Edith A. Wait1,2

F, #80133, b. 1872
  • Birth*: 1872; U.S.A.; Date 1872 & location US per 1881 Census.2
  • Census*: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1881 Census: see Finley B. Wait2


  1. Edith A. per 1881 Census.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Ethel A. Wait1,2

F, #80134, b. 1876
  • Birth*: 1876; Ontario; Date 1876 & location Ont. per 1881 Census.2
  • Census*: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1881 Census: see Finley B. Wait2


  1. Ethel A. per 1881 Census.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Agnes H. M. Wilson1,2,3,4,5

F, #80135, b. 1857
  • Birth*: 1857; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.2,5,4
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson3
  • Census: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 14? at 1871 Census: see David Wilson4
  • Census: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 28 at 1881 Census: see David Wilson5
  • Census*: April 1891; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 34 at 1891 Census: see David Wilson2


  1. Agnes H. M. per 1881 Census. A. H. M. per 1861 & 1871 Census. Agnes H. Y. A.? per 1891 Census.
  2. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Charles G. A. Wilson1

M, #80136, b. 1878
  • Birth*: 1878; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1878 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1878 & location Ont. per 1881 Census.1,2
  • Marriage*: 25 October 1899; Cramahe Twp., Castleton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#014553: Groom: Charles A. Wilson; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Castleton; Status: bachelor; Occ.; Merchant; Parents: David Wilson & Elziabeth Merrills; Bride: Emma G. Titus; Age: 25; Res.: Casetleon; Born: Hillier Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Samuel N. Titus & Susan ?P. Hyatt; Wit.: Henry Williams, Castleton & Helena Barker, Bloomfield; Date: Oct 25 1899; Place: Castleton; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: George Robinson by licnese; Reg'd.: Nov 14 1899; Reg'r.: R.B. Walt, Cramahe Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #014553-1899, ancestry.ca); Principal=Emma Gertrude Titus3
  • Census: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1881 Census: see David Wilson2
  • Census*: April 1891; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1891 Census: see David Wilson1

Family: Emma Gertrude Titus b. 1874


  1. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #014553-1899.

Elizabeth S. B. Wilson1,2,3,4

F, #80137, b. 1851
  • Birth*: 1851; Ontario; Date 1851 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1851 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1851 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1850 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.2,3,4,5
  • Census: 1852; Mosa Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1851 Census: see David Wilson4
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson5
  • Census: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 20 at 1871 Census: see David Wilson3
  • Census*: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 30 at 1881 Census: see David Wilson2


  1. Elizabeth S. B.? Wilson per 1881 Census. ? S. B. per 1871 Census. Elizabeth S. B. per 1851 Census.
  2. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Alvin P. Wilson1

M, #80138, b. 1863
  • Birth*: 1863; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1863 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1863 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1,2
  • Census: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 8 at 1871 Census: see David Wilson2
  • Census*: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1881 Census: see David Wilson1


  1. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Emelia Wilson1,2,3,4

F, #80139, b. 1848
  • Birth*: 1848; Ontario; Date 1848 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1848 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1846 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.2,3,4
  • Census: 1852; Mosa Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1851 Census: see David Wilson3
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson4
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 23 at 1871 Census: see David Wilson2


  1. E. Wilson per 1871 Census. Emelia per 1851 & 1861 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

A. W. M. Wilson1,2

M, #80140, b. 1849
  • Birth*: 1849; Ontario; Date 1849 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.2
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 22 at 1871 Census: see David Wilson2


  1. A. W.? M. Wilson per 1871 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

E. H. Wilson1,2,3

M, #80141, b. 1854
  • Birth*: 1854; Ontario; Date 1854 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1854 & location UC per 1861 Census.2,3
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 7 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson3
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1871 Census: see David Wilson2


