Noah Pomeroy1

M, #98481, b. 24 January 1733, d. 17 September 1798
  • Birth*: 24 January 1733; Suffield, Hartford Co., Connecticut, U.S.A.; per family tree of Richard Feader on, Oct 17 2018.1
  • Death*: 17 September 1798; Colchester, New London Co., Connecticut, U.S.A.; per family tree of Richard Feader on, Oct 17 2018.1


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

John Frederick William Stegman1,2

M, #98482, b. 26 January 1760, d. 7 October 1804
  • Birth*: 26 January 1760; Kassel, Hesse, Germany; "His German name was Johann Friedrich Stegmann, born around 1758 in the City of Kassel, Province of Hessen, loyal subject of his Landgraf Friedrich II of Hessen-Kassel. He was a real and true "Hessian". He came to America with the Hessian troops in 1776, serving as an Ensign with the Regiment von Lossberg in New York. The Hetrina II computerlisting (S#132) shows him as Free Corporal in June 1777, however, in a petition he made to the Upper Canada Landboard in 1788, he stated that he served His Majesty in America from 1776 to 1783, his rank in 1783 being that of a Lieutenant." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
    Date Jan 26 1760 & location Kassell, Hesse, Germany per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2
  • Marriage*: 13 January 1784; L'Islet-sur-Mer, Quebec; "The Lieutenant Johann Friedrich Stegmann, from his date of discharge on known as John Stegman, married in January of 1784 at L'Islet, just downstream from the Isle D'Orleans on the southshore of the mighty St. Lawrence. His bride was Marie-Ursule Choisy from the parish of L'Islet. Already in 1783 the Governor of Canada gave him employment as a surveyor, and together with the surveyor Chewett he was ordered to survey the County of Dundas, west of the Ottawa River along the St. Lawrence. There was great urgency to proceed, because hundreds of dislocated Loyalists were ready to settle down and were waiting for the issue of their land grants." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Marie Ursule Choisy2
  • Death*: 7 October 1804; Lake Ontario, Newcastle, Newcastel Dist., Upper Canada; "Mr. Stegman was a passenger on board the SPEEDY, which was lost in 1804, off the Newcastle shore, with all on board. Several of his grandchildren are living, one of whom is Mrs. O'Brien, of Richmond Hill." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. Date Oct 7 1804 & location Lake Ontario per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2
  • Note*: August 1776; Staten Island, New York, U.S.A.; "His Regiment belonged to a fighting force of over 12,000 Hessians who landed on Staten Island, New York, in August 1776, and they were immediately engaged fighting against the American rebels led by their General Washington. In the battle of Trenton on Christmas 1776, his Regiment von Lossberg, together with the other Hesse-Kassel Regiments Rall and Knyphausen were ambushed by Washington's troops, and over 1,000 Hessian soldiers were taken prisoner. The rest of the men escaped in the dark of the night and avoided capture. Ensign Stegmann must have been one of them, because his name did not appear on any of the prisoner lists." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Immigration*: 1777; Canada; "Passenger and Immigration Lists Index,1550s-1900s: Name: Johann Friedr. Stegmann; Arrival Year: 1777; Arrival Place: North America; Primary Immigrant: Stegmann, Johann Friedr; Source Publication Code: 3067.31; Annotation: Hessian Troops in the American War for Independence: An Index According to Surname. Date and place of entry in unit books. Year of birth, place of origin, rank, unit, category of presentation, and archive code of the source are also provided.; Source Bibliography; HESSISCHE TRUPPEN IM AMERIKANISCHEN UNABHAENGIGKEITSKRIEG (HETRINA): Index nach Familiennamen. (Marburg: Archivschule) (Veroeffentlichungen der Archivschule Marburg, Institut fuer Archivwissenschaft, Nr. 10). Band II. Marburg 1976; Auflage, 1987. Household Members: Johann Friedr. Stegmann" per family tree of dahutcheon on, Jan 14 2019.3
  • Note: September 1779; New York, New York, U.S.A.; "The survivors of the defeated regiments were reorganized into a new combined Regiment von Loos, which later took part in the occupation of Philadelphia in 1777. After the evacuation of Philadelphia in June 1778 the Regiment of Loos returned to New York, and when through the exchange of prisoners and the arrival of new recruits from Kassel the overall manpower improved, the original Regiments were re-activated and resumed military duty in New York until September 1779, without much more excitement. Guard duty and training were the main military activities." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: 8 September 1779; New York, New York, U.S.A.; "About the middle of September, the fleet set sail for Canada, but only a few days out at sea, a devastating powerful hurricane hit the fleet, scattering the ships in all directions. Most of them suffered great damage, the ship Adamant broke up and went down to the bottom of the sea. Captain Hanstein's Company of the Lossberg Regiment, over a hundred souls, were lost with the ship, no survivors found. The Badger and King George both heavily damaged made their way back to New York. The Knyphausen ships fared not much better, the Triton and the Molly in all the confusion of the storm were captured by American pirate ships, brought back to a rebel harbour and all the Knyphausen soldiers on board were taken prisoner for the rest of the war (S#8vol.4/2).
    The only ship which made it through the hurricane, although damaged as well, was the Archer, she made it to Nova Scotia with one Company of Knyphausen soldiers, and sailed through the Canso Gap to the Prince Edward Island, were on account of the late season she took shelter until next spring. Some of the Hessian settler of P.E.I. who came back after the war, were members of this Company. (S#8vol.2/2 1982)." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: May 1780; Quebec, Quebec; "Ensign Stegmann was on board of one of the ships which returned to New York. After repairs to the ships and waiting for a better season, finally in May of 1780 the Regiment boarded ships again, and this time reached the destination of Quebec City without further incidents. Stegmann must have breathed a sigh of relief after stepping on land, and one can well imagine those feelings of fear of the perils of sea travel. It sure was much more dangerous in those days." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: August 1783; Quebec, Quebec; "For the Ensign Stegmann, who in the meantime received his promotion to Lieutenant, a new chapter in his life began. His Regiment was stationed at the Isle D'Orleans in the St. Lawrence river, just below Quebec City, and besides of regular guard duty saw very little war activity. When in August 1783, after the war had ended, the Regiment was shipped back home again, quite a few officers and soldiers asked for and received their honourable discharge in Canada. Some others, who would not get a discharge, just left their army unit and were reported as deserters, which later on did cause problems when they applied for land grants.. All these men remained behind to start a new life and better future, and to search for love and happiness. Many, and who can blame them, surely stayed behind for one good reason alone, the fear of another ocean voyage and the fear to suffer the same fate as so many of their good comrades had suffered. What must have gone through the mind of John Stegmann during the last hours of his life on board the Speedy. The memories of twenty-five years ago, the fury of a hurricane in the Atlantic ocean, and now on a sinking ship in Lake Ontario, only a short distance from land, and no help in sight." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Residence*: 1786; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Quebec; "In the year 1786 John Stegman himself received his first land grant in the Township of Osnabruck, County of Stormont, and there he settled with his young family. In 1788 his grant was increased to 500 acres, and by 1792 he called a total of 900 acres his own." ... also .. "S#20p231: Staggmann, John. Lieut.Hessian Corps. (UEL Appendix B) p323: Stickman, John. A wife and child." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
