George Merriman1

M, #45342, b. 1846
  • Birth*: 1846; Ontario; Date 1846 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.1
  • Census*: 1851; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1851 Census: see Titus S. Merriman1


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

Henry Merriman1

M, #45343, b. 1849
  • Birth*: 1849; Ontario; Date 1849 per 1851 Census.1
  • Census*: 1851; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 2 at 1851 Census: see Titus S. Merriman1


  1. [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.

John Richard Steele1

M, #45344, b. circa 1840
  • Birth*: circa 1840; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 4, 2005.1
  • Marriage*: before 1850; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Harriet ?

Family: Harriet ? b. c 1840


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Harriet ?1

F, #45345, b. circa 1840
  • Birth*: circa 1840; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 4, 2005.1
  • Marriage*: before 1850; per GEDCOM of Doug Norman, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=John Richard Steele
  • Married Name: before 1850; Steele1

Family: John Richard Steele b. c 1840


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Mary Spalding1

F, #45346, b. 1804, d. 19 July 1854
  • Birth*: 1804; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; "To the east of Spalding's Inn is the Steele house, the home of Thomas Spalding's daughter Mary and her husband, John Steele of Colborne." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 166. Date 1804 & location Haldimand Twp. per Merriam Family Tree -,2
  • Marriage*: 2 October 1828; St. Peter's Anglican Church, Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "To the east of Spalding's Inn is the Steele house, the home of Thomas Spalding's daughter Mary and her husband, John Steele of Colborne." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 166. Date Oct 2 1828 & location St. Peter's Cobourg per Merriam Family Tree -; Principal=John Steele1,2
  • Death*: 19 July 1854; Port Hope, Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Merriam Family Tree -
  • Married Name: 2 October 1828; Steele1

Family: John Steele b. 1794, d. 17 Sep 1872


  1. [S61] Unknown compiler, Homesteads.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  3. [S83], online unknown url.

John Steele1

M, #45347, b. 1794, d. 17 September 1872
  • Birth*: 1794; Greenock, Scotland; Date 1818 & location USA per 1871 Census. from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 166. Date 1794 & location Greenock, Scotland per Merriam Family Tree -,2,3
  • Marriage*: 2 October 1828; St. Peter's Anglican Church, Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "To the east of Spalding's Inn is the Steele house, the home of Thomas Spalding's daughter Mary and her husband, John Steele of Colborne." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 166. Date Oct 2 1828 & location St. Peter's Cobourg per Merriam Family Tree -; Principal=Mary Spalding1,4
  • Death*: 17 September 1872; Oshawa, Ontario Co., Ontario; per Merriam Family Tree -
  • Immigration*: 1820; Upper Canada; Immigration 1820 per Merriam Family Tree -
  • Residence*: 1 September 1831; Conc 1 Lot 32, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (B&S 2363) show that Festus Bennett sold 4 ?? acres, part of lot 32, conc 1, Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co. to John Steele. ITS Date: Sep 1 1831. Reg'n. Date: Oct 12 1831. (Ontario Land Registry Records, Northumberland Co., Cramahe Twp., Book 002A, pg. 210 of 286, page copied from by Dan Buchanan, Apr 24 2023)5
  • Census: 1850; Conc A Lot 25, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; 1850 Census: John Steele; Conc A, Lot 25, 2/3 occupied, non-prop.; Total 10 persons
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 53 at 1871 Census: Steele, John, 53, b. US, Eng., farmer, Congregationalist (1871 Census Index Online: div. 4, pg. 47, C-9984)2

Family: Mary Spalding b. 1804, d. 19 Jul 1854

  • Marriage*: 2 October 1828; St. Peter's Anglican Church, Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "To the east of Spalding's Inn is the Steele house, the home of Thomas Spalding's daughter Mary and her husband, John Steele of Colborne." from "Homesteads: Early buildings and families from Kingston to Toronto", Margaret McBurney & Mary Byers, 1979, pg. 166. Date Oct 2 1828 & location St. Peter's Cobourg per Merriam Family Tree -; Principal=Mary Spalding1,4


  1. [S61] Unknown compiler, Homesteads.
  2. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  3. [S83], online unknown url.
  4. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  5. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.

