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1740 & location Schenectady per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1741 & location Schenectady per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.2
  • Marriage*: 1763; Schenectady, Schenectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1763 for marriage to Maria Mary Ryckman per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020. Date 1873 & locaiton Schenectady per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Johannes Jacob "John" German2
  • Death*: 1805; Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.2
  • Death: 1783; Adolphustown Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Quebec; Date 1783 & location Adolphustown per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.
    Note: Upper and Lower Canada were created 1792 and before that it was all the Province of Quebec.2
  • Married Name: 1763; German2

Family: Johannes Jacob "John" German b. 1740, d. 1792


  1. First wife of John German is Grace (UEL) per family tree of mjwgerman on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.
  2. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Johann Peter "John" German1,2

M, #104766, b. 1764, d. 20 January 1824
  • Birth*: 1764; Fort Edwards, Albany Co., New York, U.S.A.; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.2
  • Marriage*: 19 September 1789; Quebec; per family tree of michaeljmccumber on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Elizabeth Vandeburgh2
  • Death*: 20 January 1824; Adolphustown Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.2
  • Residence*: 2 January 1778; Lachine, Quebec; "A Provision List of Loyalists gives the names of three females as well as the three boys in John German's family. His wife Grace (maiden name unknown) a daughter Rebeckah over 10 and Mary under 10." per family of mary schaede on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.2
  • Census*: 1795; Adolphustown Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Upper Canada; 1795 Census: John German; 2 men, 1 woman, 1 male, 2 females, total 6
  • Census: 1796; Adolphustown Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Upper Canada; 1796 Census: John German; 1 man, 1 woman, 1 male, 2 females, total 5
  • Census: 1797; Adolphustown Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Upper Canada; 1797 Census: John German; 1 man, 1 woman, 1 male, 3 females, total 6

Family: Elizabeth Vandeburgh b. 1769

  • Marriage*: 19 September 1789; Quebec; per family tree of michaeljmccumber on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Elizabeth Vandeburgh2


  1. John German per family tree of michaeljmccumber on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.
  2. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Jane German1

F, #104767, b. 1765
  • Birth*: 1765; U.S.A.; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Rebecca German1

F, #104768, b. 1770, d. 4 March 1827
  • Birth*: 1770; Fort Edwards, Washington Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date c 1770 & location Fort Edwards, Washington Co., NY per family tree of michaeljmccumber on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020. per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1789; Quebec; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.; Principal=Jacob Elliott1
  • Death*: 4 March 1827; Brockville, Leeds Co., Upper Canada; per famly tree of leecurrey on ancestry.ca, Aug 25 2020.1
  • Residence*: 2 January 1778; Lachine, Quebec; "A Provision List of Loyalists gives the names of three females as well as the three boys in John German's family. His wife Grace (maiden name unknown) a daughter Rebeckah over 10 and Mary under 10." per family of mary schaede on ancestry.ca, Aug 26 2020.1
  • Married Name: circa 1789; Elliott1

Family: Jacob Elliott b. 1769, d. 22 Dec 1850


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.