    Note: The colony was still called Quebec; it was divided into Upper and Lower Canada in 1792.
  • Residence: 28 August 1792; Osnaburck Twp., Stormont Co., Upper Canada; "S#11vol.24p132/33: The Petition of John Stegmann.; To His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Esqr., Lieutenant Governor, etc.: The Memorial of John Stegmann late Lieutenant in the Regiment of Lossberg, commanded by Major Genl. de Loos - humbly sheweth - that your Memorialist begs to inform Your Excellency that he served during the whole war in the aforesaid Regiment till the Reduction took place in the month of August 1783. That his zeal for the Service and his attachment to the British Government induced him to become an Inhabitant of this New Settlement and Township of Osnabruck, where by the favour and indulgence of His Exc. Lord Dorchester he obtained five hundred acres of land. But he humbly begs that Your Exc. will be graciously pleased and put him upon the footing of a British officer in regard to the proportion of Additional lands granted to His Majesty's Troops in this Province, and that if Your Exc. should see proper to grant him this indulgence, Your Memorialist will ever retain the most grateful sense thereof, and as in duty bound will forever Pray. Signed John Stegmann. Osnabruck the 28th August 1792, County of Stormont.;
    Endorsed: - Referred by His Exc'cy the Governor in Council 17.Oct.1792, to the Surveyor General for Enquiry and Report." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: 1793; Upper Canada; "The new Governor of Upper Canada, Lieutenant-Colonel John Graves Simcoe, not happy with Newark (Niagara) as the seat of Government for Upper Canada, in 1793 picked York (now Toronto) as the new center of command. His pet project was to build a road from Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe, which, incidentally, he had named after his father. The task of surveying was given to Surveyor General Augustus Jones. It was a very difficult undertaking, and progress was very slow. Before leaving Quebec for Upper Canada, Governor Simcoe requested Surveyor-General Holland to furnish him with the names of the deputy surveyors. Included on the list was the name of John Stegman, not employed since 1790. (S#11vol.21p59)" from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Residence: 1797; Vaughan Twp., Pine Grove, York Co., Upper Canada; "S#5p422/23, note 195: In Vaughan two Germans are among the first four owners of land patents in 1797: W. Peters and Samuel Kiener; At that time the former Hessian officer, Stegmann or Steichmann, settled with his family in Vaughan near the Pine Grove. As a land surveyor in Canadian services after 1783, he played a leading role in the laying out of the townships on the St.Lawrence (Dundas) and at the Bay of Quinte, according to William Canniff." and also ... "S#6p107: "Evidently there were some Hessian soldiers who settled in York County. One of these, John Stegmann, was a land surveyor who eventually settled at Pine Grove near Woodbridge." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: 16 January 1799; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL; Council Chamber at York 19th January 1799. Present, His Honor Peter Russell President Ac., Ac., Ac.; The Hon. John McGill, The Hon. David William Smith Speaker of the lower house.; Read the following letter from Mr. John Stegman Deputy Surveyor, to the Hon. D. W. Smith Surveyor General.; Head of the Lake 16th January 1799.; Sir/ I take the liberty to inform you that In my coming up to this place, I met the Party of the Rangers on the Road at the 16 mile Creek-who were on their way to the Garrison-I produced your Instructions to the Serjeant, and told him I thought the old Road was not sufficient; then he made answer that it was Mr. Jones's orders to cut up the fallen timber In the old Road only-however in my going along the said Road found in many places, the Road will not admit of slays passing each other agreeably to your Instructions-therefore I thought proper to begin at the Head of the Lake with my Party and make such amendments as may be most necessary, until I meet the Party of the Queens Rangers from Yonge Street-which if agreeable to you have appointed the bearer ( Mr. Wilmot) "Mr. Stegman's Assistant" to oversee the work-in order to expedite the work. Your further orders shall be honored by Sir &c.; John Stegman Dy. Surveyor. The Hon. D. W. Smith Acting Surveyor Genl.; Ordered that the Surveyor General apply to the Commandant by the request of the President, for a Party of one Serjeant and eight men to proceed upon the Road from Yonge Street to the Humber immediately, and to continue on the Road until they meet Mr. Stegman." The Russell Papers, Vo;lume 3, page 58.4
  • Note: 27 February 1799; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "He says: "Sir,-You were pleased to order me to inform you what time I should want a team for to get the timber for the bridge at Castle Frank Creek, for which I am ready, whenever you please
    to send the same." He then adds: "The party of Rangers now on this road begged of me to inform you that they have not received any pay for the work since they have been out with Mr. Jones." This note is dated, "Castle Frank Creek, Feb. 27, 1799." On the 4th of the following March, he dates a note to Mr. D. W. Smith in the same way, "Castle Frank Creek," and asks to have a "bush-sextant" supplied to him. He says: "Sir,-I beg you will have the goodness to send me by the bearer a Bush-sextant, and am, sir, your most obedient and very humble servant, John Stegmann, Deputy-Surveyor." (According to some, the Blue Hill had its name from the circumstance that the bridge at its foot was painted blue)." from Toronto of Old, (422).
  • Note: 1800; King Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; "The township was first laid out in 1800 by Surveyor Stegmann." from "History of Toronto and County of York in Ontario, Part III: Township of King (
  • Note: 19 December 1800; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "In 1800 D. W. Smith, as Acting-Surveyor General, issued the following advertisement: "Surveyor General s Office, 19th December, 1800. Mr. John Stegman: Sir, all persons claiming to hold land in the town of York, having been required to cut and burn all the brush and underwood on the said lots, and to fell all the trees which are standing thereon, you will be pleased to report to me, without delay, the number of the particular lots on which it has not been done. D. W. Smith, Acting-Surveyor General."" Landmarks of Toronto, Volume 1, page 286.5
