Matthew Steel1

M, #94460, b. circa 1755
  • Birth*: circa 1755; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1787; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Elizabeth Benson1

Family: Elizabeth Benson b. c 1755


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Elizabeth Benson1

F, #94461, b. circa 1755
  • Birth*: circa 1755; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1787; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Matthew Steel1
  • Married Name: circa 1787; Steel1

Family: Matthew Steel b. c 1755


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Jacob Benson1

M, #94462, b. 1768, d. 1858
  • Birth*: 1768; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Abigail Osborne1
  • Death*: 1858; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1

Family: Abigail Osborne b. 1775, d. 1887


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Abigail Osborne1

F, #94463, b. 1775, d. 1887
  • Birth*: 1775; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Jacob Benson1
  • Death*: 1887; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Married Name: circa 1815; Benson1

Family: Jacob Benson b. 1768, d. 1858


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Rhoda Benson1

F, #94464, b. 1816, d. 24 December 1893
  • Birth*: 1816; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1852; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=John Gibbard1
  • Death*: 24 December 1893; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Burial*: 26 December 1893; Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Married Name: circa 1852; Gibbard1

Family: John Gibbard b. 6 Aug 1813, d. 27 Apr 1908


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

John Gibbard1

M, #94465, b. 6 August 1813, d. 27 April 1908
  • Birth*: 6 August 1813; Wilton, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1844; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Caroline A. Ranney1
  • Marriage*: circa 1852; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Rhoda Benson1
  • Death*: 27 April 1908; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Burial*: 29 April 1908; Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Note*: 1860; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; "The following article is taken from 'Illustrated Historical Atlas of Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Counties, Ont.' J.H. Meacham & Co, 1878, pg 15: "MESSRS. GIBBARD & SON. The business of this well-known and highly respected firm was established at Napanee, in 1840, and has grown with the growth of that flourishing town. The fame of the house as manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of furniture extends from Ottawa to Toronto. The career of the firm illustrates the fact that from the most humble beginnings frequently arise the most gratifying results. In the year 1836, Mr. John Gibbard came to 'The Napanee' as the village was then known, and which it is still called by old residents, and for a time successfully carried on the business of a carpenter. In the year 1860, he leased a mill on the canal, and commenced on a modest scale the manufacture of sash, doors, and furniture. Unfortunately, the factory was burnt to the ground in 1864. It was, however, rebuilt on a more extensive basis in 1868, when Mr. Gibbard admitted his son, Mr. W.T. Gibbard, to a partnership in the business. In 1871 the manufacture of sash and doors was dispensed with, and the entire energies of the firm devoted to the production of furniture. The business continued to grow and flourish till misfortune once more made its unwelcome appearance. On the 5th December 1874, the factory, when in first-class running order, became a victim to the fell destroyer — fire. Calamities of this kind often destroy energy, cripple effort, and otherwise damage the sufferers. Not so, however, with the Messrs. Gibbard & Son. The loss, though painful in itself, imparted new life, developed fresh enterprise, inspired combined exertions, and success was the legitimate fruit. The factory was without any delay rebuilt, and before the end of the following February one of the most complete, extensive, and convenient buildings for their business had risen on the ruins of those which had in their day been useful, but less convenient. The new structure was more extensive and better adapted in every way to meet the demands of a rapidly increasing business, so that the apparent misfortune became finally a permanent benefit. It was supplied with both steam and water power, furnished with all the latest and most improved machinery to constitute a factory not excelled in the Province in the completeness of its facilities for producing the very best furniture of every description. The firm now manufacture, chiefly under the personal supervision of the junior and more active partner, Mr. W.T. Gibbard, cane and wood-seated chairs, drawing-room, dining-room, bed-room, and office furniture, in fact every article that comes under the head of elegant furniture, from a basswood cradle to a rosewood coffin. In the same year that their new premises were rebuilt (1874-5) they made extensive additions to their already commodious warerooms, making them equal in every respect to the best in the Province. These warerooms are kept fully stocked with all kinds of goods in their line, while the factory is kept continually working to its fullest capacity to supply the ever recurring deficiencies in the stock, caused by the demands of the trade. Not only are the extensive sales of the firm confined to their own locality, but the excellence, strength, and beauty of their furniture have become so well known and appreciated, that Messrs. Gibbard & Son frequently fill orders from various distant parts of the country, where they have invariably taken first prizes at Provincial, Central, and County exhibitions.""
    Note: The date on the front of the old factory in Napanee says "The Gibbard Furniture Shops Ltd. - Canada's Oldest, Est. 1835". Hmmm... little bit of marketting here. John Gibbard came to Napanee in 1835 and worked as a carpenter. In 1860 he leased a factory on the canal and began manufacturing of doors and sashes, etc. After a fire in 1864 and the building of a more extensive factory, the business focussed on furniture. I needed to establish whether this factory was in place when William Weller went through in Feburary 1840 - the answer is No. (Dan Buchanan, March 8, 2017)1

