Charlotte A. "Lottie" Dando1,2,3
F, #50572, b. 1873
- Father*: George Dando4 b. c 1845
- Mother*: Sarah Burge4 b. c 1845
- Birth*: 1873; North Dumphries Twp., Galt, Waterloo Co., Ontario; Date 1873 & location Galt per marriage reg'n.2
- Marriage*: 26 June 1901; North Dumphries Twp., Galt, Waterloo Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#017036: Groom: Joseph Edward Cassan; Age: 24; Res.: Galt; Born: Campbellford; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Bly Sickel Agent; Parents: Matthew Cassan & Christina McKenzie; Bride: Lottie A. Dando; Age: 28; Res. & Born: Galt; Status: spinster; Parents: George Dando & Sarah Burge; Wit.: Alexander Edwards & Adalena Dando, Galt; Date: Jun 26 1901; Place: Galt; Rel.: CE; Performed by: Rev. J. Bidley; Reg'd.: Jul 1 1901 (Ontario Marriage Registration,, #017036-1901); Principal=Joseph Edward Cassan2
- Married Name: 26 June 1901; Cassan2
Family: Joseph Edward Cassan b. 14 Feb 1876
- Amelia Beatrice Cassan5 b. 7 Feb 1903
- Sheffield Edward Cassan6 b. 27 Feb 1906
- Charlotte per Birth Reg'n. of daughter Emelia Beatrice Cassan.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #017036-1901.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #007645-1903.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #030307-1906.
George Dando1
M, #50573, b. circa 1845
- Birth*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Lottie A. (Dando) Cassan.1
- Marriage*: before 1870; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Lottie A. (Dando) Cassan.; Principal=Sarah Burge
Family: Sarah Burge b. c 1845
- Charlotte A. "Lottie" Dando+1 b. 1873
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Sarah Burge1
F, #50574, b. circa 1845
- Birth*: circa 1845; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Lottie A. (Dando) Cassan.1
- Marriage*: before 1870; per marriage reg'n. of daughter Lottie A. (Dando) Cassan.; Principal=George Dando
- Married Name: before 1870; Dando1
Family: George Dando b. c 1845
- Charlotte A. "Lottie" Dando+1 b. 1873
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Amelia Beatrice Cassan1
F, #50575, b. 7 February 1903
- Father*: Joseph Edward Cassan1 b. 14 Feb 1876
- Mother*: Charlotte A. "Lottie" Dando1 b. 1873
- Birth*: 7 February 1903; Brantford, Brant Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n.#007645: Name: Amelia Beatrice Cassan; Date: Feb 7 1903; Parents: Joseph E. Cassan & Charlotee Dando; Occ.: Agent, Brantford; Phys.: Dr. H. R. Frank; Inf.: Joseph E. Cassan; Reg'd.: Mar 3 1903 (Ontario Birth Registration,, #007645-1903)1
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #007645-1903.
Sheffield Edward Cassan1
M, #50576, b. 27 February 1906
- Father*: Joseph Edward Cassan1 b. 14 Feb 1876
- Mother*: Charlotte A. "Lottie" Dando1 b. 1873
- Birth*: 27 February 1906; 6 Kenneth Ave., London, Middlesex Co., Ontario; Birth Reg'n.#030307: Name: Sheffield Edward Cassan; Date: Feb 27 1906; Parents: Joseph Edward Cassan & Lottie Ann Dando; Occ.: Division Supt. International C. Schools; Res.: 6 Kenneth Ave.; Phys.: Dr. Weeks; Inf.: J. E. Cassan, 6 Kenneth Ave.; Reg'd.: Apr 1 1906 Ontario Birth Registration,, #030307-1906)1
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #030307-1906.
