? Bodkin1

M, #97078, b. circa 1916
  • Birth*: circa 1916; per Obit of June (Doig )Morrow.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1945; per Obit of June (Doig )Morrow.; Principal=Ruth Doig1

Family: Ruth Doig b. c 1918, d. b 2017


  1. [S146] John Bush Funeral Home, online www.johnbushfuneralhome.com.

Kathryn Morrow1

F, #97079, b. circa 1955, d. circa 1956
  • Birth*: circa 1955; Ontario; "Predeceased by her sister Ruth Bodkin (nee Doig) and infant daughter Kathryn." per Obit of June (Doig )Morrow.1
  • Death*: circa 1956; Ontario; "Predeceased by her sister Ruth Bodkin (nee Doig) and infant daughter Kathryn." per Obit of June (Doig )Morrow.1


  1. [S146] John Bush Funeral Home, online www.johnbushfuneralhome.com.

John Bird1,2

M, #97080, b. 22 November 1940, d. 23 November 1940
  • Birth*: 22 November 1940; Richardson St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 20 1940 per CemSearch. Date Nov 22 1940 & location Richardson St., Brighton per family tree of Ellen Fisher on ancestry.ca, July 10 2018.2,3
  • Death*: 23 November 1940; Richardson St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 23 1940 per CemSearch. per family tree of Ellen Fisher on ancestry.ca, July 10 2018.2,3
  • Burial*: 25 November 1940; St. George's Anglican Cemetery, Trenton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: John Bird; Born: Nov 22, 1940; Died: Nov 23, 1940; ID: 87191; Other names: Bird, Joseph, 1940-1940), Bird, Mary Ann [Martin](1900-1994), Bird, Richard A. (1898-1985); Cemetery: St. George's Anglican Cemetery, Conc A, Lot 7, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Sec B row 7 Plot 17;2


  1. Jhn Bird per CemSearch.
  2. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  3. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Joseph Bird1

M, #97081, b. 22 November 1940, d. 22 November 1940
  • Birth*: 22 November 1940; Richardson St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 22 1940 per CemSearch. Date Nov 22 1940 & location Richardson St., Brighton per family tree of Ellen Fisher on ancestry.ca, July 10 2018.1,2
  • Death*: 22 November 1940; Richardson St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 22 1940 per CemSearch. per family tree of Ellen Fisher on ancestry.ca, July 10 2018.1,2
  • Burial*: 25 November 1940; St. George's Anglican Church, Trenton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: Joseph Bird; Born: Nov 22 1940; Died: Nov 22 1940; ID: 87194; Other names: Bird, John, (1940-1940), Bird, Mary Ann [Martin](1900-1994), Bird, Richard A. (1898-1985); Cemetery: St. George's Anglican Cemetery, Conc A, Lot 7, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Sec B row 7 Plot 17;1


  1. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  2. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

James Bates1

M, #97087, b. 1879, d. 1966
  • Birth*: 1879; Ontario; Date 1879 per CemSearch. per Death Reg'n. of Nicholas Bates.1,2
  • Marriage*: 17 September 1902; Ontario; Date Sep 17 1902 per CemSearch.; Principal=Bertha A. Maybee2
  • Death*: 1966; Ontario; Date 1966 per CemSearch.2
  • Burial*: 1966; Stockdale Cemetery, Murray Twp., Stockdale, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: James Bates; Born: 1879; Died: 1966; ID: STOCK362; Other names: Bates, Bertha A. [Maybee] (1879-1966), Bates, Florence (1894-1959), Bates, Robert (1891-1950); Cemetery: Stockdale Cemetery, Conc 6, Lot 3, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Village of Stockdale; Note: Married Bertha A. Maybee Sept 17, 1902; father of Goldwin (1904-1904) and Hazel Brown (1906). Maxwell is on stone but not sure why. (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pid=STOCK362%5E0)2
  • Residence*: 27 December 1926; Frankford, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of his father Nicholas Bates.1
  • Residence: 4 December 1935; R. R. # 4, Frankford, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of his (step?) mother, Mary Eliza (Potter) Bates.1

Family: Bertha A. Maybee b. 1879, d. 1966


  1. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  2. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.