  1. E. H.? Wilson per 1871 Census. E. H. per 1861 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

David W. M. Wilson1,2,3,4

M, #80142, b. 1848
  • Birth*: 1848; Mosa Twp., Wardsville, Middlesex Co., Ontario; Date 1848 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1848 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Date 1847 & location Wardsville per marr. reg'n.2,3,4
  • Marriage*: 25 December 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: David W. M. Wilson; Age: 24; Res.: Cramahe; Born: Wardsville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: School Teacher; Parents: David & Elizabeth Wilson; Bride: Alice McDonald; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Cramahe; Status: spinster; Parents: James G. & Catherine McDonald; Wit.: Alexander Mcdonald & Elizabath Rorabeck, Cramahe; Date: Dec 25 1871; Place: Cramahe; Rel.: - ; Performed by: Samuel Dunnett, Baptist Minister (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com); Principal=Alice J. McDonald2
  • Census*: 1852; Mosa Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario; Age 3 at 1851 Census: see David Wilson3
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson4
  • Residence*: 25 December 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Cramahe per marr. reg'n.2

Family: Alice J. McDonald b. 1850


  1. David W. M. Wilson per marr. reg'n. David W. per 1851 Census. D. W. M. per 1861 Census.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Alice J. McDonald1,2,3,4

F, #80143, b. 1850
  • Birth*: 1850; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1850 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1850 & location CW per 1861 Census. Date 1850 & location Cramahe per marr. reg'n.
    Note: Alice does not appear in the 1851 Census which suggests her birth must have been in 1852, after the census was taken.2,3,4
  • Marriage*: 25 December 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: David W. M. Wilson; Age: 24; Res.: Cramahe; Born: Wardsville; Status: bachelor; Occ.: School Teacher; Parents: David & Elizabeth Wilson; Bride: Alice McDonald; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Cramahe; Status: spinster; Parents: James G. & Catherine McDonald; Wit.: Alexander Mcdonald & Elizabath Rorabeck, Cramahe; Date: Dec 25 1871; Place: Cramahe; Rel.: - ; Performed by: Samuel Dunnett, Baptist Minister (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com); Principal=David W. M. Wilson2
  • Census*: April 1861; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 11 at 1861 Census: see James McDonald3
  • Census: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 20 at 1871 Census: see James McDonald4
  • Married Name: 25 December 1871; Wilson2
  • Residence*: 25 December 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Cramahe per marr. reg'n.2

Family: David W. M. Wilson b. 1848


  1. Alice J. McDonald per 1871 Census. Allice McDonald per 1861 Census.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

