Henry Whitney1
M, #39697, b. 17 October 1867
- Father*: Isaac Whitney1 b. 1 Jul 1834, d. 22 Oct 1917
- Mother*: Laura Jane Puffer1 b. 17 Nov 1835
Willard Whitney1
M, #39698, b. 1871
- Father*: Isaac Whitney1 b. 1 Jul 1834, d. 22 Oct 1917
- Mother*: Laura Jane Puffer1 b. 17 Nov 1835
- Birth*: 1871; Percy Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1871 per 1881 Census.1
- Census*: April 1881; Metheun Twp., Peterborough East Co., Ontario; Age 10 at 1881 Census: see Isaac Whitney1
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
James W. Allison1,2,3
M, #39699, b. 1860, d. 15 August 1861

- Father*: James Allison2 b. 1820, d. Mar 1867
- Mother*: Rachel Weese2 b. 1830
- Birth*: 1860; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1860 per 1861 Census.2
- Death*: 15 August 1861; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Date Aug 15 1861 per Memorial.3
- Burial*: 17 August 1861; Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh Twp., Albury, Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) James W.; Son of; James & Rachel; Allison; Died Aug 15, 1861; Aged; .... (Albury Cemetery, Ameliasburgh Twp., Jul 11 2004)3
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 1 at 1861 Census: see James Allison2
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Newcomb1,2,3,4
F, #39700, b. 6 April 1853
- Father*: Stephen Bletcher Newcomb2 b. 4 Feb 1816, d. 10 Aug 1868
- Mother*: Lavina R. Williams2 b. 1816, d. 3 Jan 1888
- Birth*: 6 April 1853; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Apr 6 1854 & location Ont. rural per 1901 Census. Date 1853 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1853 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1854 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1853 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1853 & location Brighton Twp. per marr. reg'n.2,5,6,4,7,3
- Marriage*: 29 May 1878; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007389: Groom: James Wilmot Gordon; Age: 26; Res.: Brighton; Born: Cobourg; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Barrister; Parents: G. N. Gordon & Sophia Webster; Bride: Lissie Newcombe; Age: 25; Res.: Cramahe Twp.; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Stephen B. Newcomb & Levina Williams; Wit.: Fred C. Gordon & Levina A. Dudley, Cramahe Twp.; Date: May 29 1878; Place; Cramahe Twp.; Rel.: ME; Performed by: Rev. W. Peirette?; Reg'r.: A. Vars?, Colborne (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007389-1878, ancestry.com) per Bernard_Brand.ged, sent to me via email by Peg O'Hagan, Oct 21, 2005.; Principal=James Wilmot Gordon8,9
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 8 at 1861 census: see Stephen Newcomb2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1871 Census: see James W. Newcomb (borther)3
- Residence: 5 January 1876; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Witness at marriage of Joseph E. Devlin & Camilla (Kemp) Newcomb.4
- Residence*: 29 May 1878; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Cramahe per marr. reg'n.4
- Married Name: 29 May 1878; Gordon8,9
- Census: April 1881; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 28 at 1881 Census: see James W. Gordon7
- Census: April 1891; Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 38 at 1891 Census: see James W. Gordon5
- Census: April 1901; 6 & 7 Young St., Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 45 at 1901 Census: see James W. Gordon6
Family: James Wilmot Gordon b. 7 Apr 1852
- Marriage*: 29 May 1878; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007389: Groom: James Wilmot Gordon; Age: 26; Res.: Brighton; Born: Cobourg; Status: bachelor; Occ.: Barrister; Parents: G. N. Gordon & Sophia Webster; Bride: Lissie Newcombe; Age: 25; Res.: Cramahe Twp.; Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Stephen B. Newcomb & Levina Williams; Wit.: Fred C. Gordon & Levina A. Dudley, Cramahe Twp.; Date: May 29 1878; Place; Cramahe Twp.; Rel.: ME; Performed by: Rev. W. Peirette?; Reg'r.: A. Vars?, Colborne (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007389-1878, ancestry.com) per Bernard_Brand.ged, sent to me via email by Peg O'Hagan, Oct 21, 2005.; Principal=James Wilmot Gordon8,9
- George Newcombe Gordon+8 b. 15 Apr 1879, d. 22 Mar 1949
- Charles C. G. Gordon6 b. 29 Nov 1882
- Harry Gordon5 b. 1883
- Ralph W. Gordon5 b. 9 Nov 1885
- Ernest A. Gordon5 b. 7 Sep 1887
- Edith G. Gordon5 b. 3 Apr 1890
- Elizabeth per 1871 Census. Look like Elijah per 1861 Census. Lizzie per marr. reg'n.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S13] Unknown author, 1901 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #007389-1878.
