Stephen Workman1

M, #62280, b. circa 1755
  • Birth*: circa 1755; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1785; England; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.; Principal=Sarah Sier1

Family: Sarah Sier b. c 1755


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Sarah Sier1

F, #62281, b. circa 1755
  • Birth*: circa 1755; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.1
  • Marriage*: circa 1785; England; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.; Principal=Stephen Workman1
  • Married Name: circa 1785; Workman1

Family: Stephen Workman b. c 1755


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

William Henry May1

M, #62282, b. circa 1854
  • Birth*: circa 1854; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.1
  • Marriage*: before 1880; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.; Principal=Emily Whimsett1

Family: Emily Whimsett b. c 1855


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Emily Whimsett1

F, #62283, b. circa 1855
  • Birth*: circa 1855; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.1
  • Marriage*: before 1880; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ellie Cameron, May 7, 2008.; Principal=William Henry May1
  • Married Name: before 1880; May1

Family: William Henry May b. c 1854


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Eliakim Tupper1

M, #62284, b. 13 February 1825, d. 14 August 1904
  • Birth*: 13 February 1825; Burford, Brant Co., Ontario; Date 1827 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1825 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Date 1826 & location Ont. per Death Reg'n. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Clarissa A. (Tupper) Williams. Date Feb 13 1825 & location Burford, Brant Co., Ont. per IGI Record.1,3,4,5,2
  • Marriage*: 4 November 1849; Burford, Brant Co., Ontario; Date Nov 4 1849 & location Burford, Brant Co., Ont. per IGI Record. per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Clarissa A. (Tupper) Williams.; Principal=Clarissa Smith1,5,2
  • Death*: 14 August 1904; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#019208: Name: Eliakim Tupper; Date: Aug 14 1904; Age: 78; Res.: Haldimand Twp.; Status: married; Occ.: farmer; Born: Ont.; Cause: heart disease, 6 mo.; Phys.: R. D. N. Mengies; Rel.: Meth.; Inf.: E. W. Hayden; Reg'd.: Aug 15 1904; Reg'r.: James Roberts (Ontario Death Registration, #019208-1904,
  • Census: 1848; Conc 8 Lot 24, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1848: Eliakim Tupper; Conc 8, Lot 24 ; prop.; farmer
  • Note*: circa 1850; "Yes, I am related to Sir Charles Tupper, Prime Minister and one of the Fathers of Confederation. He is my 3rd cousin 4 times removed (I think!)" per email from Joan Harrington, May 7, 2008.7
  • Census: 1852; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 26 at 1851 Census: Tupper, Eliak, 26, b. Cda., EM, farmer, married; Clarisa, 27, b. USA, Freewill Bapt., married; Lodina, 2, b. Cda.; Babe(f), 1; Smith, Lodina, 22, b. USA, Freewill Bapt., servant, single; Curtis, Nathaniel, 18, b. Cda., Freewill Bapt., lab., single (1851 Census: Haldimand Twp., pg. 113 of 163, line 3)5
  • Residence*: April 1871; Conc 9 Lot 14, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence per 1871 Census: Conc 9, Lot 14 & Conc 8, Lot ??, 200 acres, owner.4
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 44 at 1871 Census: Tupper, Eliakim, 44, b. Ont., Eng., WM, farmer, married; Clarissa, 45, b. USA, WM, married; Clarissa, 12, b. Ont.; Emily, 10; George, 6; Mary, 3 (1871 Census: Haldimand Twp., div. 3, pg. 75, line 17 - Conc 9, Lot 14 & Conc 8, Lot 29?, 200 acres, owner)4

Family: Clarissa Smith b. 8 Jul 1824, d. 10 Dec 1913

  • Marriage*: 4 November 1849; Burford, Brant Co., Ontario; Date Nov 4 1849 & location Burford, Brant Co., Ont. per IGI Record. per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Clarissa A. (Tupper) Williams.; Principal=Clarissa Smith1,5,2


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
  3. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #019208-1904.
  7. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.