Frank Edwin Cassan1
M, #50577, b. 11 January 1878
- Father*: Joseph Sheffield Cassan1 b. 1830
- Mother*: Priscilla Stephens1 b. 1837
- Birth*: 11 January 1878; Seymour Twp., Campbellford, Northumberland Co., Ontario; (Late) Birth Reg'n.#511045: Name: Frank Edwin Cassan; Date: Jan 11 1878; Place: Campbellford; Parents: Joseph Sheffield Cassan, age 59, Eng., res. Campbellford, Born at Sea, farmer & Priscilla Stevens, 51, Res. Campbellford, Born Yorkshire, England; Inf.: William Hunt Cassan, 69 1/2 O'Hara Ave., Toronto; Declaration by brother & self; Reg'd.: Aug 8 1946 (Ontario Late Birth Registation,, #511045-1946)2
William Hunt Cassan1
M, #50578, b. circa 1880
- Father*: Joseph Sheffield Cassan1 b. 1830
- Mother*: Priscilla Stephens1 b. 1837
- Birth*: circa 1880; Ontario; per Birth Reg'n. of brother Frank Edwin Cassan.1
- Residence*: 8 August 1946; 69 1/2 O'Hara Ave, Toronto, York Co., Ontario; William Hunt Cassan is the informant for the late Birth Registration of his brother Frank Edwin Cassan.1
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
Andrew White1
M, #50579, b. 1843
- Father*: John White2 b. c 1810
- Mother*: Annabella ?2 b. c 1810
- Birth*: 1843; Yorkshire, England; Date 1843 & location Yorkshire, England per marriage reg'n.1
- Marriage*: 27 April 1879; Seymour Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007488: Groom: Andrew White; Age: 36; Res.: Seymour; Born: Yorkshire, England; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: John & Annabella White; Bride: Emiline Cassan; Age: 25; Res. & Born: Seymour; Status: spinster; Parents: Joseph & Priscilla Cassan; Wit.: Robert Peake & Richard Hall, Seymour; Date: Apr 27 1879; Place: Seymour; Rel.: Pres. & CE; Performed by: Robert Neil (Ontario Marriage Registration,, #007488-1879); Principal=Emiline Cassan1
- Residence*: 27 April 1879; Seymour Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Seymour per marriage reg'n.2
Family: Emiline Cassan b. 1854
- John H. White+2 b. 6 Jan 1880, d. 9 Jan 1953
John White1
M, #50580, b. circa 1810
- Birth*: circa 1810; per marriage reg'n. of son Andrew White.1
- Marriage*: before 1840; per marriage reg'n. of son Andrew White.; Principal=Annabella ?
Family: Annabella ? b. c 1810
- Andrew White+1 b. 1843
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Annabella ?1
F, #50581, b. circa 1810
- Birth*: circa 1810; per marriage reg'n. of son Andrew White.1
- Marriage*: before 1840; per marriage reg'n. of son Andrew White.; Principal=John White
- Married Name: before 1840; White1
Family: John White b. c 1810
- Andrew White+1 b. 1843
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Elizabeth ?1
F, #50582, b. circa 1770
- Birth*: circa 1770; per Samson Striker's Will.1
- Marriage*: circa 1805; Upper Canada; Samson Striker's Will mentions his wife as "Elizabeth" and adds " ... all the property she brought with her .." - suggesting his first wife Ursula died and he remarried to a widow who had property when she came into the marriage. Who is this Elizabeth???; Principal=Samson Striker1
- Probate*: 6 June 1832; Hallowell Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; "In the next place, I leave my wife Elizabeth Striker a decent living with my family out of the neat productions of my homestead estate at the East Lake aforesaid, as long as she remains my widow and all the property she brought with her …" per Will of Samson Striker.1
- Married Name: circa 1805; Striker1
Family: Samson Striker b. 15 Dec 1754, d. 6 Apr 1832
- [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.