Anna Newcomb1,2,3
F, #39701, b. 1856
- Father*: Stephen Bletcher Newcomb2 b. 4 Feb 1816, d. 10 Aug 1868
- Mother*: Lavina R. Williams2 b. 1816, d. 3 Jan 1888
- Birth*: 1856; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1856 per 1861 Census.2
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1861 Census: see Stephen Newcomb2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 15 at 1871 Census: see James W. Newcomb (brother)3
- Residence*: 29 September 1892; Brighton Twp., Newcombs Mills, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Witness at marriage of Ella Agnes Herrington and John Dinner; residence Newcombs Mills.
Note: Is this the right Anna Newcomb??4
Charles H. Newcomb1,2,3
M, #39702, b. 1860
- Father*: Stephen Bletcher Newcomb2 b. 4 Feb 1816, d. 10 Aug 1868
- Mother*: Lavina R. Williams2 b. 1816, d. 3 Jan 1888
- Birth*: 1860; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1861 & location Cda. per 1880 Census. Date1860 per 1861 Census.2,4
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 1 a t1861 Census: see Stephen Newcomb2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 11 at 1871 Census: see James W. Newcomb3
- Census: 2 June 1880; West Bay City, Bay Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 19 at 1880 Census: see Joseph Newcomb (brother)4
Catharine "Camilla" Kemp1,2,3
F, #39703, b. 29 August 1841
- Father*: James Carl Kemp b. 5 Dec 1802, d. 8 Jun 1883
- Mother*: Mary Polly Weese b. 7 Apr 1803, d. 13 Jul 1867
- Birth*: 29 August 1841; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Canada West; Date 1841 & location Ont. per 1911 Census. Date 1840 & location Cda. per 1880 US Fed Census. Date 1839 & location UC per 1870 Census. Date 1841 & location Cda. per 1861 Census. Date 1840 & location Cda. per 1851 Census.
Date Aug 29 1841 per Kemp GEDCOM sent to me via email by Cheryl Taber, March 14, 2006.2,4,5,6,7 - Marriage*: 18 July 1857; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date July 18 1857 per Kemp GEDCOM sent to me via email by Cheryl Taber, March 14, 2006.; Principal=Stephen B. Newcomb2,4
- Marriage*: 5 January 1876; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007156: Groom: Joseph E. Devlin; Age: 40; Res.: Port Hope; Born: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: Hotel Keeper; Parents: Mark Devlin & Martha Wilson; Bride: Camilla Newcombe; Age: 25; Res.: Brighton Twp.; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Status: widow; Parents: James C. Kemp & Mary Kemp; Wit.: Joseph B. & Elizabeth Newcombe, both of Brighton Twp.; Date: Jan 5 1876; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Pres. & Episc. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. J. W. Simpson; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007156-1876, ancestry.ca) Date Jan 5 1876 & location Brighton per family tree of henrykemp760 on ancestry.com, Apr 29 2016.; Principal=Joseph Edward Devlin8,9
- Census: March 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 11 at 1851 Census: see James C. Kemp5
- Married Name: 18 July 1857; Newcomb2
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 20 at 1861 Census: see Stephen Newcomb (father-in-law)2
- Census: 28 July 1870; Verona, Dane Co., Wisconsin, U.S.A.; Age 31 at 1870 Census: see Stephen Newcomb6
- Note*: 16 October 1874; Michigan, U.S.A.; Her husband, Stephen B. Newcomb, died in Michigan Oct 16 1874 - per his Memorial.3
- Residence*: 5 January 1876; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Witness at marriage of Joseph E. Devlin & Camilla (Kemp) Newcomb.10
- Married Name: 5 January 1876; Devlin8,9