James Grey McDonald1,2,3,4,5,6,7

M, #80144, b. 1814, d. 10 December 1879

  • Birth*: 1814; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date 1814 per Memorial. Date 1814 & location Cramahe per Death Reg'n. Date 1814 & locaiton Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1814 & location CW per 1861 Census. Date 1813 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. per marriage reg'n. of daugher Alice (McDonald) Wilson. Date 1814 per family tree of Brant Boucher on ancestry.ca, March 2 2019.2,8,4,3,5,6,7
  • Marriage*: circa 1838; Canada West; per 1851 Census.; Principal=Catharine Hannah L. Howard8
  • Death*: 10 December 1879; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#000817: Name: James McDonald; Date: Decembeer 10, 1879; Age: 65; Occ.: farmer; Born: Cramahe; Phys. - none ; Inf.: Wm. Ainsworth, Clergyman; Reg'd.: Dec 20 1879; Rel.: Bapt.; Reg'r.: J. E. Pennoc, Cramahe Twp. (Ontario Death Registration, #000817-1879, ancestry.ca) Date 1879 per Memorial. Date Dec 10 1879 & location Northumberland Co. per family tree of Lisa Slade on ancestry.ca, Mar 2 2019.3,4,9
  • Burial*: 12 December 1879; Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) J. G. McDonald; Born 1814 - Died 1879; atharine; His Wife; Born 1819 Died 1879?; McDONALD (Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., July 6, 2009)3,4
  • Census*: 1848; Conc 1 Lot 26, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; 1848 Census: James G. McDonald; Conc 1, Lot 16, occ., propr.; farmer
  • Census: 1852; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 38 at 1851 Cesus: McDonald, James G., 3, b. Cda., Bapt., farmer, married; Hannah, 32, b. Cda., Bapt., married; Gilbert, 12, b. Cda., Bapt.; Hiram, 11; Margaret, 9; Rosann, 7; Mary, 4; William, 2; Alex, 76, b. US, Bapt., farmer, widodw; Joseph, 22, b. Cda., Bapt., joiner, single (1851 Census: Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., pg. 43 of 131, line 32 - ancestry.ca)8
  • Census: April 1861; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 47 at 1861 Census: McDonald, James, 47, b. CW, Bapt., farmer, married; Catherine, 42, b. CW, Bapt., married; Mary, 18, b. CW, EM; Sophronia, 17; Allice, 11; ?Allen?(m), 7; ?Pelisere?(m), 5; Robert, 2 (1861 Census: Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., pg. 596 of 899, line 33 - ancestry.ca)
    Note: Elias Chatterson is just above; Thomas Newcomb is below; Lorenden McDonald is father below; George McDonald is at top of page.5
  • Census: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1871 Census: McDonald, James, 57, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., farmer, married; Catherine, 52, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., married; Alice J., 20, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., single; Alexander, 18, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., farmer(precaher?), single; Pelasier(m), 15, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., farmer, single; Robert, 11, b. Ont., Scot., Bapt., blacksmith, single (1871 Census: Cramahe Twp., Northumberland East Co., dist. 55, sub-dist. a-1, pg. 22, line 20 - ancestry.ca)
    Note: It is odd that occupations are written in for the young boys - blacksmith for 11-year-old Robert. Also, Preacher is written under farmer for Alexandere. These are written in much lighter than the rest of the info - later or by someone else??7

Family: Catharine Hannah L. Howard b. 1819, d. 1879


  1. J. G. McDonald per Memorial. James McDonald per Death Reg'n. James G. McDonald per 1851 Census. James McDonald per 1861 & 1871 Census. James Gray McDonald per family tree of Brant Boucher on ancestry.ca, March 2 2019. Mother's surname is Grey.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  4. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  5. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  7. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  8. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  9. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #000817-1879.

Ann J. E. Wilson1,2,3

F, #80146, b. 1843
  • Birth*: 1843; Ontario; Date 1844 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1843 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.2,3
  • Census*: 1852; Mosa Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario; Age 8 at 1851 Census: see David Wilson2
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson3


  1. Ann J. E. per 1851 Census. A. J. E. per 1861 Census.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Frances M. E. Wilson1,2,3

F, #80147, b. 1844
  • Birth*: 1844; Ontario; Date 1845 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1844 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.2,3
  • Census*: 1852; Mosa Twp., Middlesex Co., Ontario; Age 7 at 1851 Census: see David Wilson2
  • Census: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 16 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson3


  1. F. M. E. per 1861 Census. Frances M. E. per 1851 Census.
  2. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

J. F. Wilson1

M, #80148, b. 1853
  • Birth*: 1853; Ontario; Date 1852 & location UC per 1861 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1861; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1861 Census: see David Wilson1


  1. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Albert Wait1

M, #80149, b. 1890
  • Birth*: 1890; Ontario; Date 1890 & location Ont. per 1891 Census.1
  • Census*: April 1891; Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1891 Census: see Clarence Wait1