Jonah Grover1,2

M, #45348, b. 24 March 1773, d. 30 June 1850
  • Birth*: 24 March 1773; Grafton, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; Date Mar 24 1773 & location Grafton, Mass. per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006. May John Grover's brother??? per 1822 Census2
  • Marriage*: circa 1802; Ontario; Date c. 1802 - per IGI Record. per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006.; Principal=Lucia Baldwin2,3
  • Death*: 30 June 1850; Oshawa, Ontario; Date Jun 30 1850 & location Oshawa per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006.2
  • Burial*: 2 July 1850; St. Andrews United Church Cemetery, Grafton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006.2
  • Census*: 1822; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1822 Census: Jonas Grover; 1 male 16 to 60; 3 females 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16; Total 6
  • Census: 1823; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1823 Census: Jonas Grover; 1 male 16 to 60; 2 females 16 to 60; 1 male under 16; 1 female under 16; Total 5
  • Residence*: 9 February 1848; Chatham, Kent Co., Ontario; Residence Chatham per marriage register of daughter Lucia.3

Family: Lucia Baldwin b. 12 Jan 1783, d. 3 Sep 1822

  • Marriage*: circa 1802; Ontario; Date c. 1802 - per IGI Record. per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006.; Principal=Lucia Baldwin2,3


  1. Jonah per email from Kit Cutting, Jan 13, 2006. Jonas per 1822 & 1823 Census.
  2. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
  3. [S23] Unknown subject, Ontario Registers CD.
  4. [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
  5. [S83], online unknown url.

Nathaniel Dubois1,2

M, #45349, b. circa 1790
  • Birth*: circa 1790; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2
  • Marriage*: after 1820; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.
    Note: There is a James DeBois in the 1807 Census in Haldimand Twp. listed near Daniel Massey.; Principal=Rebecca Massey2
  • Census*: 1814; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1814 Assessment: Nathaniel DuBois; (smudged, unclear)
  • Census: 1822; Conc 4 Lot 27, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1822 Assessment: Nathaniel DuBois; Conc 4, Lot 27, 100 acres uncult.
  • Census: 1833; Conc 4 Lot 27, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; 1833 Census & Assessment: Nathaniel Debois; Conc 4, Lot 27, NE, 85 acres uncult., 15 acres cult.; 1 male over 16; 1 male under 16; 1 female over 16; 2 females under 16; Total 5

Family: Rebecca Massey b. c 1797


  1. Nathaniel Dubois per 1814 Assessment.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

John Dubois1

M, #45350, b. circa 1825
  • Birth*: circa 1825; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.1


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Ira Perry Richardson1,2,3,4,5

