Drusilla File1
F, #45422, b. 1815
- Birth*: 1815; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 1839; Hillier Twp., Wellington, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date 1839 & location Wellington per GEDCOM of Paul Enge, Nov 4, 2006. per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Daniel Ferguson1
- Married Name: 1839; Ferguson1
Family: Daniel Ferguson b. 17 Sep 1801, d. 5 Feb 1885
- Sarah Ferguson2 b. 1850
- Mary Ann Ferguson+2 b. 1 Sep 1851
Daughter Ferguson1
F, #45423, b. 1804
- Father*: Rozell Ferguson1 b. 1775, d. 1852
- Mother*: Mary Pettit1 b. c 1778, d. 1822
- Birth*: 1804; Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Maria Ferguson1
F, #45424, b. 1814
- Father*: Rozell Ferguson1 b. 1775, d. 1852
- Mother*: Mary Pettit1 b. c 1778, d. 1822
- Birth*: 1814; Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Maria Hare1
F, #45425, b. 1811
- Father*: Richard Hare1 b. c 1769, d. 1859
- Mother*: Rachel Ferguson1 b. 1772, d. 1849
- Birth*: 1811; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Catherine Hare1
F, #45426, b. 1812
- Father*: Richard Hare1 b. c 1769, d. 1859
- Mother*: Rachel Ferguson1 b. 1772, d. 1849
- Birth*: 1812; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Mary Hare1
F, #45427, b. 1815
- Father*: Richard Hare1 b. c 1769, d. 1859
- Mother*: Rachel Ferguson1 b. 1772, d. 1849
- Birth*: 1815; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Sarah Ann Hare1
F, #45428, b. 1827
- Father*: Richard Hare1 b. c 1769, d. 1859
- Mother*: Rachel Ferguson1 b. 1772, d. 1849
- Birth*: 1827; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of John W. Schneider, oct. 6, 2005.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Zacheus Burnham1,2,3
M, #45429, b. 20 February 1777, d. 25 February 1857

- Father*: Asa Burnham Sr. b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Mother*: Elizabeth Cutler b. 1753, d. 20 Jul 1839
- Birth*: 20 February 1777; Dunbarton, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; "BURNHAM, ZACHEUS, farmer, land speculator, militia officer, justice of the peace, office holder, politician, and judge; b. 20 Feb. 1777 in Dunbarton, N.H., son of Asa Burnham and Elizabeth Cutler; m. 1 Feb. 1801 Elizabeth Choate, and they had one son and five daughters; d. 25 Feb. 1857 in Cobourg, Upper Canada." Peter Ennals, “BURNHAM, ZACHEUS,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 8,
University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed May 10, 2019,
Date Feb 20 1777 & location Dunbarton Centre, Merrimack Co., NH per Findagrave. Date Feb 20 1777 & location New Hampshire per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005. Date 1777 & location New Hampshire from page 630 of "History of the County of Peterborough", published 1884, in the section "Otonabee Township".2,4,5,3 - Marriage*: 1 February 1801; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 1 1801 & location Ont. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate2
- Death*: 25 February 1857; Hamilton Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Feb25 1857 & locaiton Cobourg per Findagrave. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3
- Burial*: 27 February 1857; St. Peter's Anglican Cemetery, Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In Memory of; The Hon. Zacheus Burnham; Formerly of the State of New Hampshire; Who Departed This Life Feb'y 27th, 1857; Aged 80 Years (St. Peter;s Angliican Church, Cobourg, Oct 26 2020, by Dan)
Findagrave: Name: Zacheus Burnham; Birth: 20 Feb 1777, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Death: 27 Feb 1857 (aged 80), Cobourg, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada; Burial: Saint Peters Anglican Church Cemetery, Cobourg, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada;
Memorial ID: 59942353 (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/59942353/zacheus-burnham) per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3,6
- Immigration*: 1797; Haldimand Twp., Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; "Raised in New Hampshire, Zacheus Burnham came in 1797 to central Upper Canada, a move facilitated by his cousin Aaron Greeley, an agent for the settlement of the Newcastle District under the township land grant scheme initiated by Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe*. Arriving first in Haldimand Township, Zacheus soon moved to nearby Hamilton Township where several of his brothers would eventually settle." Peter Ennals, “BURNHAM, ZACHEUS,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 8,
University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed May 10, 2019,
"Where Cobourg stands today was once cedar swamp. As a result, the town was slower in becoming established than some of the adjacent centres along Lake Ontario. A few settlers had arrived, however, as early as 1798. Among them were four Burnham brothers, Asa, Zaccheus, John and Mark, who with their sister Hannah emigrated from New Hampshire. In the ensuring years, the Burnhams became one of the most influential families in the area." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 172
"Zacheus Burnham, of Otonabee Township, was born in St Thomas, Ont., in the year 1840, where he lived till 1851, when his people moved to the Town of Peterborough, and has lived in or near the same ever since. He was married, 1872, to Martha Stewart Fowlis, a native of the State of New York. Mr. Burnham is one of the descendants of Robert Burnham, Esq., who according to some old records in his possession, in the year 1642, held the manor of Billington in the County of Kent, England. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch was born in the State of New Hampshire, in 1777, and in 1798 emigrated to Haldimand County, Ontario. Here he was one of the first settlers amnd may be counted among the pioneers of that locality. Mark Burnham, father of our subject, and son of Zacheus, last named, was born in Cobourg, Ontario; was educated in Oxford, England; afterwards lived in St. Thomas; then in 1851, he moved, with his family, consisting of four sons and one daughter, to Peterborough, where the surviving family still reside. He officiated as clergyman in the Church of England during the greater part of his life." from page 630 of "History of the County of Peterborough", published 1884, in the section "Otonabee Township".