  1. [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

John Henry Knapp1,2,3,4

M, #80150, b. 1844, d. 6 September 1905
  • Birth*: 1844; Upper Canada; Date 1844 per CemSearch. Date 1845 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1844 & location UC per 1861 Census.2,3,4
  • Death*: 6 September 1905; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Sep 6 1905 & location Cramahe Twp. per CemSearch.4
  • Burial*: 8 September 1905; Castleton Cemetery, Castleton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; CemSearch: Name: John H. Knapp; Born: 1844; Died: Sep 6 1905; Age: 61y; ID: CSTLYN081; Other names: Knapp, George Rockwell (1873-1874), Knapp; George (1833-1886); Cemetery: Castleton Cemetery, Conc 7, Lot 32, Cramahe Twp., Village of Castleton, Northumberland Co., Sec A-S Row 9 Plot 12; Note: Died Cramahe Twp of kidney disease
    Methodist, Info from Cramahe Death Registers. (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pid=CSTLTN081%5E1)4
  • Census: April 1861; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 17 at 1861 Census: see Alpheus Knapp3
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 26 at 1871 Census: see Alpheus Knapp2
  • Residence: 24 April 1875; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Q.C I1377) show a Quit Claim with Grantors Sarah Knapp (widow of Alpheus Knapp), John Knapp & wife, Jacob Knapp & wife, Arnold Knapp & wife, Marshall Knapp & wife, Permilla Rogers (formerly Kanpp), Martin Rogers, Lucy Smith (formerly Knapp), Abel Smith, [John Knapp, Hudson P. Gould, John J. Robinson, executors to Will of Alpheus Knapp] and the Grantee is George Knapp, re "south 160 acres and all interest of parties of first part inb chattel property and personal estate of the late Alpheus Knapp, subject to mortgage for $1500". ITS Date: Apr 19 1875. Reg'n. Date: Apr 24 1875. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)5
  • Residence: 24 April 1875; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Q.C I1377) show a Quit Claim with Grantors Sarah Knapp (widow of Alpheus Knapp), John Knapp & wife, Jacob Knapp & wife, Arnold Knapp & wife, Marshall Knapp & wife, Permilla Rogers (formerly Kanpp), Martin Rogers, Lucy Smith (formerly Knapp), Abel Smith, [John Knapp, Hudson P. Gould, John J. Robinson, executors to Will of Alpheus Knapp] and the Grantee is George Knapp, re "south 160 acres and all interest of parties of first part inb chattel property and personal estate of the late Alpheus Knapp, subject to mortgage for $1500". ITS Date: Apr 19 1875. Reg'n. Date: Apr 24 1875. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)5
  • Residence*: 24 March 1886; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Will L4498) show that Amarilla Knapp (widow), John Knapp & Irel C. Gould (execotors and executrix of George Knapp, deceased) & Emma J. Knapp *spinters) & Amerilla Knapp grants to Daniel F. Kewin & John S. Kewin, 140 acres of lot 23, conc 6, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co. for $4,500. ITS Date: Mar 21 1888. Reg'n. Date: Mar 24 1888. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)5


  1. John H. Knapp per CemSearch. John Henry Knapp per 1861 Census.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  5. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.

Benjamin Knapp1

M, #80151, b. 4 May 1880
  • Birth*: 4 May 1880; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Late Birth Reg'n.#901571: Name: Benjamin Knapp; Date: May 4 1880; Place: Haldimand Twp.; Parents: Jacob Knapp, 39, Haldimand, farmer & Sarah Louisa Wait; Phys.: Dr. Douglas; Inf.: Lavina Wait (Aunt), Haldimand Twp.; Reg'd.: Apr 21 1941; Reg'r.: Henry A.? Dingman? (Ontario Late Birth Registration, #901571-1880, ancestry.com) Date 1880 & location Ont. per 1881 Census.1,2
  • Marriage*: 14 February 1906; Lansing, Ingham Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; per family tree of labourRN on ancestry.ca, Dec 1 2022.; Principal=Fannie Elisabeth Terryll3
  • Census*: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 at 1881 Census: see Jacob Knapp1

Family: Fannie Elisabeth Terryll b. c 1878, d. 21 Sep 1958


  1. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #901571-1880.
  3. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.