M, #45351, b. 12 October 1798, d. 24 August 1874
  • Birth*: 12 October 1798; Connecticut, U.S.A.; Connecticut Birth Record: "Richardson ... Ira, s. [Thomas, Jr. & Ruth], b. Oct 12 1798. Vol 2, Page 74 (Connecticut Birth Records, Waterbury Vital Records 1686-1853, pg. 296 (pg 304 of 418),
    Date 1799 & location Conn. per 1860 US Fed Census. Date 1799 & locaiton Conn. per 1850 US Fed Census. Date Oct 12 1798 per email from Kathryn (Bellamy) Tanswell, Jul 13 2018. Date Oct 12 1798 per GEDCOM of Carolyn Hackett Dowd, May 15, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2,3,5,6
  • Marriage*: after 1819; Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Sally Massey2
  • Marriage*: circa 1835; per 1850 US Fed Census.; Principal=Lydia M. Sloan5
  • Death*: 24 August 1874; Roscommon Twp., Roscommon Co., Michgan; Date Aug 26 1874 & location Roscommon, Roscommon Co., Michigan per family tree of Randall Richardson, Sep 25 2022. Date Aug 26 1874 & location Roscommon, Co., Michigan per family tree of Nairn Wilson on, Sep 25 2022. Date Aug 24 1874 per email from Kathryn (Bellamy) Tanswell, Jul 13 2018.3,4
  • Census: 1822; Conc 4 Lot 24, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1822 Census: Ira Richardson; 2 males over 16; 1 female over 16; Total 3
  • Census*: 1822; Conc 4 Lot 24, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1822 Assessment: Ira Richardson; Conc 4, Lot 24, S., 50 acres uncutl.
  • Census: 1823; Conc 4 Lot 24, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1823 Census: Ira Richardson; 2 males over 16; 2 females over 16; 2 females under 16; Total 6
  • Census: 1824; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1824 Census Ira Richardson; 1 female under 16; 1 male over 16; 1 female over 16; Total 3
  • Census: 1825; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1825 Census: Ira Richardson; 2 females under 16; 1 male over 16; 1 female over 16; Total 4
  • Census: 1825; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1825 Census: Ira Richardson; 2 females under 16; 1 male over 16; 1 female over 16; Total 4
  • Census: 1826; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1826 Census & Assessment: Ira Richardson; 1 male over 16; 1 female over 16; 2 females under 16; Total 4
    Note: Julius and Garry Richardson are just below - Conc 4, Lot 22???
  • Census: 1830; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1830 Assessment: Ira Richardson; no land info; 1 male over 16; 1 female under 16; 1 female over 16; 3 females under 16; Total 6
    Note: Julius and Garry Richardson are just below - Conc 4, Lot 22???
  • Residence*: 10 September 1831; Conc 3 Lot 23, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (B&S 2630) show that Jonathan Massey sold pt of the S 1/2 S 50 1/2 chains to Ira Richardson, Inst. Date Sep 10 1831.7
  • Census: 1833; Conc 3 Lot 23, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; 1833 Census & Assessment: Ira Richardson; Conc 3, pt. Lot 23, 40 acres uncult., 60 acres cult.; 1 male over 16; 2 females over 16; 3 females under 16; Total 6
  • Note*: 1834; Upper Canada; Ira Richardson's first wife, Salley Massey, died in 1834.
  • Residence: 26 May 1836; Conc 3 Lot 23, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Land Registry Records (B&S 4385) show that Ira Richardson sold 100 acres front pt. to Julius Richardson, Inst. Date May 26 1836.7
  • Census: 1 October 1850; Plymouth Twp., Wayne Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 52 at 1850 US Fed Census: Richardson, Ira, 52, b. Conn., farmer, married; Lydia A., 46, b. NY, married; Ruth A., 29, b. Cda., single; Thomas O., 22, b. Cda., farmer, single; Julius, 20, b. Cda., farmer, single; Fayette P.(m), 11, b. Cda.; Fleantha M. P.(f), 7, b. Cda.; Ira H., 5, b. Cda. (1850 US Fed Census: Plymouth Twp., Wayne Co., Michigan, pg. 20 of 59, line 35 -
  • Census: 16 June 1860; Bingham Twp., St. John, Clinton Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 61 at 1860 US Fed Census: Richardson, Ira, 61, b. Conn., farmer, married; Lydia M., 55, b. NY, married; Charlotte M. A., 17, b. Cda.; Ira H., 14, b. Cda. (1860 US Fed Census: Bingham, Clinton Co., Michigan, P.O. St. John, pg. 4 of 38, line 36 -

Family 1: Sally Massey b. c 1790, d. 1834

  • Marriage*: after 1819; Upper Canada; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Sally Massey2

Family 2: Lydia M. Sloan b. 1804

  • Marriage*: circa 1835; per 1850 US Fed Census.; Principal=Lydia M. Sloan5


  1. Ira Richardson per 1850 & 1860 US Fed Census. Ira Perry Richardson per family tree of Nairn Wilson on, Sep 25 2022. Ira H. Richardson per email from Kathryn (Bellamy) Tanswell, Jul 13 2018.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
  4. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.
  5. [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
  6. [S83], online unknown url.
  7. [S46] Unknown location, Ontario Land Registry Records; unknown film.

Harriet Richardson1

F, #45352, b. July 1824, d. November 1841
  • Birth*: July 1824; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; Date Jul 1824 per family tree of Randall Richardson on, Sep 25 2022. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.1,2
  • Death*: November 1841; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; per family tree of Randall Richardson on, Sep 25 2022.2


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S82] Tree on, online unknown url.