  • Residence: 1801; Yonge Street, York Co., Upper Canada; "S#11vol.5p54 (1904): The survey of Yonge St. was finished 16.Feb.1796, and the report handed to the Governor at York. Another surveyor whose name is associated with the early survey of the street and surrounding townships is John Stegman. He had been an officer in a Hessian regiment, fighting for the British during the American Revolution, and at its close, like a great many others, came over to Canada to seek his fortune. In 1801 he was directed to report on the condition of the road by the Surveyor General. A few extracts from his report may be interesting, as it proves, even at this early date, there were a few who did not hesitate to trifle with public funds. "Agreeable to your instructions", Mr. Stegmann writes June 10th, 1801: "I have the honor to report on Yonge Street as follows: That portion of the road from the town of York to the 3 mile post on the Poplar Plains is cut, and that as yet the greater part of the said distance is not passable for any carriage whatsoever, on account of the logs which lie on the street. On Lot No.33 West-side, Vaughan, clearing complied with, no house and nothing done to the street. No.93 King, four acres cut and nothing done to the street." This was the state in 1801." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Note: 22 May 1804; Elmsley Twp., Lanark Co., Upper Canada; "Elmsley, May 22, 1804; Mes'r. Chewett & Ridout; Gentlemen, Yesterday I was honored with your letter dated April the 14th - and see that my letter of the 2nd of March has not come to your hands, in which I informed you that it was not possible for me to begin the survey of Elmsley before the month of March, on account of the depth of snow, and more particularly, that I could get no hands to go on the survey for the wages allowed by Government. I went out with some Indians in the month of February last, to explore the Township, and to scale that part of the Rideau Lake which interferes with the township, in order to take advantage of the ice. The boundaries, together with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & part of the 6th Concessions are surveyed and proves to be good land. In respect of the 5,000 acres of land you mentioned, may be had in different parts in the township, and of an equal goodness, tho' not as pleasantly situated as it would be on a main lake, according to my opinion; of which I shall transmit a sketch to the office after the 7th and 8th Concession lines are surveyed. Attention will also be payed to the distances; and how the lines in Roxborough and Finch lay. I have taken notice of the same on the survey of Finch, as the east boundary line of Finch was my only guide, and the west boundary line of Roxborough is to the eastward of the said line a considerable distance. The accounts to the 30th June will be forwarded in due time, and I flatter myself to finish the whole of my survey by the 15th of July. I am …. (signed) John Stegmann, Dy Surveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 1808
  • Note: 15 June 1804; Elmsley Twp., Lanark Co., Upper Canada; "Elmsley, June the 15th, 1804; William Chewett, Thomas Ridout Esq'rs.; Gentlemen, Your letter of the 22nd of May I received and am sorry to see that His Honor the Chief Justice supposes me to be negligent in my office. I have answered every letter received from your office, by the first opportunity I could get, but for want of a Post, being obliged to send often letters by travellers, some of which have never reached your office, and by which means, I must bear the blame. The last return I sent to Mr. Samuel Sherwood, requesting the favor to forward the letter without loss of time and I am in hopes that the letter is come to your hands. I this day or the morrow shall forward the amounts to the 30? Of June, so that you may receive them in time. All other papers necessary for the survey of Elmsley will be delivered in the office by myself. I have only thirty four miles more to run, and expect to be at York by the 15th of next month. I am with respect …. (signed) John Stegmann, Dy Surveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 476
  • Note: 15 June 1804; Elmsley Twp., Lanark Co., Upper Canada; "Elmsley, June 15th, 1804; Wm Chewett, Thos. Ridout, Acting for the Surveyor General; Gentleman, The illegal information you received by Mr. Price Honeywell respecting the progress of the survey of Elmsley was occasioned by myself. That is to say - The 4th of May last, I went to the River St. Lawrence for a few quire of Fools cap, for my returns, and in my going along was questioned by a number of persons respecting the Township of Elmsely, who all expected to make location immediately. I then thought proper to tell them that I had done no work yet, and that the best way for them would be to explore the Township after the survey was done, which would be by the end of July. Mr. Honeywell was one of them, and has a number of locations to make, otherwise the office would have been troubled with a number of applications before their time. I am with respect … (signed) John Stegmann, Dy Surveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 1777
  • Note: 20 July 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Report of the Survey of the Township of Elmsley; Gentlemen, Your instructions for the survey of the Township of Elmsley, bearing date November 26th, 1803, have the honor to acquaint you, that the same is complied with, and that after having examined the course of the south and east boundary lines of said township, the concession lines was surveyed parallel and at right angles with the base line thereof. That all the water courses have been scaled and due attention taken in laying down the work agreeable to its real situation. That the Township of Elmsley is pleasantly situated on account of its waters, and contains a quantity of good land to form a very fine settlement, and venture to say to be one of the best townships in that part of the Province. At or near the lake are strong attractions, and suppose to contain a quantity of iron ore. The Township in a number of places is rocky & produces very heavy timber, such as maple, elm, basswood, beach, pine, hemlock, oak and iron wood. A quantity of fish in its lakes, and the waters thereof clear. A very good fall of water on the main river in Lots No. one and two in the fourth concession sufficient to carry on any water works. Pike River is navigable for boats to where it comes in the township, except a few rapids, and by information, continues so near the distance of fifty miles, where it comes out of a considerable lake, not far south of the Ottawa River.
    The land in the township in general is level, and forms a gradual descent from north and south to the Main
    River and Lake of Rideau. These are the locality's of the township of Elmsley, and the protraction of the work will show its real situation. Attention has been paid to economy of time, and I flatter myself, the survey done to the satisfaction of the Office. I have the Honor to be …. (signed) John Stegmann, Dy. Surveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 1809
  • Note: 6 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Received from Mesr. Chewett & Ridout, acting for the Surveyor General - Two sheets of drawing paper; Two black lead pencils; 2 black memd'm Books; 1 Quire paper; (signed) John Stegmann, York, 6 Aug. 1804; Witness (Signed) Sam'l Ridout; Rec'd 16 Aug 1804 from Mesr. Chewett & Ridout, two blank memd'um books & 3 black lead pencils.; (signed) John Stegmann, Dy. Sureyor; Witness S. Ridout" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 1812
  • Note: 11 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "York, August 11, 1804; William Chewett, Thomas Ridout Esq.'s; Gentlemen, Your instructions bearing date 1st August for a survey to be made and to ascertain the division line of the Home and Newcastle Districts, and an Estimate to carry the same into execution, have the honor to Report that a real Estimate can not be made, not knowing the distance of the Survey, neither what wages laborers may be had. But that all necessary precaution will be taken to perform the Survey agreeable to the Instructions, and as economically as possible.; I have the honor to be …. (Signed)      John Stegmann, Dy. Surveyor" AO 7442 Vol 62, Page 1909
  • Note: 13 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "1. Surveying the Newcastle District Boundary, 1804 [Archives of Ontario, Crown Land Papers, 72 (5)]
    Diary of Division Line between the Home & Newcastle Districts Stegman—1804—Diary from the 13th of August to the 31st Inclusive, 1804." ... and for the first day ... "Monday August 13th 1804: Returned Diary and Field Notes in the Surveyor General’s Office." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 26.6
  • Note: 14 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Tuesday the 14the. Waited on the Honorable the Executive Council." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 26.6