- Census: 19 June 1880; Belinda St., Bay City, Bay Co., Michigan, U.S.A.; Age 40 at 1880 US Fed Census: see Joseph Devlin6
- Census: 2 June 1911; Ameliasburgh Twp., Prince Edward Co., Ontario; Age 70 at 1911 Census: see Joseph E. Devlin7
Family 1: Stephen B. Newcomb b. 1837, d. 16 Oct 1874
- Marriage*: 18 July 1857; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date July 18 1857 per Kemp GEDCOM sent to me via email by Cheryl Taber, March 14, 2006.; Principal=Stephen B. Newcomb2,4
- Mary Ann Newcomb2 b. 15 Mar 1858, d. 3 Feb 1864
- Thomas Newcomb3 b. c 1860, d. 8 May 1860
- Rosa Laura Newcomb3 b. c 1862, d. 8 Sep 1865
Family 2: Joseph Edward Devlin b. 26 Apr 1835, d. 23 Dec 1922
- Marriage*: 5 January 1876; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#007156: Groom: Joseph E. Devlin; Age: 40; Res.: Port Hope; Born: Brighton; Status: widower; Occ.: Hotel Keeper; Parents: Mark Devlin & Martha Wilson; Bride: Camilla Newcombe; Age: 25; Res.: Brighton Twp.; Born: Prince Edward Co.; Status: widow; Parents: James C. Kemp & Mary Kemp; Wit.: Joseph B. & Elizabeth Newcombe, both of Brighton Twp.; Date: Jan 5 1876; Place: Brighton Twp.; Rel.: Pres. & Episc. Meth.; Performed by: Rev. J. W. Simpson; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #007156-1876, ancestry.ca) Date Jan 5 1876 & location Brighton per family tree of henrykemp760 on ancestry.com, Apr 29 2016.; Principal=Joseph Edward Devlin8,9
- Blake Devlin8 b. 1877, d. a Jul 1880
- Catharine "Camilla" per Kemp GEDCOM sent to me via email by Cheryl Taber, March 14, 2006. Name appears to be Laura per memorial of son Thomas.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S15] Unknown author, Tombstone Inscription.
- [S33] Unknown author, "Email Message," e-mail to unknown recipient.
- [S11] Unknown author, 1851 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
- [S60] Unknown author, 1911 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #007156-1876.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
Mary Ann Newcomb1,2,3
F, #39704, b. 15 March 1858, d. 3 February 1864

- Father*: Stephen B. Newcomb2 b. 1837, d. 16 Oct 1874
- Mother*: Catharine "Camilla" Kemp2 b. 29 Aug 1841
- Birth*: 15 March 1858; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Mar 15 1858 per Memorial - age 5y 10m? 19d at death Feb 3? 1864. Date 1858 per 1861 Census.2,3
- Death*: 3 February 1864; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date Feb 3 1864 per Memorial.3
- Burial*: 5 February 1864; Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., Salem, Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In Memory of; Mary Ann; Who Died; Feb 3? 1864; Aged 5 Y'rs.; 10? Mo's & 19 D's; Rosa Laura?; Who Died; Sept 8, 1866?; Aged 3 Y'rs.; ..? ; Children of; (unclear) Newcomb (Salem Cemetery, Cramahe Twp., July 4, 2009)3
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 3 at 1861 Census: see Stephen Newcomb2
Simon Lawrence Whitney1
M, #39705, b. 28 July 1832, d. 19 February 1894
- Father*: Samuel Whitney1 b. 1808, d. c 1855
- Mother*: Mary Cole1 b. 9 Aug 1810, d. 15 Feb 1868
- Birth*: 28 July 1832; Sophiasburg Twp., Prince Edward Co., Upper Canada; Date 1833 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1831 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1832 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date Jul 28 1832 & location Sophiasburg per IGI Record.1,2,3,4
