Joseph Perry1
M, #71199, b. circa 1830
- Birth*: circa 1830; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
- Marriage*: before 1855; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.; Principal=Harriet ?1
Family: Harriet ? b. c 1830
- Martha Perry+1 b. 1858
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Harriet ?1
F, #71200, b. circa 1830
- Birth*: circa 1830; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
- Marriage*: before 1855; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.; Principal=Joseph Perry1
- Married Name: before 1855; Perry1
Family: Joseph Perry b. c 1830
- Martha Perry+1 b. 1858
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
David Lott1
M, #71201, b. circa 1855, d. before 1882
- Birth*: circa 1855; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
- Marriage*: circa 1878; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.; Principal=Martha Perry1
- Death*: before 1882; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
Family: Martha Perry b. 1858
- Norris David Lott1 b. 1880
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Norris David Lott1
M, #71202, b. 1880
- Father*: David Lott1 b. c 1855, d. b 1882
- Mother*: Martha Perry1 b. 1858
- Birth*: 1880; Sidney Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Alzina Mae Zufelt1
F, #71203, b. circa 1884
- Father*: John Henry Zufelt1 b. 1859
- Mother*: Martha Perry1 b. 1858
- Birth*: circa 1884; Ontario; per GEDCOM of Richard Lander, Sep 7, 2009.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Mahala J. Zufelt1
F, #71204, b. 1850
- Father*: John Zufelt1 b. 17 May 1805
- Mother*: Charity Masters1 b. 1820, d. 18 May 1885
- Birth*: 1850; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1850 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1849 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1,2
- Census: 1852; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 2 at 1851 Census: see Adam Zufelt (her father's uncle)2
- Census*: April 1871; Ameliasburg Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 21 at 1871 Census: see John Zufelt1
- Residence*: 24 January 1883; Trenton, Hastings Co., Ontario; Witness per marr. reg'n. of John Henry Zufelt & Martha Perry.3
Catharine A. Zufelt1
F, #71205, b. 1853
- Father*: John Zufelt1 b. 17 May 1805
- Mother*: Charity Masters1 b. 1820, d. 18 May 1885
- Birth*: 1853; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1853 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.2
- Census*: April 1871; Ameliasburg Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 18 at 1871 Census: see John Zufelt2
Alzina Zufelt1
F, #71206, b. 1858
- Father*: John Zufelt1 b. 17 May 1805
- Mother*: Charity Masters1 b. 1820, d. 18 May 1885
- Birth*: 1858; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1858 & location Ont. per 1871 Census.1
- Census*: April 1871; Ameliasburg Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 13 at 1871 Census: see John Zufelt1
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
Anna Zufelt1
F, #71207, b. 6 October 1798
- Father*: Adam Zufelt1 b. 1760
- Mother*: Roxe Berger1 b. c 1760
- Birth*: 6 October 1798; Brunswick, Renssalaer Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Oct 6 1798 & location Brunswick, Renssalaer Co., NY per GEDCOM of Anne Baines, Sep 7 2009. Date Oct 6 1798 per GEDCOM of David, Sep 7 2009.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Thomas Zufelt1
M, #71208, b. 3 March 1796
- Father*: Adam Zufelt1 b. 1760
- Mother*: Roxe Berger1 b. c 1760
- Birth*: 3 March 1796; Brunswick, Rensselaer Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date Mar 3 1796 & location Brunswick, Renssalaer Co., NY per GEDCOM of Anne Baines, Sep 7 2009.1
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Elizabeth Zufelt1
F, #71209, b. 1840
- Father*: John Zufelt1 b. 17 May 1805
- Mother*: Charity Masters1 b. 1820, d. 18 May 1885
- Birth*: 1840; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1838 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1
