Lydia Laureda Jackson1
F, #62052, b. 4 June 1906
- Father*: William J. Jackson1 b. 3 May 1856, d. 29 Jun 1939
- Mother*: Sarah Elizabeth Anderson1 b. 10 Feb 1862, d. 22 Sep 1945
- Birth*: 4 June 1906; Holland Twp., Grey Co., Ontario; Date Jun 4 1906 per email from Gail Rucker per info from William J. Jackson's Family Bible, Apr 21, 2008.1
- Marriage*: circa 1930; per email from Gail Rucker per info from William J. Jackson's Family Bible, Apr 21, 2008.; Principal=Giovani "John" Macaluso1
- Married Name: circa 1930; Macaluso1
Family: Giovani "John" Macaluso b. c 1905
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
Giovani "John" Macaluso1
M, #62053, b. circa 1905
- Birth*: circa 1905; per email from Gail Rucker per info from William J. Jackson's Family Bible, Apr 21, 2008.1
- Marriage*: circa 1930; per email from Gail Rucker per info from William J. Jackson's Family Bible, Apr 21, 2008.; Principal=Lydia Laureda Jackson1
Family: Lydia Laureda Jackson b. 4 Jun 1906
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
Adam Henry Cook1
M, #62060, b. circa 1835
- Birth*: circa 1835; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Hellen Jane (Cook) Nelson.1
- Marriage*: before 1865; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Hellen Jane (Cook) Nelson.; Principal=Matilda Vandervoort1
Family: Matilda Vandervoort b. c 1835
- Ellen Jane Cook+1 b. 24 Jun 1868, d. 24 Apr 1918
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Matilda Vandervoort1
F, #62061, b. circa 1835
- Father*: Peter Vandervoort b. 6 Jan 1791, d. 10 Jan 1845
- Mother*: Mary Walden Meyers b. a 1794, d. b 1851
- Birth*: circa 1835; Upper Canada; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Hellen Jane (Cook) Nelson. Matilda is dau. of Peter per page 838 & 339 of Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte.1
- Marriage*: before 1865; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Hellen Jane (Cook) Nelson.; Principal=Adam Henry Cook1
- Married Name: before 1865; Cook1
Family: Adam Henry Cook b. c 1835
- Ellen Jane Cook+1 b. 24 Jun 1868, d. 24 Apr 1918
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Frances Margaret Jell1
F, #62062, b. 1882
- Father*: Robert M. Jell1 b. c 1855
- Mother*: Harriet Garnett1 b. c 1855
- Birth*: 1882; Preston, Waterloo Co., Ontario; Date 1882 & location Preston per marr. reg'n.1
- Marriage*: 12 February 1919; Galt, Waterloo Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#025744: Groom: Francis Nelson; Age: 52; Res.: Murray Twp.; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: widower; Occ.: General Merchant; Rel.: Friends; Parents: John Nelson & Catherine Grosjean; Bride: Frances Margaret Gehippig?; Age: 37; Res.: Galt; Born: Preston; Status: widow; Occ.: nurse; Parents: Robert M. Jell & Harriet Garnett; Expected Res.: City of Galt; Wit.: Robert & Mary Jell, Galt; Date: Feb 12 1919; Place: Galt, Waterloo Co.; Performed by: W. H. Snelgrove, Galt, Anglican; Sworn: Trenton, Jan 20 1919; Reg'r.: De Mille Blakely (Ontario Marriage Registration, #025744-1919,; Principal=Francis "Frank" Nelson2
- Married Name: 12 February 1919; Nelson1
Family: Francis "Frank" Nelson b. 3 Jul 1866, d. 21 Feb 1921
Robert M. Jell1
M, #62063, b. circa 1855
- Birth*: circa 1855; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Frances Margaret (Gehippig, Jell) Nelson.1
- Marriage*: before 1880; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Frances Margaret (Gehippig, Jell) Nelson.; Principal=Harriet Garnett1
Family: Harriet Garnett b. c 1855
- Frances Margaret Jell1 b. 1882
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Harriet Garnett1
F, #62064, b. circa 1855
- Birth*: circa 1855; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Frances Margaret (Gehippig, Jell) Nelson.1
- Marriage*: before 1880; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Frances Margaret (Gehippig, Jell) Nelson.; Principal=Robert M. Jell1
- Married Name: before 1880; Jell1
Family: Robert M. Jell b. c 1855
- Frances Margaret Jell1 b. 1882
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
William Long1
M, #62065, b. circa 1815
