Maria Catherine Young1

F, #99829, b. circa 1700
  • Birth*: circa 1700; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 1734; Fort Hunter, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1734 & location Fort Hunter per family tree of Laura Kane on, March 6, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Johannes Klein1
  • Married Name: circa 1730; Klein1

Family: Johannes Klein b. 1708, d. 26 Apr 1787


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

William Pettingill1

M, #99830, b. 2 May 1758, d. 1840
  • Birth*: 2 May 1758; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date May 2 1758 & location Florida per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1785; per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.; Principal=? ?1
  • Death*: 1840; Milford, Otsego Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date after 1840 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Census*: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "William Pettingall, 400, 86, 486, 49" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: ? ? b. c 1760


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Mary Pettingill1

F, #99831, b. 1761, d. before 1861
  • Birth*: 1761; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1761 & location Florida NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1783; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Hugh Connelly1
  • Death*: before 1861; U.S.A.; per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.1
  • Married Name: circa 1783; Connelly1

Family: Hugh Connelly b. 26 Apr 1756


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Hugh Connelly1,2

M, #99832, b. 26 April 1756
  • Birth*: 26 April 1756; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Apr 26 1756 per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.2
  • Marriage*: circa 1783; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Mary Pettingill2

Family: Mary Pettingill b. 1761, d. b 1861


  1. Hugh Conly per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Benjamin Pettingill1

M, #99833, b. 20 June 1765, d. 25 September 1849
  • Birth*: 20 June 1765; Florida Twp., Tryon Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Jun 20 1765 & location Florida Twp., Montgomery Co. per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 6 April 1786; Warrensborough, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Apr 6 1786 & location Warrensborough, Montgomery Co., NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Albina Schultz1
  • Death*: 25 September 1849; Florida Twp., Monaville, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; Note: The county of Tyron was renamed Montgomery after the end of the war, named for a general who tried to attack Montreal. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.1
  • Census*: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U..A.; "Benjamin Pettingall, 1250, 247, 1497, 50" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: Albina Schultz b. 10 Jun 1766, d. 26 Apr 1847


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Albina Schultz1,2

F, #99834, b. 10 June 1766, d. 26 April 1847
  • Birth*: 10 June 1766; Netherlands; per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.2
  • Marriage*: 6 April 1786; Warrensborough, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Apr 6 1786 & location Warrensborough, Montgomery Co., NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Benjamin Pettingill2
  • Death*: 26 April 1847; Florida Twp., Minaville, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.2
  • Married Name: 6 April 1786; Pettingill2

Family: Benjamin Pettingill b. 20 Jun 1765, d. 25 Sep 1849


  1. Addine Shutes per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. Albina Schultz per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Peter Pettingill1

M, #99835, b. 12 August 1765, d. 1838
  • Birth*: 12 August 1765; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Aug 12 1765 per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. Date july 1772 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1790; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Mary Snook1
  • Death*: 1838; Date 1838 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Census*: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Peter Pettingall, 600, 200, 800, 80" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: Mary Snook b. c 1771


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Mary Snook1

F, #99836, b. circa 1771
  • Birth*: circa 1771; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1790; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Peter Pettingill1
  • Married Name: circa 1790; Pettingill1

Family: Peter Pettingill b. 12 Aug 1765, d. 1838


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Joseph Pettingill1

M, #99837, b. September 1769
  • Birth*: September 1769; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Sep 1769 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1785; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Margaret Cooley1
  • Census*: 1790; Mohawk Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1790 Census: Martn Pettingill; 1 male over 16; 2 females; Joseph Pettingill; 2 males over 16; 2 males under 16; 1 female; Samuel Pettingill, 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16, 2 females (1790 Census: Mohawk Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, pg. 4 of 10 -
    Note: Tyron County was renamed Montgomery County after the end of the war in 1784. Same placem, different name.2
  • Census: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Joseph Pettingall, 900, 147, 1047, 55" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: Margaret Cooley b. 1771


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Catherine Pettingill1,2

F, #99838, b. 1763, d. 1825
  • Birth*: 1763; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1763 & location Mohawl River area, NY per family tree of Lkrinke1 on, March 6 2019. Date 1760 & location Florida NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.2
  • Marriage*: 29 January 1789; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=John Peter Service2
  • Death*: 1825; Matilda Twp., Dundas Co., Upper Canada; Date 1825 & location Matilda, Dundas Co., Ontario per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Lkrinke1 on, March 6 2019.2
  • Married Name: 29 January 1789; Service2