- Census*: 1852; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 13 at 1851 Census: see Adam Zufelt (her father's uncle)1
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
Mary A. Zufelt1
F, #71210, b. 1841
- Father*: John Zufelt1 b. 17 May 1805
- Mother*: Charity Masters1 b. 1820, d. 18 May 1885
- Birth*: 1841; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1840 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1
- Census*: 1852; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canad West; Age 11 at 1851 Census: see Adam Zufelt (her father's uncle)1
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
Tobias Ryckman1
M, #71211, b. 17 July 1763, d. 25 April 1838
- Father*: Johannes Ryckman2 b. Aug 1738, d. 4 Oct 1784
- Mother*: Susannah Brown2 b. 1739, d. c 1786
- Birth*: 17 July 1763; Albany, Albany Co., New York, U.S.A.; Date July 17 1763 & location Tappan, Rockland Co., NY per family tree of kattaylor4 on, May 30 2021. Date 1763 & location Albany per family tree of ChristineZufelt11 on, May 30 2021. per GEDCOM of Robert, Sep 7 2009.1,2
- Marriage*: circa 1784; per family tree of ChristineZufelt11 on, May 30 2021.; Principal=Susannah Brown2
- Death*: 25 April 1838; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; "On the 24th ult., Mr. Tobias Ryckman, aged 76 years." Under the heading "Vil. VIII, No. 396 - March 3, 1838." Try this for death of this Tobias Ryckman. It appears in the Christian Intelligencer of the Dutch Reformed Church, New York, Deaths, 1830-1843, pg. 411 of 614, age 76 gives the birth year of 1762, which would match this Tobias Ryckman. Would his death be reported in a New York publication? Not sure. (Dan Buchanan, June 2 2021))
"Monday, February, 26, 1838" ... "Feb 24, Tobias Ryckman, 76y" page 61 of New York Evening Post Deaths 1835-1837, pg. 355 of 716,
Date Feb 13 1810 & location Toronto per family tree of kattaylor4 on, May 30 2021.
Note: Is there specific proof of this date? Why York? There are two land transactions for Tobias Ryckman in Sophiasburgh Twp. in 1812 and 1817 and I would assume they refer to this guy.2,3,4
- Residence*: 1785; Adolphustown Twp., Quebec; Early Ontario Settlers at Township No. 4 above Cataraqui (Adolphustown), 1785 Muster Roll No. 15: Index No. F127: Mrs. Ryckman; F128: John Ryckman, Jr.; F129: Edward Ryckman; F130: Tobias Ryckman (Early Ontario Settlers, 1785 at Adolphustown, pg. 133 of 260,
- Note*: 1788; Montreal, Quebec; Loyalist Claim of Susannah Ryckman; 1105. The Report of the Claim of Widow Ryckman, late of Tryon Co, Tobias Ryckman, eldest son of John Ryckman, deceased, appears. Says bis father was at Sorel in the Fall 1783. His Father was a Native of America, lived at Tarpan, Orange Co., when the Rebellion broke out. He joined the British, at New York in 1777. Served as a guide to the Army during the War. He came to Canada in 1780 or 1781. He died in 1784, living Susannah, his Widow. Claimant Tobias Ryckman & 6 other Children. Witness served some time as a guide. The Whole Family came into Canada with their Father. Now live near Cataraqui. His Father had a House and some Land at Tappan. He was a Tanner and Shoemaker. He bought this Place many years ago. His first Purchase was of 4 acres, he bought some more afterwards, Witness cannot say how much. There was a Stone house and framed Barn & small framed house. Produces an affidavit, sworn at Cataraqui to his having had this landed Estate at Tappan, and ye stock as stated in the Schedule. Witness says they had Deeds of the Land, but they have been destroyed by fire since they came to this Country. Values it at above £200 York. It has been sold by the Comrs. at a Vendue, one Herring bought it. His Father had 9 Wagon Loads of Leather just brought from Philadelphia. His Father had been imprisoned in Fisk Kill Gaol. The Rebels took the Leather at that time. Produces an Affidavit that John Ryckman had been imprisoned for his Loyalty & speaks of his having offered a Reward of 100 Dollars to People to fetch off his Leather. He had a number of dozen Hides A Skins. The dry Hides Cost £100 York. He had three horses, the Rebels took them. He had a house at New York, which he built after he got there. He had two Witnesses who Knew his Father's Property, they could not come, but were sworn before Peter Vanalstine near Cataraqui and he produces their affidavits as before stated. Says the Family Agree that he shall receive the whole." United Empire Loyalists, Part II, Vol. XXIII - Montreal, 1788, link on family tree of kenowens819 on, June 1 2021.2
