John Blackstock1

M, #100379, b. 1800
  • Birth*: 1800; per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 1822; Upper Canada; per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.; Principal=Sarah Dean1

Family: Sarah Dean b. 1802


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Silvester Dean1,2,3

M, #100380, b. 24 April 1806, d. 4 May 1853

  • Birth*: 24 April 1806; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date Apr 24 1806 per Memorial & CemSearch. Date 1807 & locaiton USA per 1851 Census. Date Apr 24 1806 & location Hamilton Twp. per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.2,4,3,5
  • Marriage*: 14 November 1836; Whitby Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.; Principal=Harriet Wyman2
  • Death*: 4 May 1853; Canada West; Date May 4 1853 per Memorial & CemSearch. Date May 4 1853 per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.2,3,4
  • Burial*: 6 May 1853; Zion Cemetery, Hope Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Silvester Dean; Born; April 24, 1806; Died; May 4, 1853; Aged 47 Y'rs. (Zion Cemetery, Hope Twp., image sent via email by Bonny Campbell, May 31 2021.)
    CemSearch: Name: Silvester Dean; Born: Apr 24 1806; Died: May 4 1853; Age: 47; ID: HOPEZN72; No other names: Cemetery: Zion Cemetery, Conc 3, Lot 31, Hope Twp., Northumberland Co., plot 29 (,4
  • Census*: 1851; Hope Twp., Durham Co., Canada West; Age 44 at 1851 Census: Dean, Silvester, 44, b. USA, Meth., farmer, married; Harriet, 36, b. USA, Meth., married; Matilda, 20, b. Cda.(F?), single; Alfred, 13; Maria, 9; Laura Ann, 7; Rowena, 5; Wimon(m), 1 (1851 Census: Hope Twp., Durham Co., pg. 105 of 179, line 32 -

Family: Harriet Wyman b. 21 Jul 1815, d. 31 Jul 1859


  1. Silvester Dean per CemSearch.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  5. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Harriet Wyman1

F, #100381, b. 21 July 1815, d. 31 July 1859
  • Birth*: 21 July 1815; U.S.A.; Date 1815 & location USA per 1851 Census. Date Jul 21 1815 per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.1,2
  • Marriage*: 14 November 1836; Whitby Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.; Principal=Silvester Dean1
  • Death*: 31 July 1859; per family tree of Ethel Stanley on, May 3 2019.1
  • Married Name: 14 November 1836; Dean1
  • Census*: 1851; Hope Twp., Durham Co., Canada West; Age 36 at 1851 Census: see Silveste Dean2

Family: Silvester Dean b. 24 Apr 1806, d. 4 May 1853


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Harriet Roblin1

F, #100382, b. 12 January 1783, d. 22 September 1858
  • Birth*: 12 January 1783; Bergen Co., New Jersey, U.S.A.; Date Jan 12 1783 & location Bergen Co., NJ & dau. of John Roblin & Sarah Wessels per Findagrave.1
  • Marriage*: 25 June 1804; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of trschanbeck on, May 12 2024.; Principal=Absalom Loveless2
  • Marriage*: 1814; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; "First marriage to Harriet Wessels July 23, 1810 at Sophiasburgh Twp, Ontario. Second marriage to Harriet Roblin in 1814 at Prince Edward County, Ontario." per Findagrave.; Principal=Jonathon Greeley1
  • Death*: 22 September 1858; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date Sep 22 1858 & location Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co. per FindaGrave. Date Sep 22 1858 & location Ameliasburgh Twp. per family tree of trschanbeck on, May 12 2024.1,2
  • Burial*: 24 September 1858; Bethel-Doxsee Cemetery, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; FindaGrave: Name: Harriet Roblin Greeley; BIRTH: 12 Jan 1783, Bergen County, New Jersey, USA; DEATH: 22 Sep 1868 (aged 85), Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario, Canada; BURIAL: Bethel-Doxsee Cemetery, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario, Canada; MEMORIAL ID: 185523156; Note: Daughter of John Roblin and Sarah Wessels Roblin. First marriage to Absolam Loveless (1775-1812) in 1805 at Sophiasburg Twp, Ontario. Second marriage to Jonathan Greeley in 1814 at Prince Edward County, Ontario. (*pzfbga*_gcl_au*MTUwMDMzMzY2OC4xNzE0NDAyNzI5*_ga*NTYwMjIyMjkyLjE2NzQ5Mzg5MDg.*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*ZmYxZjU0NTAtNmVlZS00NWRkLWFlMzgtMzM3ZDMzNGJhODczLjEwMjcuMS4xNzE1NTc3NTk0LjYwLjAuMA..*_ga_QPQNV9XG1B*ZmYxZjU0NTAtNmVlZS00NWRkLWFlMzgtMzM3ZDMzNGJhODczLjU1OC4xLjE3MTU1Nzc1OTQuMC4wLjA.)1
  • Married Name: 25 June 1804; Loveless2
  • Note*: circa 1806; Upper Canada; Jonathan Greeley's brother, Aaron, was in partnership with Asa Danforth to obtain a township grant and bring lots of settlers to take up the land. By 1797, this approach was discontinued by the goverment of Upper Canada due to what they deemed the dishonesty of many American speculators in submitting lists of settlers that turned out to be fraudulent. The authorities pulled all the exiting township block grants and required individual settlers who were already on the land to apply for their own grants. In the future, individual grants would be only way to get land. While much more difficult for individual settlers, this approach cut out the middle man and ensured a more orderly settlement process. But fixing the problem left lots of people very angry. This fiasco delayed settled in the townships of Percy, Cramahe and Murray as well as others in the Newcastle District (Durham and Northumberland Co.'s). It also resulted in Asa Danforth and Aaron Greeley skipping town to avoid prosecution. Who was to blame and to what degree is still debatable, but, if we look at it objectively, we might put it down to growing pains of a flegling colony. (Dan Buchanan, May 16 2024)
  • Married Name: 1814; Greeley1