Catherine Bates1

F, #97088, b. 1835
  • Birth*: 1835; Upper Canada; Date 1835 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1
  • Census*: 1851; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 16 at 1851 Census: see Christie Bates1


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

George Washington Bates1,2,3,4

M, #97089, b. 1846
  • Birth*: 1846; Amelaisburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1848 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1847 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1846 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Date 1848 & location Cda. per marriage reg'n. - Ida Huffman.2,3,5,4
  • Marriage*: 20 October 1869; Stirling, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.(General No. 564: Groom: G.W. Bates; Age: 21; Res.: Murray Twp.; Born: Cda.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Christopher & Nancy Bates; Bride: Ida Huffman; Age: 18; Res.: Sidney Twp.; Born: Cda.; Parents: David & Eliza Huffman; Wit.: Jane K, Young & F. Brown, Stilring; Date: Oct 20 1869; Place: Stirling; Rel.: WM & Pres.; Performed by: A. Buchan, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.ca) per 1871 Census.; Principal=Ida Huffman5,4
  • Census*: 1851; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 5 at 1851 Census: see Christie Bates2
  • Census: April 1861; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 14 at 1861 Census: see Christy Bates3
  • Residence*: 20 October 1869; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Murray Twp. per marriage reg'n. - Ida Huffman.4
  • Census: April 1871; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 23 at 1871 Census: Bates, George, 23, b. Ont., Eng., WM, farmer, married; Ida, 19, b. Ont., Eng., WM, married; David, 6/12 - Oct. (1871 Census: Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., dist. 55, div. 3, pg. 22, line 20 - ancestry.ca)5

Family: Ida Huffman b. 1852


  1. George Washington Bates per 1851 Census. George Bates per 1861 Census. G.W. Bates per marriage reg'n. - Ida Huffman.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  5. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Sarah E. Bates1

F, #97090, b. 1848
  • Birth*: 1848; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1850 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1848 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1,2
  • Census*: 1851; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 3 at 1851 Census: see Chrisite Bates1
  • Census: April 1861; Ameliasburgh Twp., Princce Edward Co., Canada West; Age 11 at 1861 Census: see Christy Bates2


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Clark Bates1

M, #97092, b. 1772
  • Birth*: 1772; U.S.A.; Date 1773 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1772 & location USA per 1851 Census.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1807; U.S.A.; per 1851 Census.; Principal=Ester ?1
  • Census*: 1851; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 79 at 1851 Census: see Chrisite Bates (son?)1
  • Census: April 1861; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 88 at 1861 Census: see Christy Bates (son)2

Family: Ester ? b. 1782


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Ester ?1

F, #97093, b. 1782
  • Birth*: 1782; U.S.A.; Date 1782 & location USA per 1851 Census.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1807; U.S.A.; per 1851 Census.; Principal=Clark Bates1
  • Married Name: circa 1807; Bates1
  • Census*: 1851; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 69 at 1851 Census: see Christie Bates (son?)1

Family: Clark Bates b. 1772


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

William Bates1

M, #97094, b. February 1871
  • Birth*: February 1871; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 1871 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 2 months at 1871 Census: see Christie Bates (grandfather)1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Ida Huffman1,2,3

F, #97095, b. 1852
  • Birth*: 1852; Canada West; Date 1852 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1851 & location Cda. per marriage reg'n. - George Washington Bates.2,4
  • Marriage*: 20 October 1869; Stirling, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.(General No. 564: Groom: G.W. Bates; Age: 21; Res.: Murray Twp.; Born: Cda.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Christopher & Nancy Bates; Bride: Ida Huffman; Age: 18; Res.: Sidney Twp.; Born: Cda.; Parents: David & Eliza Huffman; Wit.: Jane K, Young & F. Brown, Stilring; Date: Oct 20 1869; Place: Stirling; Rel.: WM & Pres.; Performed by: A. Buchan, Hastings Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.ca) per 1871 Census.; Principal=George Washington Bates2,4
  • Residence*: 20 October 1869; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Murray Twp. per marriage reg'n. - Ida Huffman.4
  • Married Name: 20 October 1869; Bates2
  • Census*: April 1871; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1871 Census: see George Bates2

Family: George Washington Bates b. 1846


  1. Ida Huffman per family tree of Doug Davis on ancestry.ca, May 7 2022.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  4. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

David Bates1

M, #97096, b. October 1870
  • Birth*: October 1870; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Oct 1870 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 6 months at 1871 Census: see George Bates1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Thomas Morrow Lockwood1,2,3

M, #97097, b. 1917, d. 1988

  • Birth*: 1917; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1917 per Memorial & CemSearch. Date 1917 & location Ont. per 1921 Census.2,4,3
  • Marriage*: circa 1945; per CemSearch for Thomas Morrow Lockwood.; Principal=Sydney Dorothy Staniforth3
  • Death*: 1988; Date 1988 per Memorial & CemSearch.3,4
  • Burial*: 1988; Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) LOCKWOOD; Thomas Morrow; Lockwood M.D.; 1917 - 1988; His Beloved Wife; Sydney Dorothy; Staniforth; 1918 - 1996 (Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Sep 26 2004)
    CemSearch: Name: Thomas Morrow Lockwood; Born: 1917; Died: 1988; ID: 60881; Other names: Lockwood, Sydney Dorothy [Staniforth]( - ); Cemetery: Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Sec 3, Row 11 (http://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?selChoice=60881&action=sectionSelect)3,4
  • Census*: 1921; Ville Outremont, Montreal, Quebec; Age 4 at 1921 Census: see Thomas Clarence Lockwood2