James H. Sprackett1
M, #50584, b. circa 1885
- Birth*: circa 1885; per Memorial of Clara B Faul.1
- Marriage*: 1907; Ontario; per Memorial of Clara B Faul.; Principal=Clara B. Faul1
Family: Clara B. Faul b. 25 Jul 1887, d. 1910
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
W. Faul1,2
M, #50585, b. 6 June 1899, d. 12 October 1903

- Father*: Minard Arlington Faul2 b. 14 May 1852
- Mother*: Emily A. Craig2 b. 16 Oct 1861, d. 29 Nov 1932
- Birth*: 6 June 1899; Ontario; Date Jun 6 1899 per Memorial.2
- Death*: 12 October 1903; Gunter, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Oct 12 1903 per Memorial.2
- Burial*: 14 October 1903; Gunter Cemetery, Gunter, Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) W??? ; Son of; M. & E. Faul; June 6, 1899; Oct. 12, 1903 (Gunter Cemetery, June 23, 2006)2
- Name not clear in picture of Memorial -
W. - or SW ..??? - [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
? Haggerty1
F, #50586, b. 27 February 1879, d. 24 October 1879
- Father*: Marmaduke Haggerty1 b. 9 Nov 1851, d. a 1900
- Mother*: Cinderella Holden1 b. 10 Nov 1855
- Birth*: 27 February 1879; Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Feb 27 1879 per Memorial.1
- Death*: 24 October 1879; Tudor Twp., Gunter, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Oct 24 1879 per Memorial.1
- Burial*: 26 October 1879; Gunter Cemetery, Gunter, Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) ?? ; Dau of; M. D. & C.; Haggerty; Born; Feb 27 1879; Died; Oct 24 1879 (Gunter Cemetery, Gunter, June 23, 2006)1
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
Emma Elsie Lummiss1
F, #50587, b. 13 August 1884

- Father*: Daniel Lummiss2 b. 19 May 1853
- Mother*: Annie Jenner2 b. 12 Nov 1851
- Birth*: 13 August 1884; Glanmuire, Hastings Co., Ontario; Date Aug 13 1884 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1884 & location Glamuire? per marr. reg'n. Date 1883 per Memorial.1,2,3
- Marriage*: 7 July 1915; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#010629: Groom: Judson Armstrong Gunter; Age: 39; Res.: Gunter P.O.; Born: Hastings Co.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: John Harvey Gunter & Sarah Armstrong; Emma Elsie ?Lummiss?; Age: 31; Res.: Gunter P.O.; Born: Glanmuire?, Hastings Co.; Rel.: Anglican; Parents: Daniel Lummiss & Annie Jenner; Wit.: Louisa Young, Brighton & Eva R. Thompson, Brighton; Date: Jul 7 1915; Place: Brighton Village; Performed by: Charles J. Young, BA, Brighton, Anglican; Sworn: Tudor Twp., July 3, 1915 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #010629-1915,
per Memorial; Principal=Judson Armstrong Gunter1,4
- Census*: April 1901; Tudor & Cashel Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Age 16 at 1901 Census: see Daniel Lummiss3
- Married Name: 7 July 1915; Gunter1
- Note*: circa 1950; Gunter Cemetery, Cashel Twp., Gunter, Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) GUNTER; Judson A. Gunter; 1875 - 1950; His Wife; Emma Elsie Lummiss; 1883 - --- (Gunter Cemetery, Gunter, June 23, 2006)1
Family: Judson Armstrong Gunter b. 10 Jul 1875, d. 1950
Albert Rose1
M, #50588, b. 1853

- Birth*: 1853; Date 1853 per Memorial.1
- Marriage*: after 1882; Hastings Co., Ontario; not married per 1881 Census. per memorial.; Principal=Mary Stark1,2
- Death: 1918; Ontario; Date 1918 per Memorial.1
- Burial*: 1918; Eldorado Cemetery, Tudor Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Albert; Rose; 1853 - 1918; His Wife; Mary; Stark; 1856 - 1934 (Eldorado Cemetery, Tudor Twp., June 23, 2006)1
Family: Mary Stark b. 1856, d. 1934
