Eliza ?1

F, #53556, b. circa 1815
  • Birth*: circa 1815; per marriage register of son Charles Bayliss.1
  • Marriage*: before 1840; per marriage register of son Charles Bayliss.; Principal=Robert Bayliss1
  • Married Name: before 1840; Bayliss1

Family: Robert Bayliss b. c 1815


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Barney Bayliss1

M, #53557, b. January 1880
  • Birth*: January 1880; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Jan 1880 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 20 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Jessie Bayliss1

M, #53558, b. May 1882
  • Birth*: May 1882; Michgian, U.S.A.; Date May 1882 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S..; Age 18 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Hollie Bayliss1

M, #53559, b. September 1883
  • Birth*: September 1883; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Sep 1883 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 16 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Effie Bayliss1

F, #53560, b. August 1886
  • Birth*: August 1886; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Aug 1886 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 13 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Nellie Bayliss

F, #53561, b. August 1888
  • Birth*: August 1888; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Aug 1888 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 11 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Roy Bayliss1

M, #53562, b. August 1890
  • Birth*: August 1890; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Aug 1890 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 21 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 9 at 1900 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

George Bayliss1

M, #53563, b. 1865
  • Birth*: 1865; Canada West; Date 1865 & location Cda. per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 15 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Frederick Bayliss1

M, #53564, b. 1868
  • Birth*: 1868; Ontario; Date 1868 & location Cda. per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 12 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Saprona Bayliss1

F, #53565, b. 1870
  • Birth*: 1870; Ontario; Date 1870 & location Cda. per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 10 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Flora Bayliss1

F, #53566, b. 1872
  • Birth*: 1872; Ontario; Date 1872 & location Cda. per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 8 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Joseph J. Bayliss1

M, #53567, b. 1874
  • Birth*: 1874; Ontario; Date 1874 & location Cda. per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 6 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Lewis Bayliss1

M, #53568, b. 1877
  • Birth*: 1877; Michgian, U.S.A.; Date 1877 & location MI per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 3 at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Frank Bayliss1

M, #53569, b. February 1880
  • Birth*: February 1880; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Feb 1800 (age 4 months at June) & location MI per 1880 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1880; Lapeer City, Lapeer Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 4 months at 1880 Census: see Charles Bayliss1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Malissa ?1

F, #53570, b. January 1855
  • Birth*: January 1855; Ontario; Date Jan 1855 & location Cda. per 1900 Census.1
  • Marriage*: 1882; Michgian, U.S.A.; per 1900 Census.; Principal=Jacob Quick1
  • Married Name: 1882; Quick1
  • Census*: 5 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 44 at 1900 Census: see Jacob Quick1

Family: Jacob Quick b. 1858


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Alice M. Quick1

F, #53571, b. July 1883
  • Birth*: July 1883; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Jul 1883 & location MI per 1900 Census.1
  • Census*: 5 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 16 at 1900 Census: see Jacob Quick1


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Archie R. Quick1

M, #53572, b. December 1889
  • Birth*: December 1889; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date Dec 1889 & location MI per 1900 Census.
    Note: Shows "Adpoted Son" per 1900 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1917; Michigan, U.S.A.; per 1920 Census.; Principal=Bertha ?1
  • Census*: 5 June 1900; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 10 at 1900 Census: see Jacob Quick1
  • Census: 14 January 1920; East Jordan, Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 29 at 1920 Census: Quick, Archie, 29, b. MI, p.b. Cda. & ?, lab., plaining mill, married; Bertha, 28, b. MI, p.b. MI & NY, married; Mildred, 1 11/12, b. MI, p.b. MI, daughter; ?Marrietta?(f), 2/12, daughter; Jacob, 62, b. Cda., p.b. ??, Immig 1870, Father, widower (1920 Census: East Jordan, Charlevoix Co., Michigan - ancestry.com)1

Family: Bertha ? b. 1892


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Bertha ?1

F, #53573, b. 1892
  • Birth*: 1892; Michigan, U.S.A.; Date 1892 & location MI per 1920 Census.1
  • Marriage*: before 1917; Michigan, U.S.A.; per 1920 Census.; Principal=Archie R. Quick1
  • Married Name: before 1917; Quick1
  • Census*: 14 January 1920; South Arm Twp., Charlevoix Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 28 at 1920 Census: see Archie Quick1

Family: Archie R. Quick b. Dec 1889


  1. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.

Martha Maria Crosby1

F, #53576, b. 1846, d. 11 September 1892
  • Birth*: 1846; Markham, York Co., Ontario; Date 1846 & location Markham per marriage reg'n. & "Descendants of James Whitney Bettes", sent to me via email by Bill Smith, Dec 9 2006.1,2
  • Marriage*: 13 March 1872; Uxbridge, Durham Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: James Whitney Bettes: Age: 27; Res.Uxbridge; Born: Prince Albert; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Merchant; Parents: John & Charlotte Bettes; Bride: Martha Maria Bettes; Age: 30; Res.: Uxbridge; Born: Markham; Status: spinster; Parents: Henry & Kasiah Crosby; Wit.: Harmon A. & Mary C. Crosby, Uxbridge; Date: Mar 13 1872; Place: Uxbridge; Rel.: W. Meth.; Performed by: Geo. Brown (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com); Principal=James Whitney Bettes1
  • Death*: 11 September 1892; Macauley Twp., Bracebridge, Muskoka Dist., Ontario; Date Sep 11 1892 & location Bracebridge per "Descendants of James Whitney Bettes", sent to me via email by Bill Smith, Dec 9 2006.1
  • Residence*: 13 March 1872; Uxbridge, Durham Co., Ontario; Residence Uxbridge per marr. reg'n.2
  • Married Name: 13 March 1872; Bettes1

Family: James Whitney Bettes b. 17 Oct 1849


  1. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Henry Crosby1

M, #53577, b. circa 1815
  • Birth*: circa 1815; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Martha Maria (Crosby) Bettes.1
  • Marriage*: before 1845; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Martha Maria (Crosby) Bettes.; Principal=Kaziah ?1

Family: Kaziah ? b. c 1815


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.