- Marriage*: 24 February 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Age: 21; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Bride: Amanda Phillips; Age: 18; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Wit.: John H. Phillips, Cramahe & C.J. Phillips, Cramahe; Date: Feb 24 1852; Page: 31 of 32 (Marriage Registers of Joshua Webster, page 23, Seventh Town Historical Society)
Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Bride: Minerva Phillips; Date: Feb 24 1852; Wit.: John H. Phillips & ?Glasgon? Phillips (List of marriages solemnized by me during the year ending Feb 1 1853, Joshua Webster, Minister of the Methodist E. Church - Ontario Marriage Registers, Newcastle Dist. 1850-1954, Vol. 18, pg. 10 of 16, ancestry.ca) Date Feb 26 1852 & location Ontario per IGI Record.; Principal=Minvera Phillips1,5 - Death*: 19 February 1894; Ontario; Date Feb 19 1894 & location Ont. perfamily tree of Lisa Ouellette on ancestry.com, Nov 22 2012.6
- Residence: 1 January 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Brighton Township was created January 1, 1852, out of lots 1 to 10 of Cramahe Twp., and 23 to 35 of Murray Twp., plus Presqu'ile Point. (Dan Buchanan, March 1 2022)
- Residence: 24 February 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Residence Cramahe Twp. per marriage register. Info in register looks wrong. Shows Amanda Phillips and says Cramahe for all locations. This is a few weeks after Brighton Twp. created Jan 1 1852. These folks were in Brighton Twp. (Dan Buchanan, Mar 1 2022)5
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 29 at 1861 Census: Whitney, Simon, 29, b. UC, Christian, farmer, married; Minerva, 26, b. UC, Chr., married; Samuel, 7; Nancy, 5; Geo., 3; Phillips, Mahala, 13, b. UC, Chr., ; Whitney, Albert, 17, b. UC, Chr., lab., single (1861 Census: Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., pg. 393 of 899, line 4 - ancestry.ca)(Note: John Dusenbury is just below, Mary Whitney farther down.)3
- Residence*: April 1871; Conc 6 Lot 35, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence per 1871 Census: Conc 6, Lot 35, Brighton Twp., 100 acres, tenant.2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 40 at 1871 Census: Whitney, Simon, 40, b. Ont., Eng., Bapt., farmer, married; Manerva, 36, b. Ont., Irish, EM, married; Samuel, 17, b. Ont., Eng., farmer, single; Nancy Jane, 14; George, 12; William, 9; Hmer, 2 (1871 Census: Brighton Twp., Div. 3, pg. 8, C-9885 - Conc 6, Lot 35, 100 acres, tenant)2
- Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 48 at 1881 Census: Whitney, Simon, 48, b. Ont., Eng., CM, farmer, married; Manerva, 46, b. Ont., irish, CM, married; William H., 19, b. Ont., Eng., CM, farmer, single; Homer B., 12; Osker, 5 (familysearch.org)4
Family: Minvera Phillips b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Marriage*: 24 February 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Age: 21; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Bride: Amanda Phillips; Age: 18; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Wit.: John H. Phillips, Cramahe & C.J. Phillips, Cramahe; Date: Feb 24 1852; Page: 31 of 32 (Marriage Registers of Joshua Webster, page 23, Seventh Town Historical Society)
Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Bride: Minerva Phillips; Date: Feb 24 1852; Wit.: John H. Phillips & ?Glasgon? Phillips (List of marriages solemnized by me during the year ending Feb 1 1853, Joshua Webster, Minister of the Methodist E. Church - Ontario Marriage Registers, Newcastle Dist. 1850-1954, Vol. 18, pg. 10 of 16, ancestry.ca) Date Feb 26 1852 & location Ontario per IGI Record.; Principal=Minvera Phillips1,5
- Samuel Whitney+3 b. 26 Apr 1854, d. 1881
- Nancy Jane Whitney+3 b. 1856