"Emigrated 1796, New Hampshire, US" per GEDCOM of Ron cox, Oct. 6, 2005.4,5,7 - Residence*: 1802; Conc 1 Lot 21, Hamilton Twp., Amherst, Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; "Much of the most desirable land in the townships along Lake Ontario, however, had been granted by 1801 when he brought his bride back with him from New Hampshire. The following year he and his brother Asa leased lot 21 in concession 1 of Hamilton Township, ... " Peter Ennals, “BURNHAM, ZACHEUS,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 8,
University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed May 10, 2019,
http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/burnham_zacheus_8E.html.5 - Census*: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Assessment: Zaccheus Burnham; 570 acres uncult.; 30 acres cult. (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Census: Zacceus Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1805; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1805 Census: Zacheus Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Residence: 1805; Conc 1 Lot 20, Hamilton Twp., Amherst, Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; " ... but it was not until 1805 that Zacheus obtained land of his own when he purchased the adjoining lot and established Amherst House, the farm near the site of present-day Cobourg which he occupied until his death." Peter Ennals, “BURNHAM, ZACHEUS,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 8,
University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed May 10, 2019,
http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/burnham_zacheus_8E.html.5 - Census: 1806; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census: Zacheus Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1807; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1807 Census: Zacheus Burnham; 2 males 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1808; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1808 Census: Zacheus Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1809; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1809 Census: Zacheus Burnham; 2 males 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 2 females under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Note*: circa January 1827; Scott's Mills, Peterborough Co., Upper Canada; "During the winter of 1826-27 Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, Colonel Talbot, the Hon. John Beverley Robinson, the Hon. Zacheus Burnham, and James Gray Bethune of Cobourg travelled by sleigh to Rubidge's house near what is now the village of Keene, where they were welcomed by Peter Robinson, Captain Rubidge and many of the settlers. The Lieutenant-Governor visited some of the Irish in Ennismore, and received deputations from other township at "Government House" - Robinson's commodious dwelling at Scott's Mills." from "Early Life in Upper Canada" by Edwin C. Guillet, pg. 67.8
- Residence: 20 June 1831; Conc 9 Lot 2, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (Patent) show that Zacheus Burnham obtained the Patent from the Crown of all 200 acres of lot, 2, concession 9, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co. ITS Date: Jun 20 1831. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Twp., Conc 09, pg. 011 of 160, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Feb 23 2022)9
- Residence: 1 August 1831; Conc 7 Lot 15, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Deed 2662) show that H. Ruttan (Shff.) provided the Deed for 100 acres in the south west part of lot 15, consession 7, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co. (sold to Jay ?Ault?) Zacheus Burnham. ITS Date: Aug 1 1931. Reg'd. Date: Jun 30 1832. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Percy Twp., Book 009, pg. 146 of 236, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Jun 6 2024.)9
- Residence: 6 May 1840; Conc 4 Lot 1, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (Patent) show that Hon. Zaccheus Burnham obtained the Patent from the Crown for "all 32 acres", lot 1, conc 4, Murray Twp., Northumberland Co. ITS Date: May 6 1840. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Twp., Conc 4, pg. 4 of 346, page copied from Onland.ca, April 10 2020.)
Note: This is a partial lot on the border between Murray and Cramahe Twp.'s, which would later become part of Brighton Twp. Not sure why this record, and several others mentions "All 32 acres", since the actuallot is around 100 acres, just long and narrow. ??