Family 1: Caroline A. Ranney b. 1821, d. 14 Jun 1847

Family 2: Rhoda Benson b. 1816, d. 24 Dec 1893


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Caroline A. Ranney1

F, #94466, b. 1821, d. 14 June 1847
  • Birth*: 1821; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1844; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=John Gibbard1
  • Death*: 14 June 1847; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Married Name: circa 1844; Gibbard1

Family: John Gibbard b. 6 Aug 1813, d. 27 Apr 1908


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

William Thomas Gibbard1

M, #94467, b. 2 November 1845, d. 17 January 1920
  • Birth*: 2 November 1845; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: 30 January 1869; Storrington Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=Viletta Ordessa Lattimore1
  • Death*: 17 January 1920; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1

Family: Viletta Ordessa Lattimore b. 19 Nov 1842, d. 30 Nov 1875


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Viletta Ordessa Lattimore1

F, #94468, b. 19 November 1842, d. 30 November 1875
  • Birth*: 19 November 1842; Storrington Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: 30 January 1869; Storrington Twp., Frontenac Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.; Principal=William Thomas Gibbard1
  • Death*: 30 November 1875; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Brant Gibbard, March 8 2017.1
  • Married Name: 30 January 1869; Gibbard1

Family: William Thomas Gibbard b. 2 Nov 1845, d. 17 Jan 1920


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Cora Ashton Moles1

F, #94469, b. 1870
  • Birth*: 1870; Arnprior, Ontario; Date 1870 & location Arnprior per marr. reg'n. - Walter S. Herrington.1
  • Marriage*: 22 August 1928; Sydenham, Frontenac Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#012424: Groom: Walter Stevens Herrington; Age: 68; Res.: Napanee; Born: Ameliasburgh Twp.; Status: widowed; Occ.: Barrister at Law; Rel.: CE; Parents: Stillman Mills Herrington, b. Ameliasburgh Twp & Caroline Morden; Bride: Cora Ashton Benjamin; Age: 58; Res.: Napanee; Born: Town of Arnprior; Status: widow; Rel.: CE; Parents: Robert George Moles, b. Mallorytown, Leeds Co. & Mary Burgess; Expected Res.: Loughboro Twp., Frontenac Co.; Wit.: Mrs. & Dr. F. W. Galbraith, Napanee; Performed by: Robert W. Spencer, Anglican; Sworn: Aug 10 1928, Napanee; Reg'r.: W. A. Grange?, Napanee (Ontario Marriage Registration, #012424-1928,; Principal=Walter Stevens Herrington2
  • Residence*: 22 August 1928; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Residence Napanee per marr. reg'n. - Walter S. Herrington.1
  • Married Name: 22 August 1928; Herrington1

Family: Walter Stevens Herrington b. 14 Jul 1860, d. 1947


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #012424-1928.

