David Howell

M, #10959, b. 1855
  • Birth*: 1855; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Per Marriage Reg'n. IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 26 February 1877; Methodist Parsonage, Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: David Howell; Age: 22; Res.: N. Fredericksburgh; Born: Cda.; Status: bachelor; Parents: Paul & Jemima Howell; Bride: Jane Gerow; Age: 22; Res. & Born: Hallowell; Status: spinster; Parents: Isaac & Poebe Gerow; Witnesses: Isabella McCallum & Josephine McCallum, Picton; Date: Feb 26, 1877; Place: Methodist Parsonage, Picton; Performed by: Rev. J. W. McCallum; Religion: Meth & Episc.; Principal=Esther Jane "Jennie" Gerow1
  • Residence*: 26 February 1877; North Fredericksburgh Twp., Lennox & Addington Co., Ontario; Per Marriage Reg'n.

Family: Esther Jane "Jennie" Gerow b. 1853, d. 1937


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 009334 - 1877.

Ann Laurie Eyre

F, #10960, b. 9 December 1856
  • Birth*: 9 December 1856; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date per 1901 Census. Per Marriage Reg'n. IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 5 March 1877; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Seth Thorn Gerow; Age: 21; Res.: Hallowell; Born: Cda.; Status: bachelor; Occupation: farmer; Parents: Isaac & Phoebe ?Frair?; Bride: Annie Laurie Eyre; Age: 19; Res.: Picton; Born: Cda.; Status: spinster; Parents: Robert H. & Rebecca Eyre; Witnesses: P. W. & M. C. Post, Picton; Date: March 5, 1877; Place: Picton; Religion: C. of E.; Performed by: Rev. E Soucks; Principal=Seth Thorn Gerow1
  • Residence*: 5 March 1877; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Per Marriage Reg'n.
  • Married Name: 5 March 1877; Gerow
  • Census*: April 1891; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 34 at 1891 Census: see Seth Gerow2
  • Census: April 1901; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 44 at 1901 Census: see Seth Gerow3

Family: Seth Thorn Gerow b. 30 Aug 1855, d. 1939


  1. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 009339 - 1877.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 34.
  3. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 44.

Thomas W. Clegg1,2

M, #10961, b. 1860, d. 1949

  • Birth*: 1860; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1860 per Memorial. Date 1861 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. IGI Record3,2
  • Marriage*: 2 February 1887; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Thomas W. Clegg; Age: 26; Res. & Born: Murray; Status: bachelor; Parents: Willet C. & Margaret A. Clegg; Bride: Alice May Gerow; Age: 27; Res.: Murray; Born: Hallowell; Status: spinster; Witnesses: Annie & Mary Gerow, Smithfield; Date: Feb 2, 1887; Place: Murray; Religion: Meth. & Episc.; Performed by: R. N. Adams; Principal=Alice May Gerow4
  • Death*: 1949; Ontario; Date 1949 per Burial.3
  • Burial*: 1949; Greenwood Cemetery, Smithfield, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) CLEGG; Alice M. Gerow; 1859 - 1928; Wife of; Thomas W. Clegg; 1860 - 1949; Ellen M.; 1894 - 1908; Kathleen; 1894 - 1909 (Greenwood Cemetery, Smithfield, July 9, 2004)3
  • Census*: 13 April 1891; Brighton, Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 30 at 1891 Census: see George S. Miller2

Family: Alice May Gerow b. 1859, d. 1928


  1. Thomas W. Clegg per 1891 Census.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 008545 - 1887.
  5. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.

Hattie Smith

F, #10962, b. before 1864
  • Birth*: before 1864; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1884; Principal=William Gerow
  • Married Name: after 1884; Gerow

Family: William Gerow b. 1864

Philip Pearce1

M, #10963, b. 17 November 1861, d. 3 May 1915
  • Birth*: 17 November 1861; Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1862 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date Nov 17 1861 per IGI Record.2
  • Marriage*: 14 November 1888; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Phillip Pearce; Age: 26; Res.: Hallowell; Born: Murray; Status: bachelor; Parents: Rueben & Sophonia Pearce; Bride: Mary Gerow; Age: 20; Res.: Murray; Born: Wellington; Status: spinster;Parents: Isaac & Phoebe Gerow; Witnesses: William & Anna Gerow, Smithfield; Date: Nov 4, 1888; Place: Murray; Religion: Episc.; Performed by: S. McCauley
    IGI Record; Principal=Mary Gerow3
  • Death*: 3 May 1915; Kelowna, British Columbia; IGI Record
  • Census*: April 1871; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1871 Census: see Reuben Pearce2

Family: Mary Gerow b. 10 Apr 1868, d. 6 Mar 1944


  1. Spelling of surname per marriage reg'n.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, 008478 - 1888.

William McFadden

M, #10964, b. circa 1848
  • Birth*: circa 1848; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: April 1869; IGI Record; Principal=Emma Alwilda Gerow

Family: Emma Alwilda Gerow b. 25 Nov 1852, d. 29 Mar 1934

James Byers

M, #10965, b. before 1850

Family: Emma Alwilda Gerow b. 25 Nov 1852, d. 29 Mar 1934

Margaret Russell

F, #10966, b. circa 1770
  • Birth*: circa 1770; Duchess Co., New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 17 February 1793; Queen's Co., New Brunswick; IGI Record; Principal=Benjamin Gerow
  • Married Name: after 1788; Gerow