Family: John Peter Service b. 25 Dec 1760, d. 1848


  1. Catarina Pettengill per family tree of Lkrinke1 on, March 6 2019.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Christina Jacintje Pettingill1,2

F, #99839, b. 1762, d. 1845
  • Birth*: 1762; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1762 & location Florida NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.2
  • Marriage*: circa 1782; Minaville, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date c. 1782 & loaction Minaville per family tree of Lkrinke1 on, Mar 8 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Christian C. Servoss2
  • Death*: 1845; Date 1845 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.2
  • Married Name: circa 1782; Servoss2

Family: Christian C. Servoss b. 1758, d. 23 Feb 1811


  1. Christina Jacintje Pettingell per family tree of Lkrinke1 on, Mar 8 2019.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Cornelius Pettingill1

M, #99840, b. April 1768, d. 22 May 1831
  • Birth*: April 1768; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Apr 1768 & location Florida NY per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. Date 1775 per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1796; Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Christine McGraw1
  • Death*: 22 May 1831; Florida Twp., Mongtomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.
    Note: Tyron County was renamed Montgomery after the end of the war, for the general who attacked Montreal.1
  • Census: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Corneilus Pettingall, - , 139, 139, 14" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,
  • Census*: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Henry & Corneilus Pettingall, 846, - , 846, 85" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: Christine McGraw b. 1777, d. 29 May 1861


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.

Christine McGraw1

F, #99841, b. 1777, d. 29 May 1861
  • Birth*: 1777; Fonda Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1796; Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Cornelius Pettingill1
  • Death*: 29 May 1861; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.1
  • Married Name: 1800; Pettingill1

Family: Cornelius Pettingill b. Apr 1768, d. 22 May 1831


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Margaret Pettingill1,2,3

F, #99842, b. 22 May 1775
  • Birth*: 22 May 1775; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date May 22 1775 & location Fonda per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. Date May 22 1775 & location Florida per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.2
  • Marriage*: 8 January 1796; Dutch Reformed Church of Caughnawaga, Caughnawaga, Montgomery Co., U.S.A.; Mariage Record: "John Reese ... Catrina.... Marrigret Petingale ... January 8th 1796" from U.S. Dutch Reformed Church Records, of Caughnawaga, per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=John Rees2,3
  • Married Name: 8 January 1796; Rees2

Family: John Rees b. 1770, d. 1857


  1. Marrigret Patingale per marriage record.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S83], online unknown url.

Henry Pettingill1

M, #99843, b. 14 January 1777, d. 1853
  • Birth*: 14 January 1777; Fonda Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Jan 14 1777 & location Fonda per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. Date Jan 14 1777 & location Florida per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1798; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Abigail Downs1
  • Death*: 1853; Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.1
  • Census*: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Henry & Corneilus Pettingall, 846, - , 846, 85" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,
  • Census: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Henry Pettingall, -, 155 , 155, 15" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,

Family: Abigail Downs b. c 1777


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.

Abigail Pettingill1

F, #99844, b. circa 1756, d. circa 1792
  • Birth*: circa 1756; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date c. 1756 per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 1 July 1778; Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Peter Cooley1
  • Death*: circa 1792; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.
    Note: Tyron County was renamed Montgomery after the war, for the general who attacked Montreal.1
  • Married Name: 1 July 1778; Cooley1