- Note: circa 1810; Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Loyalist List: Ryckman, Tobias of Sophiasburgh; James of Ernestown. OC 16 Feb 1811; Elizabeth, m. Enoch Solomon of Hallowell 22 July 1807. OC 12 Nov 1811; Edward of Sophiasburgh. OC 25 Feb 1812; Samuel C. of Sophiasburgh. OC 31 July 1817; John of Sophiasburgh. OC 31 July 1817; Susannah, m. Adam Shuvelt of Ameliasburgh. OC 3 Apr 1834; Benjamin of Sophiasburgh. OC 17 March 1824; Daniel of Sophiasburgh. OC 17 March 1824 (List of American Loyalists, pg 273,,5
- Residence: 17 May 1812; Conc 1 Lot 6, WGP, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (Patent) show that Tobias Ryckman obtained the Patent from the Crown for all 172 acres of Lot 6, Conc 1, West of Green Point, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co. ITS Date: May 17 1812. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Prince Edward Co., Sophiasburgh Twp., page copied from, Book 122, pg 48 of 248, Conc 1, Lot 6, West of Green Point, by Dan, June 2 2021.)3
- Residence: 26 June 1817; Conc 1 Lot 6, WGP, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (B&S 360) show that Tobias Ryckman sold all 172 acres of Lot 6, Conc 1, West of Green Point, Sophiasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co. to Abraham Cronk, ?Sr. ITS Date: June 26 1817. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Prince Edward Co., Sophiasburgh Twp., page copied from, Book 122, pg 48 of 248, Conc 1, Lot 6, West of Green Point, by Dan, June 2 2021.)3
Family: Susannah Brown b. 1772
- Marriage*: circa 1784; per family tree of ChristineZufelt11 on, May 30 2021.; Principal=Susannah Brown2
- James Ryckman+ b. 1785, d. 20 Nov 1870
- Edward Ryckman+ b. 1786, d. c 1875
- Elizabeth Ryckman2 b. 1789
- John Ryckman+5 b. c 1795
- Samuel Ryckman+2 b. 1 Nov 1795, d. 14 Sep 1854
- Susannah Ryckman+1 b. 8 Jul 1796
- Benjamin Ryckman5 b. c 1798
- Daniel Ryckman+ b. 1800
Tobias Ryckman1
M, #71212, b. 1811
- Father*: James Ryckman1 b. 1785, d. 20 Nov 1870
- Mother*: Sarah Zufelt1 b. 1791
- Birth*: 1811; Kingston Twp., Frontenac Co., Upper Canada; Date 1815 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1812 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1816 & locaiton Kingston Twp. per marriage register - Almira Ellsworth. Date 1811 per family tree of ChristineZufelt11 on, May 30 2021. per GEDCOM of Robert, Sep 7 2009.1,2,3,4,5
- Marriage*: 25 March 1865; Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: Tobias Ryckman; Age: 49; Res.: Hillier Twp.; Born: Kingston Twp.; Parents: James & Sarah Ryckman; Bride: Almira Ellsworth; Age: 35; Res.: Picton; Born: Sophiasburgh Twp.; Parents: Robert Ellsworth & Pamelia Taylor; Date: Mar 25 1865; Place: Prince Edward Co.; MF: 1030064 (Ontario Marriage Registers, per family tree of ChristineZufelt11 on, May 30 2021.; Principal=Almira Ellsworth2,3
- Census*: April 1861; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Age 49 at 1861 Census: Ryckman, Tobias, 49, b. Cda., WM, fisherman, single; Sarah, 65, b. Cda., WM, married (1861 Census: Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., pg. 230 of 605, line 49 -
- Residence*: 25 March 1865; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Residence Hiller Twp. per marriage register - Almira Ellsworth.3
- Census: April 1871; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 56 at 1871 Census: Ryckman, Tobias, 56, b. Ont.., Ger., WM, lab., married; Almira, 37, b. Ont.., Ger., WM, married; Matilda E., 2; Sarah, 90, b. Ont., Ger., WM, widow (1871 Census: Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., dist. 59, sub-dist. a-2, pg. 59, line 3 -
Family: Almira Ellsworth b. 1830