Note: Somehow, the propety was transferred (although no record here) from Zacheus Burnham to Benjamin Davidson of the Brighton area. The next record shows this lot passed in the Will of Benjamin Davidson to his son Peter Davidson and his wife Mary Davidson.9 - Residence: 24 September 1840; Conc 7 Lot 15, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S 6139) show that Glover Bennett sold 20 acres, part of residue, in lot 15, consession 7, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co. to Zacheus Burnham. ITS Date: Sep 24 1840. Reg'd. Date: Nov 30 1840. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Percy Twp., Book 009, pg. 146 of 236, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Jun 6 2024.)9
- Residence: 26 January 1846; Conc 9 Lot 2, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S 7911) show that Zacheus Burnham sold 100 acres in the west half of lot, 2, concession 9, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co. to George King. ITS Date: Jan 26 1846. Reg'n. Date: Jan 30 1846. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Twp., Conc 09, pg. 011 of 160, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Feb 23 2022)
Note: Lot 2 runs along the east side of the highway north of Codrington. The parcel of 100 acres included in this purchase would be the western half of that 200 acre lot.
Note: This was west of the Cramahe/Murray Town Line so it was in Cramahe Township until Brighton Township was formed in Jan 1 1852.9 - Residence: 11 March 1847; Conc 7 Lot 15, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (B&S 8426) show that Zacheus Burnham sold 120 acres in the south west part of lot 15, consession 7, Percy Twp., Northumberland Co. to John Waters. ITS Date: Mar 11 1847. Reg'd. Date: Mar 11 1847. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Percy Twp., Book 009, pg. 146 of 236, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Jun 6 2024.)9
- Residence: 25 January 1855; Conc 8 Lot 2, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Grant A311) show that Thomas Halloran purchased 115 acres of the North part of Lot 2, Conc. 8, Brighton Twp., from Hon. Zaccheus Burnham. ITS Date Jan 25 1855.9
- Residence: 30 August 1855; Village Lot 24, Main St. South, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Mortgage A394) show that Harrison C. Bettes took a mortgage from Zaceus Burnham on part of Village Lots 24, Main St. South Side, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. ITS Date: Aug 30 1855. Reg'n. Date: Aug 30 1855. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 004, pg. 113 of 399 (Conc 1, Lot 2, Brighton Twp.), page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Apr 5 2023)9
Family: Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate b. 28 Dec 1780, d. 27 Jun 1863
- Marriage*: 1 February 1801; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 1 1801 & location Ont. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate2
- Elizabeth Burnham+2 b. 11 Apr 1802, d. 31 Jan 1827
- Mark Burnham+2 b. 12 Jul 1804, d. 17 May 1877
- Acksah Burnham2 b. 31 Jan 1809, d. 1880
- Maria Burnham+2 b. 28 Jul 1812, d. 17 Apr 1856
- Affa Burnham+2 b. 8 Aug 1814, d. 12 Sep 1881
- Zacehus Burnham per Findagrave.
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
- [S73] Francis Parkman Memorial Fund, Peterbrough Co.
- [S129] Dictionary Cdn BIOs, online unknown url.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S61] Unknown compiler, Homesteads.
- [S180] Edwin C. Guillet, Early Life in Upper Canada.