Justus S. Merriam1,2,3

M, #45353, b. 5 June 1857, d. 25 January 1866

  • Birth*: 5 June 1857; Halidmand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jun 5 1857? per Memorial - calc from age 8y 7m 20d at death Jan 25 1866 - year not clear?? per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2,3
  • Death*: 25 January 1866; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jan 25 1866? per Memorial. Year clear - this is a guess.3
  • Burial*: 27 January 1866; Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Justus S.?; Died Jan 25 1866?; Aged 8 yrs 7 Mos; & 20 dys; John N.; Died May May 3 1868?; Aged 2 yrs. 8 Mos; & 8 dys; Sons of; John & Lysetta; Merriam (Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand, Apr 28 2007)3


  1. Justus S.? Merriam per Memorial.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Almira Merriam1

F, #45354, b. 12 October 1813, d. 7 May 1890

  • Birth*: 12 October 1813; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Oct 10 1813 per Memorial - age 76y 6m 27d at death May 7 1890. Date Oct 12 1813 & location Haldimand per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.1,2
  • Marriage*: 1829; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007.; Principal=Goldsmith Richardson1
  • Marriage*: 22 January 1837; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Register: Terry (Levi) Blodget, to Almira Richardson, both of Haldimand, 22 Jan 1837, Rev. Card. Wit.: Truman Card & John Packard (Marriage Registers of Upper Canada, Newcastle Dist., 1810-1848, Ontario Archives) per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007.; Principal=Levi Blodgett1,3
  • Death*: 7 May 1890; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date May 7 1890 per Memorial.2
  • Burial*: 9 May 1890; Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Almira Blodgett; Died; May 7, 1890; Aged 76 Y's; 6 M's & 27 D's (Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand Twp., June 9, 2007)2
  • Married Name: 1829; Richardson1
  • Married Name: 22 January 1837; Blodgett1
  • Census*: April 1871; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 57 at 1871 Census: see Levi Blodget4

Family 1: Goldsmith Richardson b. 14 Apr 1805, d. 3 Oct 1836

  • Marriage*: 1829; Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007.; Principal=Goldsmith Richardson1

Family 2: Levi Blodgett b. 1 Mar 1796, d. 11 May 1875

  • Marriage*: 22 January 1837; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Register: Terry (Levi) Blodget, to Almira Richardson, both of Haldimand, 22 Jan 1837, Rev. Card. Wit.: Truman Card & John Packard (Marriage Registers of Upper Canada, Newcastle Dist., 1810-1848, Ontario Archives) per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007.; Principal=Levi Blodgett1,3


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
  3. [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
  4. [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.

Susannah Merriam1

F, #45355, b. 12 January 1812, d. 14 February 1815

  • Birth*: 12 January 1812; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jan 12 1812 per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.1
  • Death*: 14 February 1815; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Feb 14 1815 per Memorial. Date Feb 14 1815 per GEDCOM of Dennis B. von Ting, May 8, 2007.1
  • Burial*: 16 February 1815; Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Susanna Merriam; Died Feb. 14 1815; Age 3 Yr. 12 dys?; Sarh Merriam; Died Feb 28, 1822?; E. 2 Yrs. 4 mos.; & 4 ds (Academy Hill Cemetery, Haldimand Twp., Apr 28, 2007)2


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  2. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Samuel Sherwood Merriam1,2

M, #45356, b. 1 January 1828, d. 17 November 1901
  • Birth*: 1 January 1828; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jan 1 1828 & location Haldimand per GEDCOM of David Kevin Luke, July 3, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2
  • Marriage*: 13 November 1849; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; per GEDCOM of David Kevin Luke, July 3, 2007.; Principal=Clarissa Allen2
  • Marriage*: 6 April 1860; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per GEDCOM of David Kevin Luke, July 3, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, May 8, 2007.; Principal=Alvira Winter2
  • Death*: 17 November 1901; Kalamo, Eaton Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; per GEDCOM of David Kevin Luke, July 3, 2007.2

Family 1: Clarissa Allen b. 3 Jan 1829, d. 4 Apr 1859

Family 2: Alvira Winter b. 12 Sep 1839, d. 10 May 1904


  1. Samuel Sherwood Merriam per GEDCOM of David Kevin Luke, July 3, 2007.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Justus Johnson Merriam1,2

M, #45357, b. 29 August 1818
  • Birth*: 29 August 1818; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Memorial of sons Justus and John Merriam.per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005. Date Aug 29 1818 & location Haldimand per GEDCOM of Merrill Kim Allan, July 11 2010.2
  • Marriage*: 1842; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; per Memorial of sons Justus and John Merriam. Date 1842 & location Haldimand per GEDCOM of Merrill Kim Allan, July 11 2010.; Principal=Caroline Elizabeth "Lysetta" Honeywell3,2

Family: Caroline Elizabeth "Lysetta" Honeywell b. 10 Nov 1824, d. 13 Dec 1912


  1. Justus Johnson Merriam per GEDCOM of Merrill Kim Allan, July 11 2010. John Merriam per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct 4 2005.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.