- Birth*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1
- Marriage*: before 1840; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=Susannah Wright1
Family: Susannah Wright b. c 1815
- Joseph Long1 b. 1842
- Catherine Long+1 b. 26 Sep 1848
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Susannah Wright1
F, #62066, b. circa 1815
- Birth*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1
- Marriage*: before 1840; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=William Long1
- Married Name: before 1840; Long1
Family: William Long b. c 1815
- Joseph Long1 b. 1842
- Catherine Long+1 b. 26 Sep 1848
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Joseph Long1
M, #62067, b. 1842
- Father*: William Long1 b. c 1815
- Mother*: Susannah Wright1 b. c 1815
- Birth*: 1842; Newburgh, Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date 1842 & locaiton Newburgh per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1
- Marriage*: 14 May 1872; Camden East Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date May 14 1872 & location Camden East Twp. per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=Eliza Shetlor1
Family: Eliza Shetlor b. 1847
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Eliza Shetlor1
F, #62068, b. 1847
- Birth*: 1847; Camden East Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date 1847 & locaiton Camden East Twp. per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1
- Marriage*: 14 May 1872; Camden East Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Date May 14 1872 & location Camden East Twp. per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=Joseph Long1
- Married Name: 14 May 1872; Long1
Family: Joseph Long b. 1842
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Russell Merrills1
M, #62069, b. 1785
- Birth*: 1785; U.S.A.; Date 1785 & location USA per 1851 Census. per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1,2
- Marriage*: before 1825; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=Ann Wilson1
- Census*: 1852; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 66 at 1851 Census: Merrill, Russell, 66, b. US, CE, yeoman, married; Thos., 24, b. Cda., NCMeth., yeoman, single; John, 22, b. Cda., CE, yeoman, single (1851 Census: Percy Twp., pg. 35 of 119, line 8 -
Family: Ann Wilson b. c 1815
- Thomas Merrills+2 b. 1827
- John Merrills+ b. 27 Mar 1830
- James Merrills+1 b. 16 Nov 1840, d. 15 Oct 1908
Ann Wilson1
F, #62070, b. circa 1815
- Birth*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.1
- Marriage*: before 1825; per GEDCOM of Eric, Apr 24, 2008.; Principal=Russell Merrills1
- Married Name: before 1838; Merrills1
Family: Russell Merrills b. 1785
- Thomas Merrills+2 b. 1827
- John Merrills+ b. 27 Mar 1830
- James Merrills+1 b. 16 Nov 1840, d. 15 Oct 1908
Gavin Alexander Edmonstone1,2,3
M, #62071, b. 22 November 1861, d. 12 December 1925
- Birth*: 22 November 1861; Scotland; Date Nov 22 1861 & location Scotland per Death Reg'n. per marriage reg'n. of son Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.2,3
- Marriage*: before 1890; per marriage reg'n. of son Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.; Principal=Margaret Finn2
- Death*: 12 December 1925; 32 Lake Street, St. Catharines, Lincoln Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#020359: Name: Gavin Alexander Edmondstone; Date: Dec 12 1925; Age: 64y 20d; Res.: 32 Lake Street, St. Catharines; Born: Scotland, Nov 22 1861; Res. at place of Death: 40 yrs.; Status: widower; Occ.: Foreman at Welland Vale Mfg. co. 0 retired; Parents: Thos. Edmondstone & Janet Anderson, b. Scotland; Phys.: Dr. A. H. Greenwood. St. Catharines; Inf.: Harry Edmondstone, 32 Lake St., son; Burial: St. Catharines, Dec 15 1925; Cause: myocarditis; Reg'd.: Dec 14 1925; Reg'r.: J. Albert Ray ; (Ontario Death Registration, #020359-1925,
- Burial*: 15 December 1925; St. Catharines, Lincoln Co., Ontario; Per Death Reg'n.3
Family: Margaret Finn b. c 1865
- Harry Edmonstone3 b. c 1890
- Gavin Alexander Edmonstone2 b. 1891, d. c 1960
- Gavin Alexander Edmondstone per Death Reg'n.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #020359-1925.