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate1
F, #45430, b. 28 December 1780, d. 27 June 1863
- Father*: Jacob Choate1 b. 11 Oct 1746, d. 1 Jul 1828
- Mother*: Hannah Burnham1 b. 3 Nov 1745, d. c 1860
- Birth*: 28 December 1780; New Hampshire, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 1 February 1801; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 1 1801 & location Ont. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Zacheus Burnham1
- Death*: 27 June 1863; Hamilton Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Married Name: 1 February 1801; Burnham1
- Residence*: 1 September 1858; Village Lot 24, Main St. South, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Land Registry Records (Assignment of Mortgage A866) show that Rev. Mark Burnham & othrs assigned the mortgage on part of Village Lot 24, Main St. South Side, Brighton Village, Northumberland Co. to Elizabeth Burnham. ITS Date: Sep 1 1858. Reg'n. Date: Oct 29 1858. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Brighton Village, Book 004, pg. 113 of 399 (Conc 1, Lot 2, Brighton Twp.), page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Apr 5 2023)2
Family: Zacheus Burnham b. 20 Feb 1777, d. 25 Feb 1857
- Elizabeth Burnham+1 b. 11 Apr 1802, d. 31 Jan 1827
- Mark Burnham+1 b. 12 Jul 1804, d. 17 May 1877
- Acksah Burnham1 b. 31 Jan 1809, d. 1880
- Maria Burnham+1 b. 28 Jul 1812, d. 17 Apr 1856
- Affa Burnham+1 b. 8 Aug 1814, d. 12 Sep 1881
Jacob Choate1
M, #45431, b. 11 October 1746, d. 1 July 1828
- Birth*: 11 October 1746; Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 3 November 1768; Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Hannah Burnham
- Death*: 1 July 1828; Glanford Twp., Wentworth Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
Family: Hannah Burnham b. 3 Nov 1745, d. c 1860
- Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate+1 b. 28 Dec 1780, d. 27 Jun 1863
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Hannah Burnham1
F, #45432, b. 3 November 1745, d. circa 1860
- Father*: Nathan Burnham1 b. c 1710, d. 8 Jul 1758
- Mother*: Hannah Choate1 b. c 1710
- Birth*: 3 November 1745; Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 3 November 1768; Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Jacob Choate
- Death*: circa 1860; Glanford Twp., Wentworth Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Married Name: 3 November 1768; Choate1
Family: Jacob Choate b. 11 Oct 1746, d. 1 Jul 1828
- Elizabeth "Betsy" Choate+1 b. 28 Dec 1780, d. 27 Jun 1863
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Nathan Burnham1
M, #45433, b. circa 1710, d. 8 July 1758
- Birth*: circa 1710; Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 22 November 1744; Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Hannah Choate
- Death*: 8 July 1758; Ticonderoga, New York, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
Family: Hannah Choate b. c 1710
- Hannah Burnham+1 b. 3 Nov 1745, d. c 1860
- Nathan Burnham+1 b. 27 May 1747, d. 1821
- Susannah Burnham+ b. 28 Feb 1749, d. 5 Mar 1820
- Asa Burnham Sr.+1 b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Sarah Burnham1 b. 25 Mar 1753
- Thomas Burnham1 b. 18 May 1755
- Elizabeth Burnham1 b. 18 Nov 1757
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Hannah Choate1
F, #45434, b. circa 1710
- Birth*: circa 1710; Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 22 November 1744; Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Nathan Burnham
- Married Name: 22 November 1744; Burnham1
Family: Nathan Burnham b. c 1710, d. 8 Jul 1758
- Hannah Burnham+1 b. 3 Nov 1745, d. c 1860
- Nathan Burnham+1 b. 27 May 1747, d. 1821
- Susannah Burnham+ b. 28 Feb 1749, d. 5 Mar 1820
- Asa Burnham Sr.+1 b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Sarah Burnham1 b. 25 Mar 1753
- Thomas Burnham1 b. 18 May 1755
- Elizabeth Burnham1 b. 18 Nov 1757
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Asa Burnham Sr.1,2
M, #45435, b. 17 March 1751, d. 27 January 1831
- Father*: Nathan Burnham2 b. c 1710, d. 8 Jul 1758
- Mother*: Hannah Choate2 b. c 1710
- Birth*: 17 March 1751; Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts, U.S.A.; Date Mar 19 1751 & location Essex Co., Mass. per FindaGrave. Date May 17 1751 & location Ipswich, Mass. per family tree of Anne Burnham on ancestry.ca, June 15 2020. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3,4
- Marriage*: 18 January 1774; Goffstown, Hillsborugh Twp., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Jan 18 1774 & location Goffstown, NY per FindaGrave. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Elizabeth Cutler2,4
- Death*: 27 January 1831; Dunbarton Twp., Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Jan 27 1831 & location Dunbarton, NY per FindaGrave. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.
per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.2,4 - Burial*: 29 January 1831; Dunbarton Center Cemetery, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; FindaGrave: Name: Asa Burnham; Birth: 19 Mar 1751, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA; Death: 27 Jan 1831 (aged 79), Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Burial: Dunbarton Center Cemetery, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Memorial ID: 121996461; Note: Asa and Elizabeth married on 18 January 1774 at Goffstown, Hillsborough, New Hampshire.