- Matilda E. Ryckman5 b. 1869
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
- [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
- [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
Henry Ryckman1
M, #71213, b. 1816, d. 2 November 1870
- Father*: James Ryckman1 b. 1785, d. 20 Nov 1870
- Mother*: Sarah Zufelt1 b. 1791
Harriet Ann Zufelt1
F, #71214, b. circa 1815
- Father*: Adam Zufelt1 b. 11 Aug 1789, d. 1828
- Mother*: Susannah Ryckman1 b. 8 Jul 1796
- Birth*: circa 1815; Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1
- Marriage*: 11 May 1845; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=Peter Stinson1
- Married Name: 11 May 1845; Stinson1
Family: Peter Stinson b. c 1815
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Peter Stinson1
M, #71215, b. circa 1815
- Birth*: circa 1815; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1
- Marriage*: 11 May 1845; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=Harriet Ann Zufelt1
Family: Harriet Ann Zufelt b. c 1815
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Henry Zufelt1
M, #71216, b. 1814, d. 16 August 1862
- Father*: Adam Zufelt1 b. 11 Aug 1789, d. 1828
- Mother*: Susannah Ryckman1 b. 8 Jul 1796
- Birth*: 1814; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1816 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1815 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1,2,3
- Marriage*: circa 1840; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=Lydia J. Garrett1
- Death*: 16 August 1862; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1
- Burial*: 18 August 1862; Chadsey Cemetery, Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1
- Census: 1852; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 35 at 1851 Census: Zufelt, Henry, 35, b. Cda., WM, farmer, married; Lydia J., 26, b. Cda., WM, married; Eddy Alzina, 10; Emiline, 8; Melvina, 6; Isabel ,3 (1851 Census: Hillier Twp., pg. 47, line 45)3
- Residence*: April 1861; Conc 1 Lot 29, Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Residence per 1861 Census: Conc 1, Lot 29, Hillier Twp., 110 acres.2
- Census*: April 1861; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 45 at 1861 Census: Zufelt, Henry, 45, b. Cda., WM, farmer, married; Lydia J., 37, b. Cda., WM, married; Edda E., 19; Emiline, 16; Melissa, 14; Isabella, 12; Norton, 5 (1861 Census: Hillier Twp., pg. 21, (432 of 1169), line 13 -
Family: Lydia J. Garrett b. 1824
- Marriage*: circa 1840; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=Lydia J. Garrett1
- Eddy Alzira Zufelt1 b. 1841
- Emeline Zufelt1 b. 1843
- Melvina Zufelt+1 b. 25 Feb 1846
- Isabelle Melissa Zufelt1 b. 1849
- Norton Zufelt1 b. 1856
Lydia J. Garrett1
F, #71217, b. 1824
- Birth*: 1824; Ontario; Date 1824 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1,2
- Marriage*: circa 1840; Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=Henry Zufelt1
- Married Name: circa 1840; Zufelt1
- Census: 1852; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 26 at 1851 Census: see Henry Zufelt3
- Census*: April 1861; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 37 at 1861 Census: see Henry Zufelt2
Family: Henry Zufelt b. 1814, d. 16 Aug 1862
- Eddy Alzira Zufelt1 b. 1841
- Emeline Zufelt1 b. 1843
- Melvina Zufelt+1 b. 25 Feb 1846
- Isabelle Melissa Zufelt1 b. 1849
- Norton Zufelt1 b. 1856
Eddy Alzira Zufelt1
F, #71218, b. 1841
- Father*: Henry Zufelt1 b. 1814, d. 16 Aug 1862
- Mother*: Lydia J. Garrett1 b. 1824
- Birth*: 1841; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date 1842 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1841 & location Cda. per 1851 Census. per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.1,2,3
- Marriage*: 23 January 1863; Prince Edward Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Sep 7 2009.; Principal=James Sayers1
- Census: 1852; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1851 Census: see Henry Zufelt3
- Census*: April 1861; Hillier Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1861 Census: see Henry Zufelt2
- Married Name: 23 January 1863; Sayers1