  • Note: 15 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "York, August the 15th, 1804; Wm Chewett, Thos. Ridout, Acting for the Surv. Gen'l.; Gentlemen, I find myself under the necessity to beg you will have the goodness to represent to His Honor the Chief Justice, my want of Cash to the amount of Thirty pounds Halifax Currency - not being able to procure any in this town by a Bill on the Surveyor General's Office at this present period.; I am … (signed) John Stegmann, Dy Surveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Pg. 1804
  • Note: 15 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Wednesday the 15th. Received Instructions for the Survey of the Division Line between the Home and Newcastle Districts and prepared for the same." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 26.6
  • Note: 15 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "You are hereby required and directed to cause a Survey to be performed, so as to determine the exact position, or situation of the House of Moody Farewell, where a murder is supposed to have been committed on the Body of John Sharpe - that is [to] say whether the Said House falls into the District of Newcastle, or into that of the Home District, so that the Surveyor may be enabled to declare the same upon oath. This Survey, if in the nature of possibility to be returned by the Surveyor on the seventh day of September next, to the Court Held at Newcastle where he is to remain in waiting after he has finished his Survey, until he is called upon by the Said Court, and this shall be your Order & Authority for so doing." Letter from Chief Justice Henry Allcock to the Survey or General, Aguust 15, 1804, asking for the survey of the line between Home and Newcastle Districts - Speedy Justice, page 65.7
  • Note: 15 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Council Chamber; York, 15 August 1804; The Hon. The Surveyor General; Sir, You are hereby required and directed to a Survey to be performed, so as to determine the exact position, or situation, of the House of Moody Farewell, where a Murder is supposed to have been committed on the body of John Sharp. - (that is to say) - Whether the said House falls into …
    (next page) the District of Newcastle, or into that of the Home District, so that the Surveyor may be enabled to declare the same upon Oath. This survey, if in the nature of probability, to be returned by the Surveyor on the seventh day of September next, to the Court held at Newcastle, where he is to remain
    in waiting, after he has finished his Survey, until he is called upon by the said Court. - And this shall be your order and authority for so doing. (signed) H. Allcock C. J.; Approved (signed) P. Hunter, L. Gov." AO 7442 Vol 62, Page 1909
  • Note: 16 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Thursday August the 16. Engaged men and provisions for the Survey." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 26.6
  • Note: 17 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Friday the 17the. Left York and went 18 miles." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 26.6
  • Note: 18 August 1804; York Co., Upper Canada; "Saturday the 18the. Went 20 miles." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 19 August 1804; Whitby Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; "Sunday the 19the. Arived at the Boundary Line." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.
    Note: The boundary is between Home District to the west and Newcastle District to the east, the border between Darlington Township and East Whitby township.6
  • Note: 20 August 1804; Conc 9, Whitby Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; "Monday the 20the. Went to the 9the Concession of Whitby." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.
    Note: The 9th Concession of Whitby Township was the fartherest north in the township.6
  • Note: 21 August 1804; Lake Scugog, York Co., Uppre Canada; "Tuesday the 21st. Began to open the Division Line and run three Miles." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 22 August 1804; Conc 4, Reach Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; "Wednesday the 22nd. Continued the aforesaid Line three Miles." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.
    Note: Reach Township is directly north of East Whitby, the border hits Lake Scugog a bit east of the tip of Scugog Island, and up shore a ways; on the 1878 Co Atlas Map the area is called drowned land but would have been marshes and dryer land in 1804.6
  • Note: 23 August 1804; Conc 4, Reach Twp., Lake Scugog, York Co., Upper Canada; "Thursday the 23rd. Finished the said Line and came to Lake Beobescugog at 5 O'clock P.M." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 24 August 1804; Lake Scugog, York Co., Upper Canada; "Friday August the 24the. Sealed the Lake Beobescugog and the Large Bay by intersection." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 25 August 1804; Dundas St., York Co., Upper Canada; "Saturday the 25the. Finished the Survey and returned to Dundas Street." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 26 August 1804; Duffin's Creek, York Co., Upper Canada; "Sunday the 26the. Went to Tuffins’ Creek." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.
    Note: This would appear to be a mistake. It was Duffin's Creek, later to be Whitby.6
  • Note: 27 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Monday the 27the. Arived at York 5 O’CIock P.M." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 28 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Tuesday the 28the. Maid out the pay list and Discharged the party." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 28 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "York. August 28th, 1804; William Chewett, Thomas Ridout Esq.s, Acting for the Surveyor General; Gentlemen, In obedience to your instructions bearing date the 15th Inst., I have the honor to report that the same is complied with; that the exact and positive situation of the House of Moody Farewell is seven miles eastward of the division line between the Township of Whitby & Darlington, and that all economy of time and expenses have been made use of - The Protraction of
    the work, will shew the real situation.; I am with respect …. (signed) John Stegmann, Dy. Suveyor" AO, MS 7442, Vol 61, Page 1814
  • Note: 29 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Wednesday the 29the. Protracted the Survey and returned a Plan of the same in the Surveyor General’s Office." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 30 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Thursday the 30the. Maid out the Accounts for the Surveyor General’s Office from the 1st of July, to the 31st of August." Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Note: 31 August 1804; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Friday the 31st of August. Finished the Accounts and a Plan for His Honore the Chief Justice. I Certify this to be a True Diary—John Stegmann, Dy Surveyor" Valley of the Trent, Edwin C. Guillet, page 27.6
  • Residence: 28 September 1804; Yonge St., York, York Co., Upper Canada; "S. G. O. 28th Sep. 1804; Sir. The Chief Justice on the day of his departure said that you was to attend the Court House for the District of New Castle on the 10th of October but perceiving the hurry the Chief was in when you were last here, he may have only thought he gave you this charge, we now repeat it, as from him.; We are, Sir, Your most Obedient For the Surv. Gen'l; ? Ridout; John Stegman, Yonge Street" U.C.L.P. C-2814 Reel 1 - 266 Sc? S13 ?18/92 (Written in at bottom.)
    This is one of the documents sent to Ed Burtt by ?? from New Jersey.
    Note: This note makes sure John Stegman knows he is to go to Newcastle for the trial of Ogetonicut. This is Friday, Sept 28th, trial in Newcastle set of Oct 10th, 12 days away.