They were the parents of 11 children; Asa, Zacheus, John, Elizabeth, Silas, Ruth, Hannah Rachel, Mark, Ruth, Tubah. Son of 'Lieutenant Nathan BURNHAM and Hannah CHOATE. (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/121996461)4
Family: Elizabeth Cutler b. 1753, d. 20 Jul 1839
- Asa Burnham Jr.+2 b. 26 Oct 1774, d. 10 Mar 1812
- Zacheus Burnham+ b. 20 Feb 1777, d. 25 Feb 1857
- John Burnham+2 b. 20 Mar 1779, d. 24 Dec 1840
- Silas Burnham3 b. 8 Mar 1780, d. 25 Oct 1856
- Betsy Burnham3 b. 17 Feb 1781, d. 6 Nov 1839
- Hannah Burnham5 b. 3 Sep 1787
- Rachael Burnham3 b. 11 Feb 1789
- Mark Burnham+2 b. 15 Feb 1791, d. 21 Feb 1864
- Azubah Burnham3 b. 25 Mar 1796
Elizabeth Cutler1
F, #45436, b. 1753, d. 20 July 1839
- Birth*: 1753; Date 1753 per FindaGrave. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1,2
- Marriage*: 18 January 1774; Goffstown, Hillsborugh Twp., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Jan 18 1774 & location Goffstown, NY per FindaGrave. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Asa Burnham Sr.1,2
- Death*: 20 July 1839; Dunbarton Center, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date July 20 1839 & location Dunmbarton Center, NY per FindaGrave.2
- Burial*: 22 July 1839; Dunbarton Center Cemetery, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; FindaGrave: Name: Elizabeth Cutler Burnham; Birth: 1753; Death: 20 Jul 1839 (aged 85–86), Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Burial: Dunbarton Center Cemetery, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Memorial ID: 121996526 (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/121996526/elizabeth-burnham)2
- Married Name: 18 January 1774; Burnham1
Family: Asa Burnham Sr. b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Asa Burnham Jr.+1 b. 26 Oct 1774, d. 10 Mar 1812
- Zacheus Burnham+ b. 20 Feb 1777, d. 25 Feb 1857
- John Burnham+1 b. 20 Mar 1779, d. 24 Dec 1840
- Silas Burnham3 b. 8 Mar 1780, d. 25 Oct 1856
- Betsy Burnham3 b. 17 Feb 1781, d. 6 Nov 1839
- Hannah Burnham4 b. 3 Sep 1787
- Rachael Burnham3 b. 11 Feb 1789
- Mark Burnham+1 b. 15 Feb 1791, d. 21 Feb 1864
- Azubah Burnham3 b. 25 Mar 1796
Asa Burnham Jr.1
M, #45437, b. 26 October 1774, d. 10 March 1812

- Father*: Asa Burnham Sr.1 b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Mother*: Elizabeth Cutler1 b. 1753, d. 20 Jul 1839
- Birth*: 26 October 1774; Dunbarton Twp., Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Oct 26 1774 & location Dunbarton Center, Merrimack Co., NH per Findagrave. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.
Note: The birth year may be taken largely from age 38 at death, although the death years is actually 1812, not 1813, according to the memorial.1,2,3 - Marriage*: circa 1806; Durham Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census shows wife; 1804 & 1805 census shows no wife. Date 1800 per family tree of mlclmontgomery on ancestry.ca, Jan 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Sarah Lovekin1,4
- Death*: 10 March 1812; Hamilton Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date March 10 1812 per Memorial. Date Mar 10 1813 & location Cobourg per Findagrave. Cause of Death downing per family tree of Anne Burnham on ancestry.ca, May 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.
Note: According to the Memorial, the date of death for Asa Burnham is clealry March 10 1812, not 1813.1,4,3 - Burial*: 12 March 1812; St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Cobourg, Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Asa Burnham; Died; March 10, 1812; Aged 38 Years; George A. Burnham; 1884-1956; His Wife; Eva E. Hawkey; 1882-1962 (St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Cobourg, Aug 18 2016, by Dan)
CemSearch: Name: Asa Burnham; Born: 1775; Died: Mar 10 1813; Age: 38; ID: CBSPCM!1117; Other names: Burnham, Asa A. (1808-1873), Burnham, Ethel Maude (1873-1958), Burnham, Eva Blanche (1874-1953), Burnham, Eva Elizabeth [Hawkey](1882-1962), Burnham, Florence Mabel (1868-1953), Burnham, George Allen (1884-1956), Burnham, Gertrude Louise [Hircock](1926-2016), Burnham, Mary Elizabeth (1927-2014), Burnham, Sarah [Lovekin](1782-1835), Burnham, Vernon Richard "Dick" (1923-2010); Cemetery: St. Peters Anglican Church, Cobourg, Plot 3837 (http://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?action=sameStoneGroup&selSameStoneChoice=CBSPCM%211117)
Findagrave: Name: Asa Burnham; Birth 26 Oct 1774, Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Death: 10 Mar 1813 (aged 38) Ontario, Canada; Burial: Saint Peters Anglican Church Cemetery, Cobourg, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada; Memorial ID: 43500732 (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/43500732) per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.1,2,5,3