Fanny Mehitable Allan1,2,3,4,5

F, #80152, b. 1850, d. 20 February 1877
  • Birth*: 1850; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1850 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1850 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1848 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. Date 1850 & location Haldimand Twp. per marr. reg'n.2,6,3,4
  • Marriage*: 26 August 1869; Cramahe Twp., Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Jacob Knapp; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Cramahe Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Alpheus & Elizabeth Knapp; Bride: Fanny Allan; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Haldimand Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: George Allan; Wit.: David Coon, Cramahe; Date: Aug 26 1869; Place: Colborne; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. Robt. Forster (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com); Principal=Jacob Knapp2
  • Death*: 20 February 1877; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per family tree of Patti Craven on ancestry.ca, July 19 2018.5
  • Census: 1851; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 3 at 1851 Census: see George Allen4
  • Census: April 1861; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 11 at 1861 Census: see George Allen3
  • Married Name: 26 August 1869; Knapp2
  • Residence*: 26 August 1869; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Haldimand per marr. reg'n.2
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 21 at 1871 Census: see Alpheus Knapp (father-in-law)6

Family: Jacob Knapp b. Jul 1846, d. 14 Oct 1924

  • Marriage*: 26 August 1869; Cramahe Twp., Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.: Groom: Jacob Knapp; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Cramahe Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Alpheus & Elizabeth Knapp; Bride: Fanny Allan; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Haldimand Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: George Allan; Wit.: David Coon, Cramahe; Date: Aug 26 1869; Place: Colborne; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: Rev. Robt. Forster (Ontario Marriage Registration, ancestry.com); Principal=Jacob Knapp2


  1. Fanny Allen per 1851 & 1861 Census. Fanny Mehitable Allen per family tree of Patti Craven on ancestry.ca, July 19 2018.
  2. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  3. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  4. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  6. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