Family: Marie Ursule Choisy b. 1765, d. 8 Jan 1849

  • Marriage*: 13 January 1784; L'Islet-sur-Mer, Quebec; "The Lieutenant Johann Friedrich Stegmann, from his date of discharge on known as John Stegman, married in January of 1784 at L'Islet, just downstream from the Isle D'Orleans on the southshore of the mighty St. Lawrence. His bride was Marie-Ursule Choisy from the parish of L'Islet. Already in 1783 the Governor of Canada gave him employment as a surveyor, and together with the surveyor Chewett he was ordered to survey the County of Dundas, west of the Ottawa River along the St. Lawrence. There was great urgency to proceed, because hundreds of dislocated Loyalists were ready to settle down and were waiting for the issue of their land grants." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Marie Ursule Choisy2


  1. John Frederick William Stegmann per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.
    Note: John signed himself Stegmann but his children would use Stegman.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S83], online unknown url.
  4. [S159] Peter Russell, Russell Papers.
  5. [S147] Unknown location, Landmarks of Toronto; unknown film.
  6. [S165] Edwin C. Guillet, Valley of the Trent.
  7. [S157] Brendan O'Brien, Speedy Justice.

Marie Ursule Choisy1

F, #98483, b. 1765, d. 8 January 1849
  • Birth*: 1765; L'Islet, Quebec; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Marriage*: 13 January 1784; L'Islet-sur-Mer, Quebec; "The Lieutenant Johann Friedrich Stegmann, from his date of discharge on known as John Stegman, married in January of 1784 at L'Islet, just downstream from the Isle D'Orleans on the southshore of the mighty St. Lawrence. His bride was Marie-Ursule Choisy from the parish of L'Islet. Already in 1783 the Governor of Canada gave him employment as a surveyor, and together with the surveyor Chewett he was ordered to survey the County of Dundas, west of the Ottawa River along the St. Lawrence. There was great urgency to proceed, because hundreds of dislocated Loyalists were ready to settle down and were waiting for the issue of their land grants." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=John Frederick William Stegman1
  • Death*: 8 January 1849; Thornhill, York Co., Canada West; "He left behind a widow, Marie-Ursule, who died in January 1849 at the age of 83, and was buried at the St.Luke's Cemetery, Thornhill, Markham Township." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Burial*: 10 January 1849; St. Luke's Cemetery, Markahm Twp., Thornhill, York Co., Canada West; In closing this chapter on the sinking of the Speedy and the Hessian pioneer Stegmann, who went down with her at the early age of 46 years, one has to say, he worked hard for his new adopted country and deserves to be remembered as a pioneer. He left behind a widow, Marie-Ursule, who died in January 1849 at the age of 83, and was buried at the St.Luke's Cemetery, Thornhill, Markham Township. They are both remembered by a great number of descendants, some of them learning of his life and history for the first time around Pine Grove." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.
  • Married Name: 13 January 1784; Stegman1
  • Residence*: 1847; Gamble St. & Islington Ave., Pine Grove, York Co., Canada West; "S#103p249: Vaughan Agricultural Society held its first fair in 1847 on the property known as the Stegmann Estate in Pine Grove, on the corner of Gamble Street and Islington Ave." from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005.

Family: John Frederick William Stegman b. 26 Jan 1760, d. 7 Oct 1804


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Johan Gottlieb Stegman1

M, #98484, b. 17 June 1725, d. 9 May 1795
  • Birth*: 17 June 1725; Hartum, Minden-Lubbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1756; Gremany; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Regine Caroline Katherine Schwertner1
  • Death*: 9 May 1795; Marburg, Germany; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1

Family: Regine Caroline Katherine Schwertner b. 1725, d. 7 Jun 1766


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Regine Caroline Katherine Schwertner1

F, #98485, b. 1725, d. 7 June 1766
  • Birth*: 1725; Germany; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1756; Gremany; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Johan Gottlieb Stegman1
  • Death*: 7 June 1766; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Married Name: circa 1756; Stegman1

Family: Johan Gottlieb Stegman b. 17 Jun 1725, d. 9 May 1795


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Lizette Stegman1,2,3,4

F, #98486, b. 1787, d. 1871
  • Birth*: 1787; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Quebec; Date 1788 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1787 & location LC per 1861 Census. Location Osnabruck Twp. per The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,4,3
  • Death*: 1871; Woodbridge, Ontario; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2
  • Note*: 8 October 1804; Lake Ontario, Newcastle, Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; Her father, John Stegman, was drowned in the ship HMS Speedy which was lost in a storm off Presqu'ile Point, October 8, 1804.
  • Census: April 1861; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 74 at 1861 Census: see Mary A. Stegman (mother)3
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 83 at 1871 Census: see Alfred Gooderham (husband of Harriet Stegman who was daughter of George Stegman, Lizette's brother - their father was John Stegman, the surveyor lost on HMS Speedy in 1804.)4