Clarissa Smith1,2,3,4

F, #62285, b. 8 July 1824, d. 10 December 1913
  • Birth*: 8 July 1824; Lucerne, New York, U.S.A.; Date 1826 & location USA per 1871 Census. Date 1824 & location USA per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Clarissa A. (Tupper) Williams. Date Jul 8 1824 & location Lucerne, New York per IGI Record. Date 1824 & location Haldimand per Death Reg'n.2,6,3,4,5
  • Marriage*: 4 November 1849; Burford, Brant Co., Ontario; Date Nov 4 1849 & location Burford, Brant Co., Ont. per IGI Record. per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daughter Clarissa A. (Tupper) Williams.; Principal=Eliakim Tupper2,3,4
  • Death*: 10 December 1913; Conc 9 Lot 24, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#021134: Name: Clarissa Tupper; Date: Dec 10 1913; Age: 89; Res.: Conc 9, Lot 24, Haldimand Twp.; Born: Haldimand Twp.; Status: widowed; Parents: Miron Smith & Phoebe Cross; Cause: arterio sclerosis; Phys.: Dr. E. W. Hayden, Cobourg; Inf.: J. W. Parsons, Fenella; Reg'd.: Dec 10 1913; Reg'r.: Reuben Lawless (Ontario Death Registration, #021124-1913, Date Dec 10 1913 per IGI Record.4,7
  • Married Name: 4 November 1849; Tupper2
  • Census: 1852; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 27 at 1851 Census: see Eliakim Tupper3
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 45 at 1871 Census: see Eliakim Tupper6

Family: Eliakim Tupper b. 13 Feb 1825, d. 14 Aug 1904


  1. Clarissa Smith? per sister Lodina Smith with her in 1851 Census & daughter named Lodina?? Clarissa Smith per IGI Record.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
  5. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  6. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  7. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #021124-1913.

Mary Isabella Cooper1

F, #62286, b. July 1844
  • Birth*: July 1844; Napanee, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date Jul 1844 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date 1850 & location Napanee per marr. reg'n.1,2
  • Marriage*: 21 January 1885; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008057: Groom: James Ed. Williams; Age: 30; Res.: Alnwick; Born: Haldimand; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Charles & Rebecca Williams; Bride: Mary Isabella Cooper; Age: 35; Res.: Percy; Born: Napanee; Status: spinster; Parents: Robert & Jane Cooper; Wit.: Solomon & Agnes F. Darling, Percy; Date: Jan 21 1885; Place: Percy Twp.; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. Wm. Buchanan; Reg'r.: R. P. Hurlbut, Reg'r. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008057-1885,; Principal=James Edward Williams3
  • Residence*: 21 January 1885; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Percy per marr. reg'n.1
  • Married Name: 21 January 1885; Williams1
  • Census*: 1911; 4 13 25, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan; Age 64 at 1911 Census: see James Williams2

Family: James Edward Williams b. 30 Jul 1855, d. 17 May 1939


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #008057-1885.

Charles A. Williams1,2,3

M, #62287, b. 1851
  • Birth*: 1851; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1851 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1849 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.2,3
  • Census: 1852; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 2 at 1851 Census: see Charles Williams3
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 20 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams2


  1. Charles A. Williams per 1851 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

George H. Williams1

M, #62288, b. 1853
  • Birth*: 1853; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1853 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Halidmand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 18? at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Caroline R. Williams1

F, #62289, b. 1857
  • Birth*: 1857; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Marriage*: 31 March 1880; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007659: Groom: James Campbell; Age: 31; Res. & Born: Haldimand; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Adam & Isabella Campbell; Bride: Caroline Williams; Age: 24; Res. & Born: Haldimand; Status: spinster; Parents: Charles & Rebecca Williams; Wit.: Annie Campbell & John Isaac, Haldimand; Date: Mar 31 1880; Place: Haldimand; Rel.: EM & EM; Performed by: E. W. Sherman (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007659-1880,; Principal=James Campbell2
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 14 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1
  • Married Name: 31 March 1880; Campbell3