Family 1: Absalom Loveless b. 1775, d. c 1822

  • Marriage*: 25 June 1804; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of trschanbeck on, May 12 2024.; Principal=Absalom Loveless2

Family 2: Jonathon Greeley b. 3 Nov 1779, d. 24 Jul 1856

  • Marriage*: 1814; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; "First marriage to Harriet Wessels July 23, 1810 at Sophiasburgh Twp, Ontario. Second marriage to Harriet Roblin in 1814 at Prince Edward County, Ontario." per Findagrave.; Principal=Jonathon Greeley1


  1. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Sarah Greeley1

F, #100383, b. 12 November 1816, d. 1 January 1902
  • Birth*: 12 November 1816; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 7 March 1837; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.; Principal=John Trumpour Osborne1
  • Death*: 1 January 1902; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.1
  • Married Name: 7 March 1837; Osborne1

Family: John Trumpour Osborne b. 26 Jul 1809, d. 26 Dec 1887


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

John Trumpour Osborne1

M, #100384, b. 26 July 1809, d. 26 December 1887
  • Birth*: 26 July 1809; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date Jul 1809 & location Sophiasburgh Twp. per Death Reg'n. Date Jul 26 1809 & location Sophiasburgh Twp. per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.1,2
  • Marriage*: 7 March 1837; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.; Principal=Sarah Greeley1
  • Death*: 26 December 1887; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#014884: Name: Jno. T. Osborne; Date: Dec 26 1887; Age: 78y 5m; Occ.: yeoman; Born: Sophiasburgh Twp.; Cause: paralysis, gangrene of foot, 9m; Phys.: Dr. Thornton; Inf.: J.H. Parliament, yeoman, Consecon; Reg'd.: Dec 28 1887; Rel.: Meth.; Reg'r.: James Benson, Ameliaburgh Twp. (Ontario Death Registration, #014884-1887, per family tree of dreamcatcher2010 on, May 10 2019.1,3

Family: Sarah Greeley b. 12 Nov 1816, d. 1 Jan 1902


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  3. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #014884-1887.

Daniel McKyes

M, #100385, b. circa 1740
  • Birth*: circa 1740
  • Marriage*: before 1762; per 1804 Hamilton Twp. Census - male and female over 60 under name of Daniel McKyes, in addition to Barnabus McKyes and kids.; Principal=? ?
  • Census: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Assessment: Daniel McKyes; 20 acres uncult; 130 acres cult. (Hamilton Twp. Census Records,
    Note: The numbers must be reversed here, not likley 130 acres cultivated in 1804!!
  • Census*: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Census: Daniel McKyes; 1 male over 60; 1 female over 60; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records,

Family: ? ? b. c 1740

? ?

F, #100386, b. circa 1740
  • Birth*: circa 1740
  • Marriage*: before 1762; per 1804 Hamilton Twp. Census - male and female over 60 under name of Daniel McKyes, in addition to Barnabus McKyes and kids.; Principal=Daniel McKyes
  • Married Name: before 1762; McKyes

Family: Daniel McKyes b. c 1740

Eliud Nickerson1

M, #100387, b. December 1760, d. 30 March 1843
  • Birth*: December 1760; Danbury Co., Connecticut, U.S..; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1784; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Mary Margaret Fritz1
  • Death*: 30 March 1843; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Residence*: circa 1816; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; Records for his kids suggest that the family moved from Hamilton Twp. to Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co. around 1816. His kids spread out from there to Norfolk, Elgin and on to Michigan.