  1. Lizette Stegman per 1861 & 1871 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Lucy Stegman1

F, #98487, b. 11 December 1791, d. 12 June 1867
  • Birth*: 11 December 1791; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Upper Canada; Date 1791 & location L. Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1790 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Location Osnabruck Twp. from The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.
    Date Dec 11 1791 & location New York City per family tree of Frank Knoll on, July 23 2020.1,2,3
  • Marriage*: 5 May 1814; Markham, Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=David Bridgford1
  • Death*: 12 June 1867; Canada West; Date Jun 12 1867 per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Burial*: 14 June 1867; Richmond Hill Presbyterian Cemetery, Richmond Hill, York, Canada West; OCFA: Name: Bridgford, D.; Cemetery: Richmond Hill Presbyteryian; County: York; Township: Richmond Hill; Ref.: YK-RCH-006 (Ontasrio Cemetery Finding Aid, Search for Bridgford -
  • Note*: 1 January 1806; York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Then came Lucy Stegman with little Robert [Baldwin] - then young Small, ... " per "Extracts from Elizabeth Russell's Diary, taken from the Town of York 1793 -1815, page 257.5
  • Married Name: 5 May 1814; Bridgford1
  • Census*: 1851; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 61 at 1851 Census: see David Bridgford2
  • Census: April 1861; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 70 at 1861 Census: see David Bridgford3

Family: David Bridgford b. 1791, d. Oct 1868

  • Marriage*: 5 May 1814; Markham, Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=David Bridgford1


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S47] Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid, online unknown url.
  5. [S164] Unknown compiler, Edith Firth.

David Bridgford1

M, #98488, b. 1791, d. October 1868
  • Birth*: 1791; New York, New York, New York, U.S.A.; Date 1791 & location USA per 1861 Census. Date 1790 & location USA per 1851 Census. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1,2,3
  • Marriage*: 5 May 1814; Markham, Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Lucy Stegman1
  • Death*: October 1868; Ontario; Date Oct 1868 per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018. Date Oct 1868 & location Ont. per family tree of Frank Knoll on, July 23 2020.1
  • Burial*: October 1868; Richmond Hill Presbyterian Cemetery, Richmond Hill, York Co., Ontario; OCFA: Name: Bridgford, D.; Cemetery: Richmond Hill Presbyteryian; County: York; Township: Richmond Hill; Ref.: YK-RCH-006 (Ontasrio Cemetery Finding Aid, Search for Bridgford -
  • Residence*: 1851; Conc 1 Lot 47, Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; "Bridgeford, David, Conc 1 Lot 47" & John Bridgeford, Conc 1 Lot 47" per Canada, City and Area Directories, 1851, York County, Vaughan Twp., pg. 182 of 232,
  • Census*: 1851; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 61 at 1851 Census: Bridgford, David, 61, b. USA, Epsic., Coroner, married; Lucy, 61, b. Cda., Episc., married; Thomas, Mary, 15, b. Cda., Pres. (1851 Census: Vaughan Twp., York Co., pg. 91 of 363, line 42 -
  • Census: April 1861; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 70 at 1861 Census: Bridgford, David, 70, b. USA, CE, gentleman, married; Lucy, 70, b. L. Cda., CE, married; David Wm., 8, b. UC, CE (1861 Census: Vaughan Twp., York Co., pg. 7963 of 9549, line 25,

Family: Lucy Stegman b. 11 Dec 1791, d. 12 Jun 1867

  • Marriage*: 5 May 1814; Markham, Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Lucy Stegman1


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S47] Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid, online unknown url.
  5. [S83], online unknown url.

John Stegman1

M, #98489, b. 1794, d. before 1804
  • Birth*: 1794; Osnabruck Twp., Stormont Co., Upper Canada; Location Osnabruck Twp. per The Hessians, The Sinking of the Speedy, Donated by John Merz, 2005. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Death*: before 1804; Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

David Stegman1

M, #98490, b. 14 September 1797, d. 1 February 1834

  • Birth*: 14 September 1797; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date Sep 14 1797 per Memorial - age 36y 4m 18d at death Feb 1 1834. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1822; per Descendancy Chart for John Stegman, Ed Burtt Doc July 31 1990.; Principal=Margaret Beasley
  • Death*: 1 February 1834; York, York Co., Upper Canada; Date Feb 1 1834 per Memorial. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1,2
  • Burial*: 3 February 1834; St. James Cemetery, York, York Co., Upper Canada; Memorial: Sacred; To The Memory; of; David Stgeman; Who departed this life; the 1st of Feb. 1834; Aged 36 Years 4 Months; and 18 Days (Findagrave - Cathedral Church of Saint James - St. James Cemetery - also from family tree of dahutcheon on, Jan 30 2019.)
    FindaGrave: Name: David Stegman; Birth: unknown; Death: 1 Feb 1834; Burial: Cathedral Church of Saint James, Toronto, Toronto Municipality, Ontario, Canada: Memorial ID: 636754051,2,3
  • Note*: 3 March 1822; York, York Co., Upper Canada; Upper Canada Land Petition: David Stegman, son of John Stegman who was lost on the Speedy, applies for a grant of land based on an order of Council that his father did not take up. He suggest he knows no more lots are being granted in York now, but he might take Lot 5 on the east side of Parliament Street which is part of the Park Reserve. He says he can pay the fees associated with this and his family is much deprived since the loss of their father in 1804 and now the loss of his older brother. Date: March 3, 1822 (UCLP S13/69 - this document was in the Ed Burtt Collection and was sent to Ed by a lady in New Jersey. Don't her name or when the letter came.)
  • Residence*: 1834; 66 King Street, York, York Co., Upper Canada; "Stegman, David, Spirits, Groceries, Hardware, & Dry -goods, wholesale and retail; one of the Magistrates for the Home District, 66 King Street." Canada, City and Area Directories, York/Toronto, 1834, page 66 of 98,
    Note: George Stegman, General Store, 110 King Street is below.4

Family: Margaret Beasley b. c 1800


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S83], online unknown url.