George Knapp1

M, #80154, b. 6 March 1833, d. 30 August 1886

  • Birth*: 6 March 1833; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date Mar 7 1833 per Memorial - age 53y 5m 24d at death Aug 29 1886. Date Mar 6 1833 & location Ont. per Death Reg'n. - age 53y 5m 24d at death Aug 30 1886. Date 1833 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1834 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1833 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1834 & location Ameliasburgh Twp. per family tree of RobertGreene82 on ancestry.ca, Nov 30 2022.1,2,3,4,5
  • Marriage*: 15 November 1865; Northumberland Co., Canada West; per 1871 Census. Date Nov 15 1865 & location Northumberland Co. per family tree of RobertGreene82 on ancestry.ca, Nov 30 2022.; Principal=Amarilla Turney1,3
  • Death*: 30 August 1886; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Death Reg'n.#012442: Name: George Knapp; Date: Aug 30 1886; Age: 53y 5m 24d; Occ.: farmer; Born: Ont.; Cause: consumption, 2 1/2 years; Phys.: Drs. Douglas & Gould; Inf.: Marshall Knapp, Cramahe Twp., brother; Reg'd.: Aug 31 1886; Rel.: Meth.; Reg'r.: H.P. Gould, Cramahe Twp. (Ontario Death Registration, #012442-1886, ancestry.ca) Date Aug 30 1886 & location Cramahe Twp. per family tree of RobertGreene82 on ancestry.ca, Nov 30 2022.3,6
  • Burial*: 31 August 1886; Castleton Cemetery, Castleton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (see Exhibit) George Knapp; Died; Aug. 29, 1886; Aged; 53 Y's, 5 M's; 24 D's (Castleton Cemetery, Castleton, image by Dan Buchanan, Jul 13 2009)
    FindaGrave: Name: George Knapp; BIRTH: unknown; DEATH: 29 Aug 1886; BURIAL: Castleton Cemetery, Castleton, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada; MEMORIAL ID: 182215323; Age 53y 5m 24d (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/182215323/george-knapp?_gl=1*1wid5w7*_ga*MTM2OTMxODYxNS4xNjM1ODgwODE4*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*MTY2OTg5ODc4Ny4zMjQuMS4xNjY5ODk5MjYyLjM3LjAuMA..)
    CemSearch: Name: George Knapp; Born: Mar 5 1833; Died: Aug 29 1886; Age: 53y 5m 24d; ID: CSTLYN081; Other names: Knapp, George Rockwell (1873-1874), Knapp; John H. (1844-1905); Cemetery: Castleton Cemetery, Conc 7, Lot 32, Cramahe Twp., Village of Castleton, Northumberland Co., Sec A-S Row 9 Plot 12; Note: Husband of Anabella (Amarilla) Father of George Rockwell (https://www.cemsearch.ca/burial/?pid=CSTLTN081%5E0)7,8,9
  • Census: April 1861; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 28 at 1861 Census: see Alpheus Knapp2
  • Census*: April 1871; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1871 Census: see Alpheus Knapp (father)1
  • Residence: 24 April 1875; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Q.C I1377) show a Quit Claim with Grantors Sarah Knapp (widow of Alpheus Knapp), John Knapp & wife, Jacob Knapp & wife, Arnold Knapp & wife, Marshall Knapp & wife, Permilla Rogers (formerly Kanpp), Martin Rogers, Lucy Smith (formerly Knapp), Abel Smith, [John Knapp, Hudson P. Gould, John J. Robinson, executors to Will of Alpheus Knapp] and the Grantee is George Knapp, re "south 160 acres and all interest of parties of first part inb chattel property and personal estate of the late Alpheus Knapp, subject to mortgage for $1500". ITS Date: Apr 19 1875. Reg'n. Date: Apr 24 1875. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)10
  • Residence: 7 July 1875; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Q.C I1413) show a Quit Claim with Grantors Amos Knapp & wife, Mary J. Piper (formerly Knapp) & Joseph Piper and the Grantee is George Knapp, re "saif lot except north 40 acres held by Kewin. ITS Date: Jul 6 1875. Reg'n. Date: Jul 7 1875. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)10
  • Residence*: 1878; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Belden County Atlas: Name: George Knapp; Nat.: Cda.; Year Settled: 1833; Occ.: farmer; P.O.: Colborne; Township: Cramahe; County: Northumberland; Land: Conc VI, Lot 23, - 140 acres (https://digital.library.mcgill.ca/countyatlas/showrecord.php?PersonID=21095)11
  • Census: April 1881; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland East Co., Ontario; Age 48 at 1881 Census: Knapp, George, 48, b. Ont., Scot., CM, farmer, married; Amerila, 33, b. Ont., Welsh, CM, married; Emma J., 14; Ernest A., 13; Elizabeth M., 5; Foss Sistoff?(m), 2; Row, Elizabeth, 66, b. Welsh, CM, ? (1881 Census: Cramahe Twp., Northumberland East Co., dist. 123, sub-dist. a, pg. 23, line 18 - ancestry.ca)4
  • Will*: 14 December 1884; Conc 6 Lot 23, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Land Registry Records (Will L4163) show that the Will of George Knapp grants to his executors, Amarilla Knapp, John Knapp & Irel C. Gould "south part 140 acres as it will set forth of lot 23, conc 6, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co. ITS Date: Dec 14 1884. Reg'n. Date: Oct 23 1886. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Conc 6, pg. 129 of 359, lot 23, page copied from OnLand.ca by Dan Buchanan, Nov 30 2022)10

Family: Amarilla Turney b. 24 Aug 1848, d. 24 Jan 1946

  • Marriage*: 15 November 1865; Northumberland Co., Canada West; per 1871 Census. Date Nov 15 1865 & location Northumberland Co. per family tree of RobertGreene82 on ancestry.ca, Nov 30 2022.; Principal=Amarilla Turney1,3


  1. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  2. [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
  4. [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives.
  6. [S12] Unknown author, Ontario Death Registrations, Record Type: microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Archives, #012442-1886.
  7. [S128] FindAGrave, online unknown url.
  8. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  9. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  10. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
  11. [S40] Unknown agency, Ontario County Atlas.