- Residence: 1798; Hamilton Twp., Amherst, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "Jones, who appears to have been a major in the army, held various legal and inspectoral offices in the village and is believed to have opened the first store in 1802; and Mark Burnham had one a few years later at Amherst, the settlement around the old Court House that was named after a British general in the Seven Years’ War. Asa and Zaccheus Burnham, in fact, were settled in that vicinity about 1798-99, and were destined to become prominent and public-spirited farmers and officials in many capacities." (per page 7, Cobourg 1798 - 1948, by Edwin c. Guillet, 1948)
- Residence*: 1798; Hamilton Twp., Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; "Where Cobourg stands today was once cedar swamp. As a result, the town was slower in becoming established than some of the adjacent centres along Lake Ontario. A few settlers had arrived, however, as early as 1798. Among them were four Burnham brothers, Asa, Zaccheus, John and Mark, who with their sister Hannah emigrated from New Hampshire. In the ensuring years, the Burnhams became one of the most influential families in the area." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 1726
- Residence: 1802; Conc 1 Lot 21, Hamilton Twp., Newcastle Dist., Upper Canada; "Much of the most desirable land in the townships along Lake Ontario, however, had been granted by 1801 when he brought his bride back with him from New Hampshire. The following year he and his brother Asa leased lot 21 in concession 1 of Hamilton Township, but it was not until 1805 that Zacheus obtained land of his own when he purchased the adjoining lot and established Amherst House, the farm near the site of present-day Cobourg which he occupied until his death." Peter Ennals, “BURNHAM, ZACHEUS,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 8,
University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed May 10, 2019,
http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/burnham_zacheus_8E.html.7 - Census*: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Assessment: Asa Burnham; 574 acres uncult.; 26 acres cult. (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Census: Asa Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1805; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1805 Census: Asa Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1806; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census: Asa Burnham, Esq.; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1807; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1807 Census: Asa Burnham, Esq.; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
Note: There is a Hiram Burnham shown, with no info?? I wonder if that might actualy be Hannah. NOT in 1808!! - Note*: 15 January 1807; Conc 1 Lot 20, Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "This land was north of Elgin and east of Burnham Streets, and there the court house was constructed on the crest of the hill. The new building was first used by the magistrates for their Quarter Session meeting on January 13, 1807." Percy Climo, Cobourg History, web page. (Asa Burnham donated land for the building of a court house and jail for Newcastle Dist., since the Speedy sank and they decided Newcastle was "inconvenient".)
- Census: 1808; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1808 Census: Asa Burnham, Esq.; 2 males 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
Note: There is a no Hiram this year. - Census: 1809; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1809 Census: Asa Burnham, Esq.; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
Note: There is a no Hiram this year; add a Rufus??
Family: Sarah Lovekin b. 1782, d. 14 Feb 1835
- Marriage*: circa 1806; Durham Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census shows wife; 1804 & 1805 census shows no wife. Date 1800 per family tree of mlclmontgomery on ancestry.ca, Jan 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Sarah Lovekin1,4
- Hon. Asa Allworth Burnham+1 b. 17 Feb 1808, d. 10 May 1873
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S61] Unknown compiler, Homesteads.
- [S129] Dictionary Cdn BIOs, online unknown url.
Sarah Lovekin1,2,3
F, #45438, b. 1782, d. 14 February 1835
- Father*: Richard Lovekin Sr.2 b. 1727, d. 1 Jan 1798
- Mother*: Sarah Patrickson2 b. 1740, d. c 1810
- Birth*: 1782; Cork, Cork Co., Ireland; Date 1782 per CemSearch. Date 1782 & loaction Cork, Cork Co., Ireland per family tree of andreabonham_1 on ancestry.ca, May 10 2019. Date 1782 & location Pioneer Farm, Clarke Twp. per family tree of mlclmontgomery on ancestry.ca - bit too early for this??, Jan 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.