Robert George Moles1

M, #94470, b. circa 1845
  • Birth*: circa 1845; Mallorytown, Leeds Co., Ontario; Location Mallorytown, Leeds Co. per marr. reg'n. of daughter Cora Ashton (Benjmain, Moles) Herrington.1
  • Marriage*: before 1865; per marr. reg'n. of daughter Cora Ashton (Benjmain, Moles) Herrington.; Principal=Mary Burgess1

Family: Mary Burgess b. c 1845


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Mary Burgess1

F, #94471, b. circa 1845
  • Birth*: circa 1845; per marr. reg'n. of daughter Cora Ashton (Benjmain, Moles) Herrington.1
  • Marriage*: before 1865; per marr. reg'n. of daughter Cora Ashton (Benjmain, Moles) Herrington.; Principal=Robert George Moles1
  • Married Name: before 1865; Moles1

Family: Robert George Moles b. c 1845


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Mary Mariett Tilley1,2,3,4,5

F, #94472, b. 11 June 1867, d. 1927
  • Birth*: 11 June 1867; Ontario; Date 1867 per Memorial. Date June 1866 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Jun 11 1867 & location Ont. urban per 1901 Census. Date 1868 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1868 & location Ont. per marr. reg'n.2,3,4,5,6
  • Marriage*: 7 May 1890; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007066: Groom: Walter S. Herrington; Age: 29; Res.: Napanee; Born: Ont.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Lawyer; Parents: Stillman & Caroline Herrington; Bride: Mariett Tilley; Age: 22; Res.: Napanee; Born: Ont.; Status: spinster; Parents: William & Eleanor Tilley; Wit.: J. Wilberforce & Margaret E. Tilley, Napanee; Date: May 7 1890; Place: Napanee; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. C. O. Johnston; Reg'r.: P. Embury, Napanee (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007066-1890,; Principal=Walter Stevens Herrington7
  • Death*: 1927; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date 1927 per Memorial.6
  • Burial*: 1927; Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) HERRINGTON; In Loving Memory of; Mary M. Herrington; 1867 - 1927; Wife of W. S. Herrington; (Masonic symbol); Walter Stevens Herrington; 1860 - 1947; Lenora Herrington; 1873 - 1960; Margaret Eleanor Herrington; 1891 - 1970 (Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, per family tree of DanSchaefer10 on -
  • Residence*: 7 May 1890; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Residence Napanee per marr. reg'n. - Watler S. Herrington.2
  • Married Name: 7 May 1890; Herrington2
  • Census*: 24 April 1891; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 23 at 1891 Census: see Walter S. Herrington3
  • Census: April 1901; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 33 at 1901 Census: see Walter S. Herrington4
  • Census: 17 June 1911; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Age 44 at 1911 Census: see Walter S. Herrington5

Family: Walter Stevens Herrington b. 14 Jul 1860, d. 1947

  • Marriage*: 7 May 1890; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007066: Groom: Walter S. Herrington; Age: 29; Res.: Napanee; Born: Ont.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Lawyer; Parents: Stillman & Caroline Herrington; Bride: Mariett Tilley; Age: 22; Res.: Napanee; Born: Ont.; Status: spinster; Parents: William & Eleanor Tilley; Wit.: J. Wilberforce & Margaret E. Tilley, Napanee; Date: May 7 1890; Place: Napanee; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. C. O. Johnston; Reg'r.: P. Embury, Napanee (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007066-1890,; Principal=Walter Stevens Herrington7


  1. Mariett per marr. reg'n. Mary M. per 1891 & 1901 Census. Mary per 1911 Census.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  7. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #007066-1890.