Family: James Campbell b. 1847


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #007659-1880.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Emily Williams1

F, #62290, b. 1859
  • Birth*: 1859; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1859 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Elias Williams1

M, #62291, b. 1865
  • Birth*: 1865; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1865 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 6 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Annie Williams1

F, #62292, b. 1868
  • Birth*: 1868; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1868 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Margaret Williams1

F, #62293, b. 1870
  • Birth*: 1870; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1870 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1871 Census: see Charles Williams1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

James Campbell1

M, #62294, b. 1847
  • Birth*: 1847; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1847 & location Scotland per 1851 Census. Date 1849 & location Haldimand per marr. reg'n.1,2
  • Marriage*: 31 March 1880; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007659: Groom: James Campbell; Age: 31; Res. & Born: Haldimand; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Adam & Isabella Campbell; Bride: Caroline Williams; Age: 24; Res. & Born: Haldimand; Status: spinster; Parents: Charles & Rebecca Williams; Wit.: Annie Campbell & John Isaac, Haldimand; Date: Mar 31 1880; Place: Haldimand; Rel.: EM & EM; Performed by: E. W. Sherman (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007659-1880,; Principal=Caroline R. Williams3
  • Census*: 1851; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 4 at 1851 Census: see Adam Campbell2

Family: Caroline R. Williams b. 1857


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #007659-1880.

Adam Campbell1

M, #62295, b. 1824
  • Birth*: 1824; Scotland; Date 1824 & location Scotland per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of son James Campbell.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of son James Campbell.; Principal=Isabella ?1
  • Census*: 1851; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 27 at 1851 Census: Campbell, Adam, 27, b. Scotland, Free Church, farmer, married; Isabella, 30, b. Scotland, Free Church, married; James, 4, b. Scotland, Free Church, son; William, 3, b. Scotland, son; Sylvester, 2, b. Scotland, son; West, Matilda, 16, b. Cda., EM, servant, single (1851 Census: Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., pg. 107 of 163, line 35 - William Isaac and George Isaac are below.)2

Family: Isabella ? b. 1821


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Isabella ?1

F, #62296, b. 1821
  • Birth*: 1821; Scotland; Date 1821 & location Scotland per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of son James Campbell.1,2
  • Marriage*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of son James Campbell.; Principal=Adam Campbell1
  • Married Name: circa 1845; Campbell1
  • Census*: 1851; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 30 at 1851 Census: see Adam Campbell2

Family: Adam Campbell b. 1824


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Charles Carmi Williams1,2,3

M, #62297, b. 1 September 1881, d. 21 September 1951
  • Birth*: 1 September 1881; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Sep 1881 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date Sep 1 1881 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census.2,4
  • Marriage*: 14 August 1914; Saskatchewan; per GEDCOM of Helen, May 12, 2008.; Principal=Lena Prout3
  • Death*: 21 September 1951; Briercrest, Saskatchewan; Date Sep 21 1951 & location Briercrest, Saskatchewan per GEDCOM of Helen, May 12, 2008.3
  • Burial*: 23 September 1951; Blue Hill Cemetery, Saskatchewan; per GEDCOM of Helen, May 12, 2008.3
  • Census*: April 1901; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1901 Census: see James E. Williams2
  • Census: 1911; 4 13 25, Moose Jaw, Saskatachewan; Age 30 at 1911 Census: see James Williams4

Family: Lena Prout b. 21 Jun 1891, d. 3 Dec 1939


  1. Charles Carmi Williams per GEDCOM of Helen, May 12, 2008.
  2. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  4. [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Emily Tupper1

F, #62298, b. 1861
  • Birth*: 1861; Ontario; Date 1861 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1871 Census: see Eliakim Tupper1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

George Tupper1

M, #62299, b. 1865
  • Birth*: 1865; Ontario; Date 1865 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 6 at 1871 Census: see Eliakim Tupper1


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.