Margaret Finn1
F, #62072, b. circa 1865
- Birth*: circa 1865; per marriage reg'n. of son Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.1
- Marriage*: before 1890; per marriage reg'n. of son Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.; Principal=Gavin Alexander Edmonstone1
- Married Name: before 1890; Edmonstone1
Family: Gavin Alexander Edmonstone b. 22 Nov 1861, d. 12 Dec 1925
- Harry Edmonstone2 b. c 1890
- Gavin Alexander Edmonstone1 b. 1891, d. c 1960
Harry Edmonstone1
M, #62073, b. circa 1890
- Father*: Gavin Alexander Edmonstone1 b. 22 Nov 1861, d. 12 Dec 1925
- Mother*: Margaret Finn1 b. c 1865
- Birth*: circa 1890; per Death Reg'n. of father Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.1
- Residence*: 12 December 1925; 32 Lake St., St. Catharines, Lincoln Co., Ontario; Informant for Death Reg'n. of his father Gavin Alexander Edmondstone.1
- [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
Edwin William Pattinson1
M, #62074, b. 1882, d. 9 June 1909
- Father*: Joseph Pattinson1 b. c 1855
- Mother*: Susanna Lyle1 b. c 1855
- Birth*: 1882; Darlington Twp., Bowmanville, Durham Co., Ontario; Date 1882 & location Bowmanville per marr. reg'n.1
- Marriage*: 15 August 1908; Darlington Twp., Bowmanville, Durham Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#014450: Groom: Edwin Wm. Pattinson; Age: 26; Res. & Born: Bowmanville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Mechanic; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Joseph Pattinson & Susanna Lyle; Bride: Almira Dingman; Age: 36; Res. & Born: Bowmanville; status: spinster; Occ.: Milliner; Rel.: Pres.; Parents: Warren Dingman & Agnes Wright; Wit.: B. J. Hazelwood & Margaret Thompson, Bowmanville; Date: Aug 15 1908; Place: Bowmanville; Performed by: Rev. Hugh Munroe; Reg'd.: Aug 15 1908; Reg'r.: John Lyle (Ontario Marriage Registration, #014450-1908,; Principal=Almira Dingman2
- Death*: 9 June 1909; Darlington Twp., Bowmanville, Durham Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#020756: Name: Edwin William Pattinson; Date: Jun 9 1909; Age: 27; Res. & Born: Bowmanville; Status: married; Occ.: Mechanic; Parents: Joseph Pattinson & Susanna Lyle, both b. England; Phys.: S. C. Hillier; Inf.: Jospeh Pattinson, Bowmanville; Reg'd.: Jun 10 1909; Cause: diabetes, 3 mo.; Reg'r.: John Lyle (Ontario Death Registration, #020756-1909,
Family: Almira Dingman b. 28 Jun 1869
Joseph Pattinson1
M, #62075, b. circa 1855
- Birth*: circa 1855; England; Location England per Death Reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson. per marriage reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson.1,2
- Marriage*: before 1880; per marriage reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson.; Principal=Susanna Lyle1
Family: Susanna Lyle b. c 1855
- Edwin William Pattinson1 b. 1882, d. 9 Jun 1909
Susanna Lyle1
F, #62076, b. circa 1855
- Birth*: circa 1855; England; Location England per Death Reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson. per marriage reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson.1,2
- Marriage*: before 1880; per marriage reg'n. of son Edwin William Pattinson.; Principal=Joseph Pattinson1
- Married Name: before 1880; Pattinson1
Family: Joseph Pattinson b. c 1855
- Edwin William Pattinson1 b. 1882, d. 9 Jun 1909
Doreen Evelyn Wiley1,2,3