per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.2,4,3 - Marriage*: circa 1806; Durham Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census shows wife; 1804 & 1805 census shows no wife. Date 1800 per family tree of mlclmontgomery on ancestry.ca, Jan 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Asa Burnham Jr.2,4
- Death*: 14 February 1835; Hamiltom Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date Feb 14 1835 per CemSearch. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3
- Burial*: 16 February 1835; St. Peter's Anglican Church Cemetery, Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; CemSearch: Name: Sarah Burnham; Maiden: Lovekin; Born: 1782; Died: Feb 14 1835; Age: 53; ID: CBSPCM!1119; Other names: Burnham, Asa (1775-1813), Burnham, Asa A. (1808-1873), Burnham, Ethel Maude (1873-1958), Burnham, Eva Blanche (1874-1953), Burnham, Eva Elizabeth [Hawkey](1882-1962), Burnham, Florence Mabel (1868-1953), Burnham, George Allen (1884-1956), Burnham, Gertrude Louise [Hircock](1926-2016), Burnham, Mary Elizabeth (1927-2014), Burnham, Vernon Richard "Dick" (1923-2010); Cemetery: St. Peters Anglican Church, Cobourg, Plot 3837 (http://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?action=sameStoneGroup&selSameStoneChoice=CBSPCM%211119) per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3
- Married Name: circa 1807; Burnham2
Family: Asa Burnham Jr. b. 26 Oct 1774, d. 10 Mar 1812
- Hon. Asa Allworth Burnham+2 b. 17 Feb 1808, d. 10 May 1873
John Burnham1
M, #45439, b. 20 March 1779, d. 24 December 1840
- Father*: Asa Burnham Sr.1 b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Mother*: Elizabeth Cutler1 b. 1753, d. 20 Jul 1839
- Birth*: 20 March 1779; Dunbarton, Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Mar 20 1779 & location Dunbarton, NH (also son of SArah Lovekin??) per GEDCOM of Lorrie (scramblers2cogeco.ca), Aug 27 2012. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Marriage*: 20 March 1806; Hamilton Twp., Nothumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 3 1806 per family tree of andreabonham_1 on ancestry.ca, May 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Lorrie (scramblers2cogeco.ca), Aug 27 2012.; Principal=Hannah Harris1,2
- Death*: 24 December 1840; Hamilton Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Dec 24 1840 & location Cobourg per GEDCOM of Lorrie (scramblers2cogeco.ca), Aug 27 2012. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1
- Residence*: 1798; Hamilton Twp., Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; "Where Cobourg stands today was once cedar swamp. As a result, the town was slower in becoming established than some of the adjacent centres along Lake Ontario. A few settlers had arrived, however, as early as 1798. Among them were four Burnham brothers, Asa, Zaccheus, John and Mark, who with their sister Hannah emigrated from New Hampshire. In the ensuring years, the Burnhams became one of the most influential families in the area." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 1723
- Census*: 1804; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1804 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1805; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1805 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1806; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1806 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1807; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1807 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 2 females under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
Note: I wonder if one of the two females under 16 might be Hannah, who records show was with this family at some point after they came to Hamilton Twp. - Census: 1808; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1808 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 3 females under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Census: 1809; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1809 Census: John Burnham; 1 male 16 to 60; 1 female 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 3 females under 16 (Hamilton Twp. Census Records, www.eagle.ca/westhistory/genealogy.htm)
- Note*: 30 August 1813; Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "Muster Roll and Pay Lists of Northumberland Militia, Captain Roger Wolcott's Co. on duty escorting American prisoners from the Township of Hamilton to Kingston from 16th to 30th August 1813. Row 1: Captain Roger Wolcut, from Aug 16 to Aug 20, 15 days, 6.18.7/2; Row 2: Lieutenant John Grover, from Aug 16 to Aug 30, 15 days, 4.5.11; Row 3: Ensign J. Burnham, from Aug 16 to Aug 30, 15 days, 3.9.11; Row 4: Sergeant N. Nickerson …
Row 5: Sergeant E. ?Wairfield .. Row 6: Sergeant Oliver Eaton … Row 7: Corporal J. Drinkwater … Row 8:
Corporal Elijah Calkins … " image sent to me by Eleanor Beath, Oct 3 2024, Northumberland Militia Muster Roll and Pay list.4