Samuel Loucks1
M, #50589, b. 11 February 1808, d. 10 January 1884

- Birth*: 11 February 1808; Date Feb 11 1808 per email from Linda Schroeder, Nov 7 2006. Date 1808 per Memorial.1,2
- Marriage*: before 1835; Ontario; per Memorial.; Principal=Hannah Lake
- Death*: 10 January 1884; Ontario; Date Jan 10 1884 per email from Linda Schroeder, Nov 7 2006. Date 1884 per Memorial.1,2
- Burial*: 12 January 1884; Foxboro Cemetery, Thurlow Twp., Foxboro, Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) LOUCKS; Samuel Loucks 1808 1884; Hannah his wife 1818 1902; Albert Loucks 1840 1922; Cynthia A. his wife 1845 1918 (Foxoboro Cemetery, Foxboro, June 22, 2006)1
Family: Hannah Lake b. 1818, d. 1902
- Sanford Loucks+ b. Sep 1839
- Albert Loucks1 b. 2 Feb 1840, d. 1922
Hannah Lake1,2,3
F, #50590, b. 1818, d. 1902

- Birth*: 1818; Date 1818 per Memorial.2
- Marriage*: before 1835; Ontario; per Memorial.; Principal=Samuel Loucks
- Death*: 1902; Ontario; Date 1902 per Memorial.2
- Married Name: before 1835; Loucks2
Family: Samuel Loucks b. 11 Feb 1808, d. 10 Jan 1884
- Sanford Loucks+ b. Sep 1839
- Albert Loucks2 b. 2 Feb 1840, d. 1922
John T. McDonald1,2,3
M, #50591, b. 1854
- Father*: John A. McDonald3 b. c 1825
- Mother*: Mary ?3 b. c 1825
- Birth*: 1854; Rawdon Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Date 1854 & location Rawdon per marr. reg'n. per Memorial of E. Amy Waldron.2,3
- Marriage*: 11 January 1892; Thurlow Twp., Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#004919: Groom: John T. McDonald; Age: 28; Res.: Stirling, Sidney Twp.; Born: Rawdon Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: John A. & Mary McDonald; Bride: Eliza A. Waldron; Age: 29; Res.: Thurlow Twp.; Born: England; Status: spinster; Parents: Thos. & Mary Waldron; Wit.: R. D. McDonald & Etta B. Maybee, Stirling; Date: Jan 11 1892; Place: Foxboro, Thurlow Twp.; Rel.: Roman Catholic & Meth.; Performed by: Rev. S. Sing; Reg'r.: A. Latta ( Ontario Marriage Registration, #004919-1892,
not married per 1891 Census. per Memorial.; Principal=Eliza Amy Waldron2,4,5
- Residence*: 11 January 1892; Sidney Twp., Stirling, Hastings Co., Ontario; Residence Stirling per marr. reg'n.3
Family: Eliza Amy Waldron b. 1862, d. 1927
Florence A. Meale1,2,3
F, #50592, b. 1890, d. 1990

- Father*: Alfred James Meale3 b. c 1865
- Mother*: Sarah Watson3 b. c 1865
- Birth*: 1890; England; Date 1890 per Memorial. Date 1891 & location England per marr. reg'n.2,3
- Marriage*: 22 December 1920; Belleville, Hastings Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#014282: Groom: Egbert Walter Waldron; Age: 40; Res.: Belleville; Born: Foxboro; Status: widower; Occ.: farmer; Rel.: Meth.; Parents: Joseph Waldron, b. Birmingham, England & Charlotte Fenn; Bride: Florence Meale; Age: 29?; Res.: Belleville; Born: England; Status: spinster; Rel.: Anglican; Parents: Alfred Jas. Meale, b. Norfolk, England & Sarah ?Shanha? Watson; Wit.: Joseph Waldron, Kingston & Consuela Geen, Belleville; Date: Dec 22 1920; Place: Belleville; Performed by: Albert Geen, Belleville, Anglican; Sworn: Belleville, Dec 21 1920 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #014282-1920,
per memorial.; Principal=Egbert Walter Waldron2,4 - Death*: 1990; Ontario; Date 1990 per Memorial.2
- Burial*: 1990; Foxboro Cemetery, Thurlow Twp., Foxboro, Hastings Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) WALDRON; Egbert Walter Waldron 1879 1967; Beloved Husband of; Florence A. Meale 1890 1990 (Foxboro Cemetery, Foxboro, June 22, 2006)2
- Married Name: 22 December 1920; Waldron2