Family: Sydney Dorothy Staniforth b. 1918, d. 1996


  1. Thomas Morrow Lockwood per CemSearch. Thomas per 1921 Census.
  2. [S121] Unknown author, 1921 Census.
  3. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Rachel Sutherland1,2,3

F, #97098, b. 1800
  • Birth*: 1800; U.S.A.; Date 1800 & location USA per 1891 Census.2
  • Marriage*: circa 1822; Upper Canada; per 1891 Census. "3078 Thomas Campbell Lockwood (.... ) born March 2d, 1827 at the city of Belleville, Canada; son of Rev. Joseph and Elziabeth (Detlor) Lockwood; m. September 28th, 1851, Eliza Haight, born July 17 1831, at Wellington, Canada; third daughter of John G. Haight and Rachel Sutherland; m. by Rev. Charles Turver, of Consecon, Canada" from page 610 of "Descendants of Robert Lockwood", Colonial and Revolutionary Families, pg. 702 of 984, ancestry.ca.; Principal=John G. Haight2
  • Married Name: circa 1822; Haight2
  • Census*: 15 June 1891; Brighton, East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 91 at 1891 Census: see Thomas Clarence Lockwood (son-in-law)2

Family: John G. Haight b. c 1800


  1. Rachel Sutherland "3078 Thomas Campbell Lockwood (.... ) born March 2d, 1827 at the city of Belleville, Canada; son of Rev. Joseph and Elziabeth (Detlor) Lockwood; m. September 28th, 1851, Eliza Haight, born July 17 1831, at Wellington, Canada; third daughter of John G. Haight and Rachel Sutherland; m. by Rev. Charles Turver, of Consecon, Canada" from page 610 of "Descendants of Robert Lockwood", Colonial and Revolutionary Families, pg. 702 of 984, ancestry.ca.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S83] Ancestry.ca, online unknown url.

Sydney Dorothy Staniforth1,2,3

F, #97099, b. 1918, d. 1996

  • Birth*: 1918; Date 1918 per Memorial. per CemSearch for Thomas Morrow Lockwood.2,3
  • Marriage*: circa 1945; per CemSearch for Thomas Morrow Lockwood.; Principal=Thomas Morrow Lockwood2
  • Death*: 1996; Date 1996 per Memorial.3
  • Burial*: 1996; Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) LOCKWOOD; Thomas Morrow; Lockwood M.D.; 1917 - 1988; His Beloved Wife; Sydney Dorothy; Staniforth; 1918 - 1996 (Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton, Sep 26 2004)3
  • Married Name: circa 1945; Lockwood2
  • Note*: circa 1950; CemSearch: Name: Sydney Dorothy Lockwood; Maiden: Staniforth; Born: - ; Died - ; ID: 60882; Note: Sydney is not buried here; Cemetery: Mount Hope Cemetery, Brighton; Other names: Lockwood, Thomas Morrow (1917-1988) (http://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?action=sameStone&selSameStoneChoice=60882)2

Family: Thomas Morrow Lockwood b. 1917, d. 1988


  1. Sydney Dorothy Staniforth per Memorial & CemSearch.
  2. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

John Campbell1

M, #97100, b. circa 1820
  • Birth*: circa 1820; per marriage reg'n of son Alexander Jamieson Campbell.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1855; per marriage reg'n of son Alexander Jamieson Campbell.; Principal=Joanna ?1

Family: Joanna ? b. c 1820


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Joanna ?1

F, #97101, b. circa 1820
  • Birth*: circa 1820; per marriage reg'n of son Alexander Jamieson Campbell.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1855; per marriage reg'n of son Alexander Jamieson Campbell.; Principal=John Campbell1
  • Married Name: circa 1855; Campbell1

Family: John Campbell b. c 1820


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Hellen M. Campbell1,2

F, #97102, b. 1888
  • Birth*: 1888; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1888 & location Ont. per 1891 Census.2
  • Census*: 6 April 1891; Brighton, East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1891 Census: see Alexander J. Campbell2


  1. Hellen M. Campbell per 1891 Census.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Charles Campbell1

M, #97103, b. September 1890
  • Birth*: September 1890; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Sep 1890 & location Ont. per 1891 Census - age 8 months at April 6 1891.1
  • Residence*: 6 April 1891; Brighton, East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 8 months at 1891 Census: see Alexander J. Campbell1


  1. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.