Family: Hannah Harris b. 29 Nov 1770, d. 8 Mar 1862
- Marriage*: 20 March 1806; Hamilton Twp., Nothumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 3 1806 per family tree of andreabonham_1 on ancestry.ca, May 10 2019. per GEDCOM of Lorrie (scramblers2cogeco.ca), Aug 27 2012.; Principal=Hannah Harris1,2
- Silas Burnham1 b. 1 Nov 1806, d. 7 May 1848
- Margaret Burnham1 b. 18 Jan 1808
- William Burnham+1 b. 10 Oct 1809, d. 18 Nov 1860
- Elias Burnham+1 b. 20 Oct 1811, d. 4 Mar 1890
- George Burnham+1 b. 4 Sep 1814, d. 14 Jun 1881
- Charles Burnham2 b. 10 Sep 1815, d. 12 Feb 1894
- Zacheus Burnham+ b. 31 Mar 1817, d. 15 Nov 1896
- Maria Burnham2 b. 7 Oct 1819, d. 4 Sep 1827
- Harris Burnham2 b. 5 Oct 1820
- Christiana Burnham2 b. 7 Sep 1824
Mark Burnham1
M, #45440, b. 15 February 1791, d. 21 February 1864

- Father*: Asa Burnham Sr.1 b. 17 Mar 1751, d. 27 Jan 1831
- Mother*: Elizabeth Cutler1 b. 1753, d. 20 Jul 1839
- Birth*: 15 February 1791; Dunbarton Twp., Merrimack Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Feb 15 1791 & locaiton Dunbarton Centre, Merrimack Co., NH per Findagrvve. Date Feb 15 1791 & location Dunbarton, New Hampshire per Memorial. Date Feb 15 1791 & location NH per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.1,2,3
- Marriage*: 14 July 1819; Goffstown, Hillsborough Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Jul 14 1819 & location Goofstown, Hillsborough, NH per Findagrave. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Sophronia Gilchrist1,3
- Death*: 21 February 1864; Port Hope, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Feb 21 1864 per Memorial. Date Feb 21 1864 & location Port Hope per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005. Date 1864 & location Port Hope per family tree of Anne Burnham on ancestry.ca, June 15 2020.1,2,4
- Burial*: 23 February 1864; St. John's Anglican cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In; Memory of; Mark Burnham; Born at Dunbarton, New Hampshire; Feb 15, 1791; Died Feb 21 1864; Sophronia Gilchrist; Wife of; Mark Burnham; Born in Goffstown, New Hampshire; Oct 23, 1801; Died at Port Hope; Nov 27 1883 (Port Hope Union Cemetery, July 23, 2006)
Findagrave: Name: Mark Burnham; Birth: 15 Feb 1791,
Dunbarton Center, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA; Death: 21 Feb 1864 (aged 73), Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada; Burial: Saint John's Anglican Church Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada; Memorial ID: 43499416; Note: Cause of death - Liver complaint. Mark and Sophronia married on 14 July 1819 at Goffstown, Hillsborough, New Hampshire. (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/43499416/mark-burnham) per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.1,2,3
- Residence*: 1798; Hamilton Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "Where Cobourg stands today was once cedar swamp. As a result, the town was slower in becoming established than some of the adjacent centres along Lake Ontario. A few settlers had arrived, however, as early as 1798. Among them were four Burnham brothers, Asa, Zaccheus, John and Mark, who with their sister Hannah emigrated from New Hampshire. In the ensuring years, the Burnhams became one of the most influential families in the area." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 1725
Family: Sophronia Gilchrist b. 3 Oct 1801, d. 27 Nov 1883
- Sophronia Burnham1 b. 2 May 1830, d. 1 Aug 1832
- Henry Hamilton Burnham+1 b. 3 Nov 1842, d. 27 Dec 1911
Sophronia Gilchrist1,2,3
F, #45441, b. 3 October 1801, d. 27 November 1883

- Father*: Samuel Gilchrist2 b. c 1770
- Mother*: Sarah Aiken2 b. 28 Apr 1771, d. 2 Nov 1851
- Birth*: 3 October 1801; Goffstown, New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Oct 3 1801 & location Goffstown, New Hampshire per Memorial. Date Oct 3 1801 & location Goffstown per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3
- Marriage*: 14 July 1819; Goffstown, Hillsborough Co., New Hampshire, U.S.A.; Date Jul 14 1819 & location Goofstown, Hillsborough, NH per Findagrave. per GEDCOM of Ron Cox, Oct. 6, 2005.; Principal=Mark Burnham2,4
- Death*: 27 November 1883; Port Hope, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 27 1883 & location Port Hope per Memorial. per GEDCOM of Elizabeth Archer, Oct. 6, 2005.2,3
- Burial*: 29 November 1883; Port Hope Union Cemetery, Port Hope, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In; Memory of; Mark Burnham; Born at Dunbarton, New Hampshire; Feb 15, 1791; Died Feb 21 1864; Sophronia Gilchrist; Wife of; Mark Burnham; Born in Goffstown, New Hampshire; Oct 23, 1801; Died at Port Hope; Nov 27 1883 (Port Hope Union Cemetery, July 23, 2006)3
- Married Name: 14 July 1819; Burnham2
Family: Mark Burnham b. 15 Feb 1791, d. 21 Feb 1864
- Sophronia Burnham2 b. 2 May 1830, d. 1 Aug 1832
- Henry Hamilton Burnham+2 b. 3 Nov 1842, d. 27 Dec 1911