Lucy Merriam1

F, #45358, b. circa 1820
  • Birth*: circa 1820; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.1


  1. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.

Franics H. Hare1,2,3

M, #45359, b. 18 January 1884
  • Birth*: 18 January 1884; Percy Twp., Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Jan 18 1885 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1885 & location Warkworth per marr. reg'n. Date Jan 1884 per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2,3,4
  • Marriage*: 10 June 1914; Cobourg, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#016251: Groom: Francis H. Hare; Age: 29; Res.: Grafton; Born: Warkworth; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Rel: Meth.; Parents: James C. Hare & Jennie Blacklock; Bride: Mary A. Hinman; Age: 24; Res.: Cobourg; Born: Grafton; Status: spinster; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: John J. Hinman & Helen Massey; Wit.: F. H. Hare & M. A. Hinman; Date: Jun 10 1914; Place: Cobourg; Performed by: Gordon Jany?, Cobourg; Sworn: Cobourg, June 10 1914 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #016251-1914,
    per pg. 9 of "The Massey Family 1591-1961" Compiled by Marian Massey Nicholson, copy provided to me by Lawrence Massey of Morganston, Ont., July 2, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Mary Almira Hinman2,5,6
  • Census*: April 1901; Haldimand Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 15 at 1901 Census: see James Hare4
  • Residence*: 10 June 1914; Haldimand Twp., Grafton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Grafton per marr. reg'n.3

Family: Mary Almira Hinman b. 22 Oct 1889, d. 21 May 1926


  1. Francis H. Hare per marr. reg'n.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  4. [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
  5. [S67] Unknown compiler, Massey History 1961.
  6. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #016251-1914.

Rev. Arthur Cecil Dixon1,2,3

M, #45360, b. circa 1884, d. 1958
  • Birth*: circa 1884; per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2
  • Marriage*: 1956; per pg. 9 of "The Massey Family 1591-1961" Compiled by Marian Massey Nicholson, copy provided to me by Lawrence Massey of Morganston, Ont., July 2, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Susan Adelia Hinman2,3
  • Death*: 1958; per pg. 9 of "The Massey Family 1591-1961" Compiled by Marian Massey Nicholson, copy provided to me by Lawrence Massey of Morganston, Ont., July 2, 2007. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2,3

Family: Susan Adelia Hinman b. 18 Aug 1884


  1. Rev. Arthur Cecil Dixon per pg. 9 of "The Massey Family 1591-1961" Compiled by Marian Massey Nicholson, copy provided to me by Lawrence Massey of Morganston, Ont., July 2, 2007.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S67] Unknown compiler, Massey History 1961.

Kathleen Mary Reay1,2,3

F, #45361, b. 1894
  • Birth*: 1894; Cockermouth, England; Date 1894 & location Cockermouth?, England per marr. reg'n. per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.2,3
  • Marriage*: 28 June 1922; Midland, Simcoe Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#018870: Groom: Fred Victor Massey Hinman; Age: 28; Res.: Windsor; Born: Wicklow; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Druggist; Rel.: Bapt.; Parents: John Hinman & Helen Massey; Bride: Kathleen Mary Reay; Age: 28; Res.: Midland; Born: Cockerworth?, England; Status: spinster; Rel.: Meth.; Occ.: Clerk; Parents: Joseph Reay & Grace Ladyman; Wit.: Horace & Maude Reay, Midland; Date: Jun 28 1922; Place: Midland; Performed by: A. Philip Brace, Midland; Sworn: Midland, June 25 1922 (Ontario Marriage Registration, #018870-1922,
    per GEDCOM of James A. McKane, Oct. 4, 2005.; Principal=Frederick Victor Massey Hinman2,4
  • Residence*: 28 June 1922; Midland, Simcoe Co., Ontario; Residence Midland per marr. reg'n.3
  • Married Name: 28 June 1922; Hinman2

Family: Frederick Victor Massey Hinman b. 20 Sep 1895


  1. Kathleen Mary Reay per marr. reg'n.
  2. [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
  3. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
  4. [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #018870-1922.