Marie Eugenie "Maria" Stegman1,2,3,4,5

F, #98491, b. 1800, d. 5 November 1888
  • Birth*: 1800; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1800 & location Cda. per Death Reg'n. Date 1801 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1801 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1800 & location Vaughan Twp. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,3,5,4
  • Marriage*: circa 1824; per Descendancy Chart for John Stegman, Ed Burtt Doc July 31 1990.; Principal=Benjamin Barnard
  • Marriage*: circa 1830; per Descendancy Chart for John Stegman, Ed Burtt Doc July 31 1990.; Principal=William Pollock
  • Death*: 5 November 1888; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#023501: Name: Maria Pollock; Date: Nov 5 1888; Age: 88; Born: Cda.; Cause: senile decay, year; Phys. & Inf.: Dr. Frank Garrett, Toronto; Reg'd.: Nov 10 1888; Rel.: Pres.; Reg'r.: Jno Belvins (Ontario Death Registration, #023501-1888, Date Nov 5 1888 & location Toronto per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,6
  • Married Name: circa 1824; Barnard
  • Married Name: circa 1830; Pollock
  • Census: April 1871; Markham, East York Co., Ontario; Age 70 at 1871 Census: see William Pollock4
  • Census*: April 1881; Richmond Hill, West York Co., Ontario; Age 50 at 1881 Census: see William Pollock5

Family 1: Benjamin Barnard b. c 1796

  • Marriage*: circa 1824; per Descendancy Chart for John Stegman, Ed Burtt Doc July 31 1990.; Principal=Benjamin Barnard

Family 2: William Pollock b. 1804

  • Marriage*: circa 1830; per Descendancy Chart for John Stegman, Ed Burtt Doc July 31 1990.; Principal=William Pollock


  1. Maria Pollock per Death Reg'n. Maria per 1871 & 1881 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #023501-1888.

George Stegman1,2,3

M, #98492, b. 4 September 1803, d. 24 September 1848

  • Birth*: 4 September 1803; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date Sep 4 1803 per Findagrave. Date Sep 4 1803 & locaton Vaughan Twp. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,4
  • Marriage*: 1 September 1831; York, York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Mary Ann Bright2
  • Death*: 24 September 1848; York, York Co., Canada West; Date Sep 24 1848 per Findagrave. Date Sep 24 1848 & location Ont. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,4
  • Burial*: 26 September 1848; Saint James Cemetery, Toronto, York Co., Canada West; Memorial: (see Exhibit) George Stegmann; Born Sept. 4th 1803; Died Sept. 24th 1848; Mary Ann; Wife of; George Stegmann; Born Nov. 24th 1812; Died Oct. 10th 1886 (St. James Cemetery, Toronto, from Findagrave.)
    Findagrave: Name: George Stegmann; Birth: Sep 4 1803; Death: Sep 24 1848 (age 45); Burial: Saint James Cemetery, Toronto; ID: 150172592 (,3

Family: Mary Ann Bright b. 1816, d. 10 Oct 1886


  1. George Stegmann per Memorial.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.

Mary Ann Bright1,2,3,4

F, #98493, b. 1816, d. 10 October 1886
  • Birth*: 1816; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1815 & location UC per 1861 Census .Date 1816 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1816 & location Vaughan per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,3,4
  • Marriage*: 1 September 1831; York, York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=George Stegman2
  • Death*: 10 October 1886; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2
  • Married Name: 1 September 1831; Stegman2
  • Census: April 1861; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Canada West; Age 46 at 1861 Census: Stegman, Mary A., 46, b. UC, CE, widow; Louisa, 18, b. UC, Ce, other res Toronto, single; George G., 16; Thos., 14; Margaret E., 11; Lizette, 74, b. LC, Ce, single (1861 Census: Vaughan Twp., York Co., pg. 8013 of 9549, line 35 -
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 55 at 1871 Census: see Alfred Gooderham (nephew)(Mary Ann Bright was the mother of Harriet, wife of Alfred Goodoerham; she was married to Geoge Stegman, a brother of Lizette, both children of John Stegman, the surveyor lost on HMS Speedy in 1804.)3

Family: George Stegman b. 4 Sep 1803, d. 24 Sep 1848


  1. Mary A. Stegman per 1861 Census. Mary per 1871 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Thomas Bright1

M, #98494, b. 1795, d. 17 October 1835
  • Birth*: 1795; Yorkshire, England; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1810; York, York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Jane Hunter1
  • Death*: 17 October 1835; East York Twp., Todmorden, York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1

Family: Jane Hunter b. c 1790, d. 26 Mar 1864


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Jane Hunter1

F, #98495, b. circa 1790, d. 26 March 1864
  • Birth*: circa 1790; England; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1810; York, York Co., Upper Canada; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Thomas Bright1
  • Death*: 26 March 1864; Toronto, York Co., Canada West; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Married Name: circa 1810; Bright1

Family: Thomas Bright b. 1795, d. 17 Oct 1835


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Harriette Amelia Stegman1,2,3

F, #98496, b. 15 October 1834, d. 5 December 1916
  • Birth*: 15 October 1834; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1834 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date Oct 15 1834 & location Vaughan Twp. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,3
  • Marriage*: circa 1858; Canada West; per 1871 Census. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Alfred Lee Gooderham2,3
  • Death*: 5 December 1916; 433 Sherbourne St., Toronto, York Co., Ontario; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2
  • Married Name: circa 1858; Gooderham2
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1871 Census: see Alfred Gooderham3

Family: Alfred Lee Gooderham b. 28 Aug 1836, d. 21 Apr 1926


  1. Harriet Gooderham per 1871 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Alfred Lee Gooderham1

M, #98497, b. 28 August 1836, d. 21 April 1926
  • Birth*: 28 August 1836; Toronto, York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1836 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date Aug 28 1836 & location Toronto per family tree of Joanne Doucette on, Oct 18 2018. Date Aug 28 1836 per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1858; Canada West; per 1871 Census. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Harriette Amelia Stegman1,2
  • Death*: 21 April 1926; Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Date Apr 21 1926 & location Toronto per family tree of Joanne Doucette on, Oct 18 2018. Date Apr 21 1926 per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 35 at 1871 Census: Gooderham, Alfred, 35, b. Ont., Eng., CE, Miller, married; Harriet, 37, b. Ont., Eng., CE., married; Edward, 12, b. Ont., Eng., CE; Louisa, 7; Allice, 5; Josephine, 3' Margt., 1; Stegman, Mary, 55, b. Ont., Eng., CE, widow; Lizette, 83, b. Ont., German, CE, single; Thos., 23, b. Ont., German, CE, clerk, single (1871 Census: Vaughan Twp., West York Co., dist. 44, sub-dist. B-5, pg. 10, line 1 -