- George Whitney3 b. 1858
- William Harrison Whitney+4 b. 1862
- Homer B. Whitney4 b. 1869
- Oscar Whitney4 b. 1876, d. 10 Dec 1885
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
Minvera Phillips1
F, #39706, b. 12 August 1834, d. 1894
- Father*: Abraham Phillips b. 16 Feb 1801, d. 3 Feb 1888
- Mother*: Nancy Barnes b. 11 Jan 1800, d. b 1840
- Birth*: 12 August 1834; Upper Canada; Date 1835 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1835 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1835 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date Aug 12 1834 per IGI Record. Date Aug 12 1834 & location Brighton and Minerva Phillips is a daughter of Abraham Phillips and Nancy Barnes per family tree of Deborah_Guidolin on ancestry.ca, Mar 1 2022 - and fits there!! Not Brighton but maybe Murray???1,2,3,4,5,6
- Marriage*: 24 February 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Age: 21; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Bride: Amanda Phillips; Age: 18; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Wit.: John H. Phillips, Cramahe & C.J. Phillips, Cramahe; Date: Feb 24 1852; Page: 31 of 32 (Marriage Registers of Joshua Webster, page 23, Seventh Town Historical Society)
Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Bride: Minerva Phillips; Date: Feb 24 1852; Wit.: John H. Phillips & ?Glasgon? Phillips (List of marriages solemnized by me during the year ending Feb 1 1853, Joshua Webster, Minister of the Methodist E. Church - Ontario Marriage Registers, Newcastle Dist. 1850-1954, Vol. 18, pg. 10 of 16, ancestry.ca) Date Feb 26 1852 & location Ontario per IGI Record.; Principal=Simon Lawrence Whitney1,7 - Death*: 1894; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1894 & location Brighton per family tree of Deborah_Guidolin on ancestry.ca, Mar 1 2022.5
- Married Name: 26 February 1852; Whitney1
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 26 at 1861 Census: see Simon Whitney3
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 36 at 1871 Census: see Simon Whitney2
- Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 46 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney4
Family: Simon Lawrence Whitney b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Marriage*: 24 February 1852; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Age: 21; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Bride: Amanda Phillips; Age: 18; Res.: Cramahe; Parents: - ; Wit.: John H. Phillips, Cramahe & C.J. Phillips, Cramahe; Date: Feb 24 1852; Page: 31 of 32 (Marriage Registers of Joshua Webster, page 23, Seventh Town Historical Society)
Marriage Register: Groom: Simon Whitney; Bride: Minerva Phillips; Date: Feb 24 1852; Wit.: John H. Phillips & ?Glasgon? Phillips (List of marriages solemnized by me during the year ending Feb 1 1853, Joshua Webster, Minister of the Methodist E. Church - Ontario Marriage Registers, Newcastle Dist. 1850-1954, Vol. 18, pg. 10 of 16, ancestry.ca) Date Feb 26 1852 & location Ontario per IGI Record.; Principal=Simon Lawrence Whitney1,7
- Samuel Whitney+3 b. 26 Apr 1854, d. 1881
- Nancy Jane Whitney+3 b. 1856
- George Whitney3 b. 1858
- William Harrison Whitney+4 b. 1862
- Homer B. Whitney4 b. 1869
- Oscar Whitney4 b. 1876, d. 10 Dec 1885
- [S19] IGI Record, online unknown url.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S82] Tree on Ancestry.com, online unknown url.
- [S196] Unknown author, Newcastle Census.
- [S28] Unknown short register title: entry for unknown spouses' names unknown repository, unknown repository address.