Family: Peter Cooley b. c 1760, d. 6 Sep 1839


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Jacob Pettingill1

M, #99845, b. February 1771, d. 1838
  • Birth*: February 1771; Florida Twp., Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Fb 1771 per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019. per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1795; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Christina Snook1
  • Death*: 1838; Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date 1838 per family tree of Maureen Hunt on, Feb 5, 2019. Burial Yankee Hill, Montgomery Co., so death likely close by.1,2
  • Burial*: 1838; Yankee Hill, Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Name: Jacob Pettingill; Burial Place: Yankee Hill, Montgomery Co., New York" per The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record (quarterly-1927) - Extracts; Publication Place: New York; Publisher: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society; Page Number: 156 -
  • Note: 1781; Mohawk River, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Likely the Jno Service who made a remarkable scout to the Mohawk R. in '81 & return'd w/6 rcts. [S14]" per The History and Master Roll of the King's Royal Regiment of New York, Cruikshank and Watt, Revised Edition, Global Heritage Press, 2006, 2010 (Master Roll starts page 165, page numbers not shown - use PDF page numbers - 323 of 416)
    Note: This suggests that John Serviss may have recruited Jacob and Samuel Pettingill, from his community in Florida, Tyron Co., NY. They would return home after the war and he would marry their sister, Catherine Pettingtill. This is to some degree speculation, but it could be the means by which Samuel and Jacob became fighters for the British, even though their father, Capt. Samuel Pettingill, fought withthe Tyron Militia and was killed in the Battle of Oriskany in 1777. Both Samuel and Jacob Pettingill would later be named for Crown Grants in Fredericksburgh and Samuel's sons would be able to site his name on the "Loyalist List" in order to obtain land grants for themselves in Hillier Twp. in the 1830s.
  • Census*: 1790; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1790 Census: Jacob Pattingill; 1 male 16 and over; 3 females; Total 4 (This represents an unmarried young man with his sisters and mother.) Note: Brothers Benjamin and Joseph are close in the list.3
  • Note*: 1 December 1797; Conc 1 Lot 20, Fredericksburgh Twp., Addington Co., Upper Canada; Crown Grants for Fredericksburgh Twp.: Name: Corpl. Jacob Pettingil, et al; Date: Dec 1 1797; Conc: 1; Lot 20, East half; Acreage: 200 (from List of Crown Grants on
  • Census: 1799; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1799 Census: Jacob Pettingal; farm, $30, ?30 acres (
    Note: Brothers present: Cornelius, Henry, Martin, William, Benjamin, Joseph, Peter,
  • Census: 1801; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1801 Assessment: Jacob Pettingill; $200 value (Note his brothers are close by in the list - Benjamin, William, Martin, Joseph, Cornelius and Henry - not Samuel.)3
  • Census: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Jacob Pettingall, 30, 40, 70, 7" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,
  • Census: 1810; Florida Twp., Montgimery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1810 Census: Jacob Petingale; 1 male 10 to 15; 1 male 16 to 25; 1 male 45 and over; 3 females under 10; 2 females 16 to 24; 1 female over 45; Total 9 (

Family: Christina Snook b. c 1762

  • Marriage*: circa 1795; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Christina Snook1


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.
  3. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Martin Pettingill1

M, #99846, b. November 1766
  • Birth*: November 1766; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Nov 1766 & location Minaville per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Marriage*: 24 March 1785; Schenectady, Schednectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Marriage Record: "March 24, Martin Pettingel, J. M., en Christina Cooley, J. D. beyde van Warens Borough." US Dutch Reformed Church Records, 1785 starts page 38, this record part way down page 39, pg. 51 of 113 - Date Mar 24 1785 & location Schenectady per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Christina Cooley1,2
  • Census*: 1790; Mohawk Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1790 Census: Martn Pettingill; 1 male over 16; 2 females; Joseph Pettingill; 2 males over 16; 2 males under 16; 1 female; Samuel Pettingill, 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16, 2 females (1790 Census: Mohawk Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, pg. 4 of 10 -
    Note: Tyron County was renamed Montgomery County after the end of the war in 1784. Same placem, different name.3
  • Census: 1803; Florida Twp., Montgimery Co., New York, U.S.A.; "Martinus Pettingall, 50, 98, 148, 15" 1803 Assessment Rolls, Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., NY,
  • Census: 1810; Florida Twp., Montgomery Co., New York, U.S.A.; 1810 Census: Martin Petingale, 1 male 16 thru 25; 1 male 26 thru 44; 1 female 10 thru 25; 1 female 26 thru 44; Total 4 (

Family: Christina Cooley b. c 1764


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.
  3. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

John Pettingill1

M, #99847, b. 1763, d. 1838
  • Birth*: 1763; Florida Twp., Minaville, Tyron Co., New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019. per family tree of menorse2_1 on, March 3 2019.1
  • Death*: 1838; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Christina Cooley1

F, #99848, b. circa 1764
  • Birth*: circa 1764; New York, U.S.A.; per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.
    Note: Experimenting here. The Cooley people who married into the Pettingill family may be of this Samuel and Mary Coolery family. Proximity and time. Anyone know better??1
  • Marriage*: 24 March 1785; Schenectady, Schednectady Co., New York, U.S.A.; Marriage Record: "March 24, Martin Pettingel, J. M., en Christina Cooley, J. D. beyde van Warens Borough." US Dutch Reformed Church Records, 1785 starts page 38, this record part way down page 39, pg. 51 of 113 - Date Mar 24 1785 & location Schenectady per family tree of Randall Swartz on, March 3 2019.; Principal=Martin Pettingill1,2
  • Married Name: 24 March 1785; Pettingill1

Family: Martin Pettingill b. Nov 1766


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S83], online unknown url.