Family: Mary Margaret Fritz b. c 1765, d. 22 Mar 1840


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Mary Margaret Fritz1

F, #100388, b. circa 1765, d. 22 March 1840
  • Birth*: circa 1765; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1784; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Eliud Nickerson1
  • Death*: 22 March 1840; Grantham Twp., St. Catherines, Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: circa 1784; Nickerson1

Family: Eliud Nickerson b. Dec 1760, d. 30 Mar 1843


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Nathaniel Nickerson1

M, #100389, b. 19 October 1784, d. 6 April 1871
  • Birth*: 19 October 1784; New Brunswick; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1815; Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Berthena Miller1
  • Death*: 6 April 1871; Goodland, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Note*: 30 August 1813; Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "Muster Roll and Pay Lists of Northumberland Militia, Captain Roger Wolcott's Co. on duty escorting American prisoners from the Township of Hamilton to Kingston from 16th to 30th August 1813. Row 1: Captain Roger Wolcut, from Aug 16 to Aug 20, 15 days, 6.18.7/2; Row 2: Lieutenant John Grover, from Aug 16 to Aug 30, 15 days, 4.5.11; Row 3: Ensign J. Burnham, from Aug 16 to Aug 30, 15 days, 3.9.11; Row 4: Sergeant N. Nickerson …
    Row 5: Sergeant E. ?Wairfield .. Row 6: Sergeant Oliver Eaton … Row 7: Corporal J. Drinkwater … Row 8:
    Corporal Elijah Calkins … " image sent to me by Eleanor Beath, Oct 3 2024, Northumberland Militia Muster Roll and Pay list.2

Family: Berthena Miller b. 26 Mar 1799, d. 29 Aug 1851


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S234] Unknown author, Muster Rolls.

Berthena Miller1

F, #100390, b. 26 March 1799, d. 29 August 1851
  • Birth*: 26 March 1799; Saratoga Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1815; Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Nathaniel Nickerson1
  • Death*: 29 August 1851; Mahalide Twp., Elgin Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: circa 1815; Nickerson1

Family: Nathaniel Nickerson b. 19 Oct 1784, d. 6 Apr 1871


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Ogden Miller1

M, #100391, b. 1768, d. 17 September 1844
  • Birth*: 1768; Bedford, Westchester Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019. per family tree of katherinegsmith_smith on, March 25 2021.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1789; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Rachel ?1
  • Marriage*: before 1793; Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Fanny Rosebush1
  • Death*: 17 September 1844; Charlton, Saratoga Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019. per family tree of katherinegsmith_smith on, March 25 2021.1

Family 1: Rachel ? b. c 1762, d. 17 Feb 1844

Family 2: Fanny Rosebush b. c 1770, d. 1842


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Fanny Rosebush1

F, #100392, b. circa 1770, d. 1842
  • Birth*: circa 1770; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: before 1793; Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Ogden Miller1
  • Death*: 1842; Sidney Twp., Hastings Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: before 1793; Miller1

Family: Ogden Miller b. 1768, d. 17 Sep 1844


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

George Mathias Nickerson1

M, #100393, b. 23 December 1812, d. 16 September 1880
  • Birth*: 23 December 1812; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 6 May 1852; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Mary Ann Read1
  • Death*: 16 September 1880; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Ontario; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1

Family: Mary Ann Read b. 1826, d. 11 Jun 1890


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Mary Ann Read1

F, #100394, b. 1826, d. 11 June 1890
  • Birth*: 1826; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 6 May 1852; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=George Mathias Nickerson1
  • Death*: 11 June 1890; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Ontario; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: 6 May 1852; Nickerson1

Family: George Mathias Nickerson b. 23 Dec 1812, d. 16 Sep 1880


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Lorana Nickerson1

F, #100395, b. 21 January 1815, d. 29 May 1893
  • Birth*: 21 January 1815; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 27 June 1830; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=George William Robertson1
  • Death*: 29 May 1893; Ontario; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: 27 June 1830; Robertson1

Family: George William Robertson b. c 1812


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

George William Robertson1

M, #100396, b. circa 1812
  • Birth*: circa 1812; Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 27 June 1830; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Lorana Nickerson1

Family: Lorana Nickerson b. 21 Jan 1815, d. 29 May 1893


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Eliza Maria Nickerson1

F, #100397, b. 13 March 1817, d. 11 February 1894
  • Birth*: 13 March 1817; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 26 May 1839; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=John Brock Read1
  • Death*: 11 February 1894; Lincoln Co., Ontario; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Married Name: 26 May 1839; Read1

Family: John Brock Read b. 12 Oct 1813, d. 26 Jun 1856


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

John Brock Read1

M, #100398, b. 12 October 1813, d. 26 June 1856
  • Birth*: 12 October 1813; Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 26 May 1839; Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.; Principal=Eliza Maria Nickerson1
  • Death*: 26 June 1856; Lincoln Co., Canada West; per family tree of BruceC_JohnsonJr on, May 11 2019.1

Family: Eliza Maria Nickerson b. 13 Mar 1817, d. 11 Feb 1894


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.