Samuel Whitney1
M, #39707, b. 26 April 1854, d. 1881
- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney1 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips1 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Birth*: 26 April 1854; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1854 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1854 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date Apr 26 1854 & location Prince Edward Co. per family tree of ?"Roberton Cameron maguire Family Jan 2012", Feb 7 2012.1,2,3
- Marriage*: 2 November 1872; Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Nov 2 1872 & location Northumberland per family tree of ?"Roberton Cameron maguire Family Jan 2012", Feb 7 2012.; Principal=Emma Montgomery3
- Death*: 1881; Date 1881 per family tree of ?"Roberton Cameron maguire Family Jan 2012", Feb 7 2012.3
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 7 at 1861 Census: see Simon Whitney1
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 17 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney2
Family: Emma Montgomery b. Jul 1852, d. 7 Nov 1927
- George Whitney3 b. 1874
- Clinton Whitney3 b. c 1879, d. 15 Nov 1934
Nancy Jane Whitney1,2,3,4,5,6
F, #39708, b. 1856
- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney2 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips2 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Birth*: 1856; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1857 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1856 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1856 & location UC per 1861 Census. Date 1856 & location Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n.2,3,4,5,6
- Marriage*: 26 November 1873; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009887: Groom: George W. Shott; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: yeoman; Parents: James & Mary Shott; Bride: Jane Whitney; Age: 17; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents: Simon & Nancy Whitney; Wit.: Leslie A. Shortt & Hanna Vanwicklin, Brighton; Date: Nov 26 1873; Place: Brighton; Rel.: EM; Performed by: W. A. Sills; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker, Brighton Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009887-1873, ancestry.ca); Principal=George W. Shortt7
- Census*: April 1861; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Age 5 at 1861 Census: see Simon Whitney2
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 15 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney3
- Residence*: 26 November 1873; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n.4
- Married Name: 26 November 1873; Shortt7
- Census: April 1881; Brighton Twp., East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 24 at 1881 Census: see George Shortt5
- Census: April 1891; Brighton Twp., East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 34 at 1891 Census: see George Shortt6
Family: George W. Shortt b. 1851
- Marriage*: 26 November 1873; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#009887: Groom: George W. Shott; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: bachelor; Occ.: yeoman; Parents: James & Mary Shott; Bride: Jane Whitney; Age: 17; Res. & Born: Brighton; Status: spinster; Parents: Simon & Nancy Whitney; Wit.: Leslie A. Shortt & Hanna Vanwicklin, Brighton; Date: Nov 26 1873; Place: Brighton; Rel.: EM; Performed by: W. A. Sills; Reg'r.: A. A. Becker, Brighton Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #009887-1873, ancestry.ca); Principal=George W. Shortt7
- Effie Shortt5 b. 1875
- Sherley E. Shortt5 b. 1877
- Jane Short per 1881 Census. Jane Shortte per 1891 Census. Nancy Jane per 1871 Census. Jane Whitney per marriage reg'n.
- [S10] Unknown author, 1861 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #009887-1873.
George Whitney1
M, #39709, b. 1858
- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney1 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips1 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
William Harrison Whitney1,2,3,4
M, #39710, b. 1862
- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney2 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips2 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Birth*: 1862; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Date 1863 & location Cda. Eng. per 1920 US Fed Census. Date 1862 & location Cda. Eng. per 1910 US Fed Census. Date 1862 & location Ont. per 1891 Census. Date 1862 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1862 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1862 & location Brighton Twp. per marriage reg'n. - Martha Billings.2,5,3,4,6
- Marriage*: 2 November 1883; Percy Twp., Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008358: Groom: W. Harrison Whitney; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status; bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Simon & Minerva Whitney; Martha Billing; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Roe? & ?Mahella? Billings; Wit.: Mis ?Vrooman, Warkworth; Date: Nov 2 1883; Place: Warkworth; Rel.: Meth. Ep.; Performed by: Rev. Wm. Buchanan; Reg'r.: R. P. Hurlbut, Percy Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008358-1883, ancestry.ca) per Birth Reg'n. of Simon Eldon Whitney.; Principal=Martha A. Billing7