Family: Benjamin Gerow b. 16 Mar 1768, d. 3 Feb 1835

Daniel Gerow

M, #10967, b. 8 April 1802, d. 25 January 1844
  • Birth*: 8 April 1802; Washedemoak, Queen's Co., New Brunswick; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 21 September 1833; IGI Record; Principal=Mehetabel Christy
  • Marriage*: after 1842; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Per IGI Record.; Principal=Patty Striker
  • Death*: 25 January 1844; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record

Family 1: Mehetabel Christy b. 9 Oct 1809, d. 17 Oct 1842

Family 2: Patty Striker b. 1813

Mehetabel Christy

F, #10968, b. 9 October 1809, d. 17 October 1842
  • Birth*: 9 October 1809; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 21 September 1833; IGI Record; Principal=Daniel Gerow
  • Death*: 17 October 1842; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Married Name: 21 September 1833; Gerow

Family: Daniel Gerow b. 8 Apr 1802, d. 25 Jan 1844

William Christy

M, #10969, b. 5 July 1772
  • Birth*: 5 July 1772; Herkimer Co., New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: November 1795; Beekman Patent, Herkimer Co., U.S.A.; IGI Record; Principal=Ruth Bull

Family: Ruth Bull b. 30 Oct 1778


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Ruth Bull

F, #10970, b. 30 October 1778
  • Birth*: 30 October 1778; Beekman Patent, Duchess Co., New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: November 1795; Beekman Patent, Herkimer Co., U.S.A.; IGI Record; Principal=William Christy
  • Married Name: November 1795; Christy

Family: William Christy b. 5 Jul 1772


  1. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Thomas Albert Gerow

M, #10971, b. 26 August 1834, d. 12 March 1891
  • Birth*: 26 August 1834; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 12 October 1859; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record; Principal=Almira Leavens
  • Death*: 12 March 1891; Flint, Genesee Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Burial*: 14 March 1891; Fairview Cemetery, Linden, Genesee Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1851 Census: Gerow, Thomas, 18, b. Cda., Friends, single1
  • Census: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 27 at 1861 Census: Gerow, Thomas, 27, b. U.C., French, married; Almira, 21, b. UC., French, married; Amy J., 1, b. UC2

Family: Almira Leavens b. 24 Aug 1840, d. 7 Jul 1930


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 18.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 27.

Almira Leavens

F, #10972, b. 24 August 1840, d. 7 July 1930
  • Birth*: 24 August 1840; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record. Per 1861 Census. IGI Record
  • Marriage*: 12 October 1859; Picton, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record; Principal=Thomas Albert Gerow
  • Death*: 7 July 1930; Linden, Genesee Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Burial*: 10 July 1930; Fairview Cemetery, Linden, Genesee Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Married Name: 12 October 1859; Gerow
  • Census*: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 21 at 1861 Census: see Thomas Gerow1

Family: Thomas Albert Gerow b. 26 Aug 1834, d. 12 Mar 1891


  1. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 21.

Mary Gerow

F, #10973, b. 12 February 1836, d. 3 May 1908
  • Birth*: 12 February 1836; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1856; Principal=Benjamin Brewer
  • Death*: 3 May 1908; Fulton, New York, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 16 at 1851 Census: Gerow, Mary, 16, b. Cda., Friends, single (under John Stinson)1
  • Married Name: after 1856; Brewer

Family: Benjamin Brewer b. b 1836


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 16.

Benjamin Brewer

M, #10974, b. before 1836
  • Birth*: before 1836; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1856; Principal=Mary Gerow

Family: Mary Gerow b. 12 Feb 1836, d. 3 May 1908

Peter Van B. Gerow

M, #10975, b. 1838, d. 19 June 1908
  • Birth*: 1838; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1839 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1836 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. IGI Record1,2
  • Marriage*: after 1857; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per 1861 Census.; Principal=Melissa Bull1
  • Death*: 19 June 1908; Dunwich Twp., Tryconnell, Elgin Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 15 at 1851 Census: Gerow, Peter, 15, b. U. C., Quaker, single (under Jonathan Christy)3
  • Census: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 22 at 1861 Census: see Stephen Bull (father-in-law)1

Family: Melissa Bull b. 1837


  1. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 15.

Melissa Bull

F, #10976, b. 1837
  • Birth*: 1837; Upper Canada; Date 1837 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1835 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1,2
  • Marriage*: after 1857; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; per 1861 Census.; Principal=Peter Van B. Gerow2
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 16 at 1851 Census: see Stephen Bull1
  • Married Name: after 1857; Gerow
  • Census: April 1861; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 24 at 1861 Census: see Stephen Bull2

Family: Peter Van B. Gerow b. 1838, d. 19 Jun 1908


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Freeman T. Gerow

M, #10977, b. 17 January 1840, d. after 1890
  • Birth*: 17 January 1840; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1860; Principal=Sarah McDonald
  • Death*: after 1890; Genessee Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; IGI Record
  • Census*: 1851; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1851 Census: Gerow, Freeman, 12, b. U. C., Quaker (under Stewart Christy)1

Family: Sarah McDonald b. b 1840


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm, Age 12.

Sarah McDonald

F, #10978, b. before 1840
  • Birth*: before 1840; IGI Record
  • Marriage*: after 1860; Principal=Freeman T. Gerow
  • Married Name: after 1860; Gerow

Family: Freeman T. Gerow b. 17 Jan 1840, d. a 1890