F, #62082, b. 23 October 1935, d. 16 March 2022
- Father*: Harold Raymond Wiley2 b. 1 Nov 1907, d. 7 Dec 1993
- Mother*: Evelyn Catherine Reid2 b. 23 Jun 1910, d. 27 Mar 1987
- Birth*: 23 October 1935; England; Date Oct 23 1935 per Memorial. per Marriage Notice.2,3
- Marriage*: 7 July 1956; Frankford United Church, Frankford, Hastings Co., Ontario; "Puddephatt - Wiley; Baskets of pink and white peionies formed a lovely setting in Frankford United Church on Saturday, July 7, 1956, at high noon, for a pretty wedding when Doreen Evelyn Wiley of Frankford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiley, became the bride of Jack Woodbine Puddephatt of Codrington, son of Mr. George Puddephatt and the late Mrs. Puddephatt. ... The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Charles Puddephatt of Codrington and the ushers were Mr. Jack Wickens of Frankford, Mr. Donald Phillips of Morganston and Arthur Snith of Codrington." per Marriage Notice of Jack Woodbine Puddephat and Doreen Evelyn Wiley, from The Tweedsmuir Histories of Codrington, Reel 1, copied from microfilm at The Metro Toronto Reference Library, Nov. 2007.; Principal=Jack Woodbine Puddephatt2
- Death*: 16 March 2022; Trent Valley Lodge, Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Obit: "PUDDEPHATT, Doreen; Passed away peacefully at Trent Valley Lodge, Trenton on Wednesday. March 16. 2022 at the age of 86 years. Beloved wife of the late Jack Puddephatt. Loving mother to Roxanne Bird, Karen Puddephatt of Mississauga and Eric Puddephatt and his wife Angela of Newcastle. Cherished grandmother to Amanda. Dear sister to Reg Wiley of Frankford. Loved by many nieces and nephews. Mom was a dedicated teacher and throughout her teaching years reached many young minds at numerous schools in the area. Doreen and Jack were longtime farmers of the Codrington area and her legacy will never be forgotten. Mom enjoyed flowers and gardening, and had an appreciation of music which she enjoyed through her piano. The family will receive friends at Weaver-Warkworth, 70 Church Street on Saturday, March 19, 2022 from 1 - 2 p.m. with a service to follow at 2 p.m. Visitation is open to attend but due to capacity restrictions we are requesting if you plan on attending the service, please RSVP to or call 705-924-2312 to advise you will attend service and masks are still required indoors. A graveside service will take place in the spring at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Codrington. Donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family. Memories, stories and condolences can be shared online at" copied from the Commnity Press Newspaper, Mar 24 2022, passed to me by Tom Parkinson, March 28 2022.4
- Burial*: 20 March 2022; Mount Olivet Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Mount Olivet, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Puddephatt; Doreen; Evelyn; Oct. 23, 1935 - Mar 16 2022; Jack; Woodbine; May 22, 1927; Feb. 7, 2015 (Mount Olivet Cemetery, Brighton Twp., June 23, 2019 - need to get new image after death.) Burial Mount Olivet Cemetery per Obit.4
- Married Name: 7 July 1956; Puddephatt2
- Note*: 23 June 2019; Mount Olivet Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Puddephatt; Doreen; Evelyn; Oct. 23, 1935 - ; Jack; Woodbine; May 22, 1927; Feb. 7, 2015 (Mount Olivet Cemetery, Brighton Twp., June 23, 2019)3