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 9 at 1871 Census: see Simon Whitney5
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 19 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney2
- Residence*: 2 November 1883; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton Twp. per marr. reg'n. - Martha Billings.4
- Census: 28 April 1891; Brighton Twp., East Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 29 at 1891 Census: Whitney, William, 29, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth.?, farmer, married; Martha, 28, b. Ont., p.b. Ont., Meth., married; Symon, 6; ?Loomis?(m), 4; Ethel, 1 (1891 Census: Brighton Twp., East Northumberland Co., dist. 98, sub-dist. a-5, pg. 21, line 11 - ancestry.ca)3
- Immigration*: 1893; New York, U.S.A.; Immigration 1893 per 1920 US Fed Census.6
- Immigration: 1896; New York, U.S.A.; Immigration 1896 per 1920 US Fed Census.6
- Census: 4 May 1910; Ogden Twp., Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 48 at 1910 US Fed Census: Whitney, Wiliam H., 48, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., age 25 1st marriage, immig. 1896, AL, Eng., teamster - own account, married; Martha A., 44, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., age 25 1st marriage, immig. 1896, AL, married; Adelbert, 16, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., immig. 1896, AL, Eng., son; Walace, 11, b. New York, p.b. Cda. Eng., son; William, 7, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., son (1910 US Fed Census: Ogden Twp., Monroe Co., New York, pg. 15 of 21, line 39 - Vroom Road - ancestry.ca)6
- Census: 1920; Murray St., Rochester, Monroe Co., New York, U.S.A.; Age 57 at 1920 US Fed Census: Whitney, William, 57, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., immig. 1893, AL, Machinist in machine shop, married; Martha, 54, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., immig. 1893, AL, married; Delbart, 26, b. Cda. Eng., p.b. Cda. Eng., immig, 1893, Pa, Machinist in machine ship, single; Wallace, 21, b. NY, p.b. Cda. Eng., machinist in machine shop, single; William, 17, b. NY, p.b. Cda. Eng., machinist in machine shop, single (1920 US Fed Census: Rochester, NY, Ward 15, pg. 8 of 24, Murray St., ancestry.ca)6
Family: Martha A. Billing b. 1863
- Marriage*: 2 November 1883; Percy Twp., Warkworth, Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008358: Groom: W. Harrison Whitney; Age: 21; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status; bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parents: Simon & Minerva Whitney; Martha Billing; Age: 19; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: spinster; Parents: Roe? & ?Mahella? Billings; Wit.: Mis ?Vrooman, Warkworth; Date: Nov 2 1883; Place: Warkworth; Rel.: Meth. Ep.; Performed by: Rev. Wm. Buchanan; Reg'r.: R. P. Hurlbut, Percy Twp. (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008358-1883, ancestry.ca) per Birth Reg'n. of Simon Eldon Whitney.; Principal=Martha A. Billing7
- Loomis Whitney3 b. 1887
- Simon Eldon Whitney8 b. 28 Jul 1888
- Ethel Whitney3 b. 1890
- Minvera A. Whitney9 b. 1892, d. 2 Sep 1893
- Adelbert Whitney6 b. 1894
- Wallace Whitney6 b. 1899
- William Whitney6 b. 1903
- William Whitney per 1891 Census. Wm. Harrison Whitney per marriage reg'n. - Martha Billings.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S6] Unknown author, 1891 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S21] US Census, online unknown url.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth), #008358-1883.
- [S4] Unknown author, Ontario Birth Registrations, Record Type: Microfilm, Name Of Person: Ontario Achives (birth).
- [S39] Unknown name of person unknown record type, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
Homer B. Whitney1,2,3
M, #39711, b. 1869
- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney2 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips2 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Birth*: 1869; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date 1869 & location Ont. per 1881 Census. Date 1869 & location Ont. per 1871 Census. Date 1870 & location Brighton Twp. per marr. reg'n.2,4,3
- Marriage*: 25 January 1893; Cramahe Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Marriage Reg'n.#008600: Groom: Homr B. Whitney; Age: 23; Res. & Born: Brighton Twp.; Status: bachelor; Occ.: farmer; Parets: Simon & Minerva Whitney; Bride: Eliza G. McKenny; Age: 21; Res.: Cramahe; Born: Murray; Status: spinster; Parents: Peter & Nancy McKenny; Wit.: Harrison Carr & Minnie McKenny, Cramahe; Date: Jan 25 1893; Place: Cramahe; Rel.: Meth.; Performed by: R. H. Deitch (Ontario Marriage Registration, #008600-1893, ancestry.ca); Principal=Eliza G. McKenney5
- Census: April 1871; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 2 at 1871 Census: see Simeon Whitney4
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 12 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney2
- Residence*: 25 January 1893; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Residence Brighton Twp. per marr. reg'n.3
Family: Eliza G. McKenney b. 1872
- Homer B. Whitney per marr. reg'n.
- [S16] Unknown author, 1881 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm.
- [S14] Unknown author, 1871 Canada Census, Record Type: microfilm.
- [S8] Unknown author, Ontario Archives, Record Type: Microfilm, #008600-1893.