Family: Harriette Amelia Stegman b. 15 Oct 1834, d. 5 Dec 1916


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

John Frederick Stegman1,2,3,4,5,6

M, #98498, b. 2 August 1837, d. 9 March 1916

  • Birth*: 2 August 1837; Vaughan Twp., York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1837 per Memorial. Date 1839 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1839 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1839 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date Aug 2 1837 & location Vaughan Twp. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,3,4,5,6
  • Marriage*: 2 August 1860; York Co., Canada West; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Thurza Ann Mabee2
  • Death*: 9 March 1916; 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#002498: Name: John Frederick Stegmann; Date: Mar 9 1916; Age: 79y; Born: - ; Res.: 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Burial: Toronto; Status; married; Parents: - ; Phys.: W. J. Maybee, 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Inf.: R.?N? Stone, 525 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Reg'd.: Mar 10 1916; Cause: cadiac failure, 2 wks. (Ontario Death Registration, #002498-1916, Date 1916 per Memorial. Date Mar 9 1916 & location 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,7,4
  • Burial*: 11 March 1916; Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) STEGMANN; John F. Stegmann; 1837-1916; His Wife; Thurza Maybee; 1838-1933; Their Daughters; Maud; 1869-1878; Louisa; 1866-1965; W. J. Mabee, M.D.; 1880-1931 (Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, findagrave, by Islington)
    Findagrave: Name: John F. Stegmann; Birth: 1837; Death: 1916 (aged 78-79); Burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto; ID: 139748405 (,4
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 32 at 1871 Census: Stegmann, John, 32, b. Ont., French, lab., married; Ann, 30, b. Ont., Ger., married; Anney(f), 8, b. Ont., dau.; Louisa, 4; Maud, 1 (1871 Census: Vaughan Twp., West York Co., dist. 44, sub-dist. B-5, pg. 6, line 12 -
  • Census: April 1881; St. James Ward, Toronto Centre, York Co., Ontario; Age 42 at 1881 Census: Stegman, John, 42, b. Ont., French, CE, clerk, married; Mary, 40, b. Ont., Ger., Meth., married; Amy(f), 18; Louisa, 15 (1881 Census: St. James Ward, Toronto Centre, York Co., dist. 134, sub-dist. ?, pg. 23, (13 of 222), line 6 -
  • Census: 8 April 1891; St. Thomas Ward, Toronto East, York Co., Ontario; Age 52 at 1891 Census: Stegman, John, 52, b. Ont., p.b. Germany, Meth., Engineer, married; Thurza, 47, b. Ont., p.b. NS, Meth., married; Roesett(f), 23, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., Millener, single; Louisa(f), 20, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., single; Sherry, Daniel, 40, b. England, p.b. England, CE, shipper ?, loadger, single; Jones, George, 31, b. Eng., p.b. Eng., CE, machinist, lodger, single (1891 Census: St. Thomas Ward, Toronto East, York Co., dist. 119, sub-dist. 2, pg. 11, line 1 -

Family: Thurza Ann Mabee b. 27 Nov 1838, d. 23 Jul 1933

  • Marriage*: 2 August 1860; York Co., Canada West; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Thurza Ann Mabee2


  1. John F. Stegmann per Memorial. John Stegmann per 1871 Census. John Stegman per 1881 Census. John Stegman per 1891 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  5. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  7. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #002498-1916.
  8. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.

Thurza Ann Mabee1,2,3,4,5,6,7

F, #98499, b. 27 November 1838, d. 23 July 1933

  • Birth*: 27 November 1838; Etobicoke Twp., Thistletown, York Co., Upper Canada; Date 1838 per Memorial. Date Nov 27 1838 & location Thistletown, Ont. per Death Reg'n. Date 1844 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1841 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1841 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date Nov 27 1838 & location Etobicoke Twp. per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,3,4,5,7,6
  • Marriage*: 2 August 1860; York Co., Canada West; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=John Frederick Stegman2
  • Death*: 23 July 1933; 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#005191: Name: Thursa Ann Stegmann; Date: Jul 23 1933; Age: 94y 7m 26d; Res.: 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto, 80y; Born: Thistletown, Ont., Nov 27 1838; Status: widowed; Parents: Jessie Mabee & Amy Smth, b. Nova Scotia; Inf.: Louisa Stegmann, 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto, daughter; Burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, July 25 1933; Und.: Stone Funderal Services Ltd., 525 Sherbourne St., Toronto; Cause: circulatory failure, senility; Phys.: K. J. Stehen???., 455 Spadina Ave.; Reg'd.: July 24 1933 (Ontario Death Registration, #005191-1933,
    Date 1933 per Memorial. Date Jul 23 1933 & location Toronto per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.2,7,8
  • Burial*: 25 July 1933; Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) STEGMANN; John F. Stegmann; 1837-1916; His Wife; Thurza Maybee; 1838-1933; Their Daughters; Maud; 1869-1878; Louisa; 1866-1965; W. J. Mabee, M.D.; 1880-1931 (Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, findagrave, by Islington)7
  • Residence*: 1853; 175 Sherbourne St., Toronto, York Co., Ontario; Residence 80 years per Death Reg'n. in 1933.6
  • Married Name: 2 August 1860; Stegman2
  • Census*: April 1871; Vaughan Twp., West York Co., Ontario; Age 30 at 1871 Censu: see John Stegmann3
  • Census: April 1881; St. James Ward, Toronto Centre, York Co., Ontario; Age 40 at 1881 Census: see John Stegmann4
  • Census: April 1891; St. Thomas Ward, Toronto East, York Co., Ontario; Age 47 at 1891 Census: see John Stegmann5

Family: John Frederick Stegman b. 2 Aug 1837, d. 9 Mar 1916

  • Marriage*: 2 August 1860; York Co., Canada West; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=John Frederick Stegman2


  1. Thurza Mabee per Memorial. Thursa Ann Stegmann per Death Reg'n. Ann Stegmann per 1871 Census. Mary Stegman per 1881 Census. Thurza Stegman per 1891 Census.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  7. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  8. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #005191-1933.

Jesse Strachan Mabee1

M, #98500, b. 10 October 1812, d. 25 December 1900
  • Birth*: 10 October 1812; Wallace, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia; Date Oct 10 1812 & location Wallace, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018. Location Nova Scotia per Death Reg'n. of dau. Thurza Ann (Mabee) Stegmann.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1836; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.; Principal=Amy Ann Smith1
  • Death*: 25 December 1900; 185 Sherbourne St., Toronto, York Co., Ontario; per family tree of Ellenthorne44 on, Oct 18 2018.1

Family: Amy Ann Smith b. 1802, d. 2 Nov 1888


  1. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  2. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.