William Tilley1

M, #94473, b. circa 1840
  • Birth*: circa 1840; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Mariett (Tilley0 Herrington.1
  • Marriage*: before 1865; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Mariett (Tilley0 Herrington.; Principal=Eleanor ?1

Family: Eleanor ? b. 27 Jan 1836


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Eleanor ?1,2,3

F, #94474, b. 27 January 1836
  • Birth*: 27 January 1836; Ontario; Date Jan 27 1836 & location Ont. urban per 1901 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Mariett (Tilley0 Herrington.2,3
  • Marriage*: before 1865; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Mariett (Tilley0 Herrington.; Principal=William Tilley2
  • Married Name: before 1865; Tilley2
  • Census*: April 1901; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 64 at 1901 Census: see Walter S. Herrington (son-in-law)3

Family: William Tilley b. c 1840


  1. Elenore per 1901 Census. Eleanor per marr. reg'n. of daughter Mariett (Tilley) Herrington.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Margaret Eleanor "Helen" Herrington1,2,3,4,5

F, #94475, b. 8 January 1891, d. 1970
  • Birth*: 8 January 1891; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Date 1891 per Memorial. Date Jan 1891 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Jan 8 1891 & location Ont. urban per 1901 Census. Date Jan 1891 & location Ont. per 1891 Census.2,4,3,5
  • Death*: 1970; Ontario; Date 1970 per Memorial.5
  • Burial*: 1970; Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) HERRINGTON; In Loving Memory of; Mary M. Herrington; 1867 - 1927; Wife of W. S. Herrington; (Masonic symbol); Walter Stevens Herrington; 1860 - 1947; Lenora Herrington; 1873 - 1960; Margaret Eleanor Herrington; 1891 - 1970 (Riverside Cemetery, Napanee, per family tree of DanSchaefer10 on -
  • Census*: 24 April 1891; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 3 months at 1891 Census: see Walter S. Herrington2
  • Census: April 1901; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1891 Census: See Walter S. Herrington4
  • Census: 17 June 1911; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Age 20 at 1911 Census: see Walter S. Herrington3


  1. Margaret Eleanor Herrington per Memorial. Helen per 1911 Census. Hellen M. per 1891 & 1901 Census.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Caroline M. "Lena" Herrington1,2,3

F, #94476, b. 4 August 1892
  • Birth*: 4 August 1892; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Date Aug 1892 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Aug 4 1892 & location Ont. urban per 1901 Census.2,3
  • Census*: April 1901; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 8 at 1901 Census: see Walter S. Herrington2
  • Census: 17 June 1911; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1911 Census: see Walter S. Herrington3


  1. Caroline M. per 1901 Census. Lena per 1911 Census.
  2. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Walter Harold Herrington1,2,3

M, #94477, b. 14 May 1898
  • Birth*: 14 May 1898; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Date May 1898 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date May 14 1898 & location Ont. urban per 1901 Census.2,3
  • Census*: April 1901; Napanee, Lennox Co., Ontario; Age 2 at 1901 Census: see Walter S. Herrington2
  • Census: 17 June 1911; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1911 Census: see Walter S. Herrington3


  1. Walter H. per 1901 Census. Harold per 1911 Census.
  2. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Ephraim Hawley1

M, #94478, b. 1715, d. circa 1750
  • Birth*: 1715; New Milford, Litchfield Co., Connecticut, U.S.A.; Date 1715 & location Millford, Ct per family tree of Glen Swanton on, Nov 26 2020. per GEDCOM of Trudy Hawley ( Marc h8 2017.1,2
  • Marriage*: 12 June 1739; U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Trudy Hawley ( Marc h8 2017.; Principal=Ann Chapman1
  • Death*: circa 1750; per GEDCOM of Trudy Hawley ( Marc h8 2017.1

Family: Ann Chapman b. c 1710


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Ann Chapman1

F, #94479, b. circa 1710
  • Birth*: circa 1710; Trumbull, Fairfield Co., Connecticut, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Trudy Hawley ( Marc h8 2017.1
  • Marriage*: 12 June 1739; U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Trudy Hawley ( Marc h8 2017.; Principal=Ephraim Hawley1
  • Married Name: 12 June 1739; Hawley1

Family: Ephraim Hawley b. 1715, d. c 1750


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.