Oscar Whitney1
M, #39712, b. 1876, d. 10 December 1885

- Father*: Simon Lawrence Whitney1 b. 28 Jul 1832, d. 19 Feb 1894
- Mother*: Minvera Phillips1 b. 12 Aug 1834, d. 1894
- Birth*: 1876; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date Oct 26 1876 per Memorial - age 9y 1m 14d at death Dec 10 1885 - age is clear but death date is not??? Date 1876 per 1881 Census.1,2
- Death*: 10 December 1885; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Date ?Dec 10 1885? (not clear) per Memorial.2
- Burial*: 12 December 1885; McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) Oscar; Son of; S. & M.; Whitney; Died; ?Dec ?10 1885?; Aged 9 Ys; 1 Mo. 14 Dys (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., June 21 2009)2
- Census*: April 1881; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Age 5 at 1881 Census: see Simon Whitney1
Richard Down1
M, #39713, b. circa 1780, d. 1847

- Birth*: circa 1780; England; Date of birth and death unknown per Memorial. per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.1,2
- Marriage*: before 1810; England; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.; Principal=Mary Elizabeth Hewitt1
- Death*: 1847; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; "In 1844 he married Fidila Maybee of Murray Township. Her parents gave the young couple 20 acres in Lot 26, Concession 4, Murray Township. .... His father died in 1847." from "The Down family of Lot 26, Conc. 4, Brighton Township", prvided to me by Richard Obbotson, Oct 2017.
Note: Fred Down told me that Mary died just after coming from England and Richard died a few years later - they do not know the dates. (Meeting with Fred Down, Aug 25 2006)2,3 - Burial*: 1847; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Canada West; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In Memory of; Richard and Mary Down; Our First Grandparents; Who Came From England; in 1832. They Rest; In Unmarked Graves (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Aug 25 2006)
Note: David Down says they may be been buried in a family burial ground on the original homestead but it has not been preserved. Richard and Mary have been remembered on the back of the Memorial of Wes Down, David's father.2
- Immigration*: 1832; Ontario; Immigration 1832 per Memorial.2
Family: Mary Elizabeth Hewitt b. c 1780, d. 1833
- Richard H. Down+1 b. 7 Jun 1814, d. 27 Sep 1892
Mary Elizabeth Hewitt1,2,3
F, #39714, b. circa 1780, d. 1833

- Birth*: circa 1780; England; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.2
- Marriage*: before 1810; England; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.; Principal=Richard Down2
- Death*: 1833; Murray Twp., Northumberland Co., Upper Canada; "After crossing the ocean and travelling by boat up to Trenton and thence up the Trent River to approximately German’s Landing, the family settled in the 9th Concession of Murray Township. During the first year this family was besieged by sickness and Richard’s mother died leaving him and his father alone. Because of the swampy nature of the land they decided to move to higher ground." from The Down family of Lot 26, Conc. 4, Brighton Township, provided to me by Richard Obbotson, Oct 2017.3
- Burial*: 1833; Brighton Twp., Northumberland Co., Ontario; Memorial: (See Exhibit) In Memory of; Richard and Mary Down; Our First Grandparents; Who Came From England; in 1832. They Rest; In Unmarked Graves (McPhail's Cemetery, Brighton Twp., Aug 25 2006)
Note: David Down says they may be been buried in a family burial ground on the original homestead but it has not been preserved. Richard and Mary have been remembered on the back of the Memorial of Wes Down, David's father.3
- Married Name: before 1810; Down2
Family: Richard Down b. c 1780, d. 1847
- Richard H. Down+2 b. 7 Jun 1814, d. 27 Sep 1892
Frederick Massey1
M, #39715, b. circa 1880
- Father*: Charles Massey1 b. c 1855
- Mother*: Hannah Nelson1 b. c 1855
- Birth*: circa 1880; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.1
- Marriage*: after 1900; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.; Principal=Emma Elizabeth Down1
Family: Emma Elizabeth Down b. 30 Sep 1880
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.
Charles Massey1
M, #39716, b. circa 1855
- Birth*: circa 1855; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.1
- Marriage*: before 1875; per GEDCOM of C. Penasack, Jan 17, 2005.; Principal=Hannah Nelson
Family: Hannah Nelson b. c 1855
- Frederick Massey1 b. c 1880
- [S22] Rootsweb, online unknown url.